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Make Your Own Doom Cheat Code


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2 hours ago, inkoalawetrust said:

I imagine this would replace all monsters with crewmates wandering around, and you can only win by killing all impostors, but if you kill 1-3 innocent crewmates you get ejected and lose. You have to find the impostors by either random chance or actually observing them killing someone (Who could also be you), and they will generally avoid doing it with you in sight. Getting ejected triggers an actual cutscene or scripted sequence of the player being thrown into space with the message "(Player name) was an impostor", oh, and it also changes the music to a midi of the Among Us theme.

someone who knows how to make games make this pls 

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IDKFC - Colonel Sanders Mode

IDFUCKNOCLIP - the void outside the levels become flooded with thousands of arch-viles to deter cheating - may not be recommended on map 18 or any map with missing textures where they can get into the level

IDGETTOTHECHOPPA - all on-screen messages change to cringe Arnie quotes


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IDHOWDIDO - Tracks statistics on the current game and outputs them to a text document, including total kills, items collected, secrets discovered, deaths etc.

IDBIGJOHN - Randomly picks a monster on the current level to become Big Johnified. Their alert, attack, pain and death sounds are changed to intentionally bad and exaggerated Arnold lines from the 1987 film Predator. The monster in question will also appear to be scaled 1.2 bigger than the base version, has triple the amount of hit points and uses a_fastchase in its movement to occasionally sidestep your attacks while attacking at the same speed as it would if the -fast command was used.

Edited by Lila Feuer

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IDOODABADEE blue vision

IDONKEY opens a secret file sharing service between all those who use it


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IDTWID - Replaces the current song with a midi of the song it was influenced by.

So, Kitchen Ace would be replaced with a Midi of Rise for example. If the Song doesn't have an Influence (like E1M1) it doesn't do anything.

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20 hours ago, Guff dotD said:


Where/how do you find these old-forum-style gifs?


They're from partyflock.nl, a Dutch party/nightclubbing and music related website (and forum) from the 2000's that I used to frequent.

Edited by OniriA

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I wouldn't add any more cheat codes, per se.  I would just make it so if you misinput anything after ID-... you just die instead, because I think that'd be funny.

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(Idk if someone made this joke before in the thread so I’m gonna say it anyway)

IDMUDA= freezes all enemies + projectiles but the player can move around in frozen time. Basically what the freeze command does in Woof :P


IDWTF= all pickup items are randomized, meaning no matter what was put there, you can pick up a weapon, armor, ammo, or health. Monsters change about every 30 seconds to another one, too.


IDBOUNCE: all projectiles bounce off the walls/ceiling/floor until they hit something.

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On 10/25/2023 at 4:34 PM, Jayextee said:

Oh, fuck, I love this one.


Actually all the credits go to Goldeneye 64 :)

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22 hours ago, Maximum Matt said:

IDKFC - Colonel Sanders Mode

IDFUCKNOCLIP - the void outside the levels become flooded with thousands of arch-viles to deter cheating - may not be recommended on map 18 or any map with missing textures where they can get into the level

IDGETTOTHECHOPPA - all on-screen messages change to cringe Arnie quotes


the 2nd one wouldnt work in ultimate doom, so for ultimate doom it would be spider masterminds and cyberdemons i guees

Edited by Mr795

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7 hours ago, Frenkel said:

Power Unlimited is a Dutch gaming magazine. In June 1996 it published some wacky cheats for Doom involving a tyrannosaurus rex, Cookie Monster, Big Bird and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

need translation

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IDNMF kills all enemies in map

IDDU and IDDD makes the game more or less dificult, spawning the enemies of each difficulty

IDW(1-7) gives you the weapon for each slot (3 gives you the shotgun, again to get the ssg)

IDDEV turn on a fps counter, entities loaded, entities visible, linedefs visible and sectors visible

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IDNMH: gives you a lightsaber (iykyk)

IDKYK: Id Knows, You Know? - sends current level data (enemies, secrets, your player status, etc) to an Id server, wherein they will send you a message with a hint for your specific situation ("you're close to a secret", "medkit to the right", "enemies up ahead", etc.)

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