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Make Your Own Doom Cheat Code


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I'll start with the following one:

IDGAF- gives you berserk but instead of a fist you attack by flipping the bird. Instantly kills and gibs any enemy. Oh, and it also makes you invulnerable.

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I’d make a cheat that immediately applies a different random action to every sector in the map and continues to do so every 5 seconds until the player dies or escapes the level somehow. And also every 5 seconds a random thing in the map turns into an archvile

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IDENDIT: ends the map naturally by pulling up the tally screen. I can't stress how often I'd use this over IDCLEV to get to the next map.


Edit: another one I just thought of that'd be infinitely useful: IDSTRIP. It resets the play down to 50 bullets, 100 health, etc (basically like they started a new game). DSDA is the only source port I know of that has an actual pistol-start feature and I remember seeing on guy mocked for asking if there was a mod for automatic pistol-starts because "what? are you too lazy to type IDCLEV?" The problem with that is if I pistol-start a megawad, it won't tell me the running tally of how long I've played each map because warping just acts like it's a new game.

Edited by spineapple tea

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  • [countah]: player is given infinite health and ammo, and reverses the counters for health and ammo. very useful for mappers to gauge usage of ammo and health in a map section for balancing.
  • [doorstayopen]: make doors always stay open.
  • [fastmo x.y]: speeds up everything by (x.y) times including doors, platforms etc, except the player.
  • [onehitdie]: player could be killed with just one hit from monsters.
  • [onehitkill]: kill monsters with one hit.
  • [safepits]: no insta-kill deathpits.
  • [slowmo x.y]: slows everything down by (x.y) times including doors, platforms etc, except the player.

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IDUUDDLRLRBA - 29 Doomguys show up right around you, moving as you move and shooting as you shoot. Only down side is that because there are now 30 of you standing around in a small group, you can't see in front of you very well.

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3 hours ago, DSC said:

I'll start with the following one:

IDGAF- gives you berserk but instead of a fist you attack by flipping the bird. Instantly kills and gibs any enemy. Oh, and it also makes you invulnerable.


For a cheat called IDGAF, that's a lot of fucks given.




IDANSELMO - Gets you high on heroine and turns all the SS in the vicinity into allies.

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IDBOUNCY - Makes all projectiles bounce of walls.


IDBOOM - Makes player immune to splash damage and all enemies do one ore more barrel explosion on death


IDKIDSTUFF - Replaces blood with sparkles and makes things bleed rainbow to make things kid-friendly. Also replaces gorey textures and things with kid friendly replacements.


ID[Insert Celebrity/Character Here] - Changes Doomguy to a pixelized version of [elebrity/characater]. Purely cosmetic.

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  • fast monsters
  • all ammo pickups doubled
  • player takes double damage
  • player deals double damage
  • archviles can resurrect other archviles and bosses
  • enemies can telefrag player
  • powerups last 1/2 duration
  • enemy pain chance halved across the board
  • medikits +50 health, stimpacks +25 health, any surplus health after 100 added to armour
  • armour cap 666, but capacity of green/blue armour unchanged
  • hitscan users no longer have infighting exception and will not fight among themselves
  • NOT actually associated with any mods containing 'brutal' in the name, this is a common word that means a thing, k?
Edited by Jayextee

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IDBITCH - Spawns a Romero head that cannot be killed, shoots idclipping rockets.

IDYEET - Flings any Thing in the direction you're looking like an Arch-Vile.

IDASS - Gives every non-dead enemy a huge, juicy, meaty ass to eat, including Cybers and other players.

IDTEAM - Turns demon spawn cubes into the id Software logo.

IQQDQ - Kills you.

ID9000 - Gives you the Big Flower Gun 9000 (Or any other weapon in slot 7)

IDBEHOLDME (Not the member I swear!) - Spawns a ghostly looking Marine as your companion with the same health and inventory you currently have, can only be typed in once in a map.

AAAAAAAAAA - Spawns a murder of Revenants (good luck btw) and turns your rockets into homing missiles for the rest of the map.

FUCKTHAT - Grants you godmode, all keys, full ammo, Berserk and takes away your chainsaw.

FUCKTHIS - Exits you out of the game.


FUCKWHALES - Removes Swim With The Whales from your wad folder ;)

FUCKWALES - Removes any wad made by any Welsh mapper from your wad folder.


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2 minutes ago, Roofi said:

IDROCKET - All enemies's projectiles are replaced with rockets.

Oh, fuck, I love this one.

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IDWASTED - Inverted control scheme.

IDWEED - Slows the game down to 50 percent.

IDCRACK - Temporal invulnerability for 5 seconds.

IDHENTAI - Raises the ingame sound pitch for 7 units.

IDFUHRER - Changes every game texture to "ZZWOLF7".

IDKILLME - Changes every game texture to "FIREBLU" and bgm to D_RUNNIN. And you can't quit the game manually.

E : I actually also came up with one that is kinda black humour but idk is it fine within the forum rules.

Edited by Sonikkumania

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14 minutes ago, thiccyosh said:

AAAAAAAAAA - Spawns a murder of Revenants (good luck btw) and turns your rockets into homing missiles for the rest of the map.

So don't strafe left too often or you're fucked. Awesome.

15 minutes ago, thiccyosh said:

IDYEET - Flings any Thing in the direction you're looking like an Arch-Vile.

I'd prefer if typing it would instead make your punch do that anytime you swing afterwards since it'd be annoying to keep typing it over and over again. I'd imagine co-op would be way more fun with this.

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IDJUMP - Whenever you press the use key and don't interact with anything (i.e. no walls around you) you jump instead and it plays the Revenant arm-swing noise when jumping.

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IDBUN - heretic had playable chickens, rott had doges... I think doom is missing out on a quintessential part of retro shooters 🥰🐇

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47 minutes ago, spineapple tea said:

So don't strafe left too often or you're fucked. Awesome.


Yeah, maybe I didn't think this one through... Although, that sounds like something the Casali's would've done in Plutonia if they had the chance!

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IDMASHUP: Randomly selects two maps from the currently-loaded WAD, chops them into 2 - 6 pieces each, and mashes them together into one big level. Playability not guaranteed.

IDVILER: Arch-Viles can now resurrect ALL monsters, including other Arch-Viles.


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Sure these probably wont be possible in vanilla but ehh.


IDPLASMA - Take a wild guess what this does ;)

IDMATRIX - Halves the game's speed, making things go super slow

IDSUGARRUSH - EVERYTHING is sped up by 50-100%

IDFLY - You gain the ability to fly! :D (type again to disable)

IDTALLY - Shows on either the Automap or your HUD the amount of enemies you killed versus total to kill, all items collected so far and secrets found so far (and maybe total playtime).

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