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The DWmegawad Club plays: I C H I N I C H I

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MAP07 thoughts, comments and spoilers below:



Didn’t want the traditional ‘Dead Simple’ setup here, so decided to utilise those special tags in another way and thus are not the dominating theme here. 

Major changes took place throughout the maps life, both before and during the beta testing stages. The biggest change was opening up the central outdoors area to become part of the progression (it was actually originally a secret that you accessed from behind the Arachnotron), adding a door and stairs into the said outside area and then moving the YK into the outdoor space, behind the Spider Mastermind. 

These changes dramatically improved the flow of the map for sure and created a more non-linear experience. 

The Archvile area also went through changes, including improving the aesthetics of the Archy ‘cage’ and also removing a third Vile as three were just not fun to tackle.  


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MAP07: Bay 7

UV | Pistol start | No saves

K: 101% | I: 91% | S: 50%

There being 2 teleporters at the start kind of confused me since I thought they would lead to the same place, but they ended up teleporting me both to the plasma gun. That aside, the start gives you a plasma gun as well as 2 cell packs and a backpack for all that ammo; even if you don't use up all of your cells, a little bit after the start the map gives you a super shotgun and 2 boxes of shells early on as well. I feel like anyone should get a pretty decent confidence boost with the extra firepower. I wouldn't let your guard down though, as two archviles looking in from the outside will teleport in when you grab the blue skull, and they ended my first run due to lack of awareness. Paying attention and unloading your plasma gun into them should get you through the encounter though. For getting the yellow skull, the most notable encounter is a spider mastermind alongside a handful of hell knights and revenants; I used the plasma gun while dodging the crossfire and used the rocket launcher and stockpile of rockets the map gives you to finish the stragglers. The archvile and spider mastermind encounters were definitely the most notable ones in this map.

Also, when you take the elevator up to Bay 7 from the start of the map, you see an arachnotron and mancubus kinda just standing still; I presume they're being confined there until you free them up with the skull keys and kill them though. Overall I wanna say it's a pretty comfy map; it might be a weird word to use, but the music and aesthetics of the map on top of the relatively low-stakes combat gave me that sort of feeling.

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MAP 07: Bay 7 (UV Pistol Start)


In the name: It does vaguely look like a storage area of some kind on an island... On a lava lake. And it's on map 07. I wonder where the other 6 Bays went though.


It's not very difficult, but it is definitely fun. I like that you start with the plasma, as I feel it's a somewhat underrated gun in terms of fun factor. I started with the blue key, which whilst a bit tense with the Arch-Viles, you're given ample cover and the large amount of low tiers means that it's unlikely you'll get double-teamed. The courtyard area and the path to the RL + yellow key button plays fairly unremarkably, but I will give a shout-out to this WAD's use of lost souls in generic combat being quite good for their somewhat difficult to use nature.


The yellow key fight felt like quite a good use of the Spider Mastermind, one of my favourite monsters simply for its cool design, rarity, and underdog status. You can quickly take advantage of it infighting with the Hell Knights in order to deal with any Revenants not infighting it, but then the Spider Mastermind itself is actually slightly scary to deal with. This is thanks to the wide open space and the fact that each piece of cover either gets voided when the SM gets close to you, or is very awkward to hit the SM from.


It's fairly interesting that The Dead Simples act more as switches here, presumably trapped in their holographic prisons that require the blue and yellow skull keys. Also, even for continuous players I guess, I found it a bit of an oddity that there's shotgun shells, a clip (if I recall correctly), and a small Medipack at the exit area. Overall, seeing cool SM usage definitely lifted it from "Alright" to "Good stuff!" for me.


Personal Rating On First Playthrough: 7.5/10

Edited by Antiquated

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MAP07: Bay 7


That's a very classic-looking techbase. I don't mind this, especially since the map itself plays well. Bay 7 hands you a plasma rifle early on and loads you with cells, making you well-prepared for all its challenges. There are two of them, marked by yellow and blue keys. The former is a large courtyard with a mastermind and some monsters to have her distracted, the latter tasks you with clearing out a warehouse, only to reveal a pair of archviles once you pick up the key. I prefer the blue key room, it's more chaotic, with constantly having to check the viles' lines of sight, made more challenging by irregular design of the crates that litter the room. As for the spiderdemon, she got herself stucked again...


With both the keys, you have to release an arachnotron and a mancubus that stand next to the starting room, blocked behind invisible walls - killing them both opens an exit. I know this is MAP07, but I don't think their inclusion adds anything to an otherwise strong map.

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UV pistol starting


Catch up lightning round:


MAP03: Foundations

 There's really only 2 things that stand out here, the lift walls and blue key trap. Lift walls seem odd at first but if this is how we get fewer doors then I'm all for it! The BK trap is hysterical, plain and simple. Getting to laugh in the face of chaingunners is a scarce event indeed so I'm going to revel in the 30 seconds the invuln provides. 


MAP04: The Archives

Libraries always make me think of Book Lords, a map I adore. Add in some good interior lighting and you have a nice, cozy map. We can get some fresh air here too, and Whoosh is kind enough to keep the alley thin so we can funnel any ne'er-do-wells directly into the path of our rockets.


MAP05: Metallic

I don't stand a chance here. Corrupted techbase is my favorite DooM aesthetic and this level gets it oh so right. I especially love angular Hell geo like you see after snagging the RK. The corrupted floors are a more amusing bit of the map, as it looks like the demons literally rolled out some red carpet for you. This was the first map that actually had me retreat. Doing so tossed me out of the fire and into the frying pan as I escaped the RK trap only to be met by our favorite flying Italians. No death but it was my first close call. This is easily my favorite map so far.


MAP06: The Host

MAP05, now with flipped proportions! My love for ROCKRED does most of the heavy lifting here because this map is very empty and very inconsequential. I wasted a few minutes trying to get things to infight for the heck of it but this is really just an SSG maintenance work out. I do appreciate the fake wall hint. Fake walls are maybe my least favorite type of secret so an easy visual cue keeps my frustration levels low. A fun map, just not much to it.


MAP07: Bay 7 

Oooo, Archviles! They're not long for this world thanks to a well stocked plasma rifle but it's still nice of them to say hello. The rest of the map consisted of my eyes widening ever so slightly at the Spiderdemon, trying to get her to infight the HKs, watching her instantly get stuck on some Revenants, and then get slapped to death over the next ~30 seconds. The Arachubus idea here is novel but I'm not sure if there's much meat on its bones.

Edited by Zirtonic

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MAP08 Bliss - K: 100% / S: 100% (UV, continuous)


A map very much in the same vein as the previous (teleport start to an installation with a path around it), but if there was a choice between the two, i'd vote for this one (personally, i just don't like the Mastermind fight in that one too much, which is a bit clunky - not enough to bring the map down, but it is one of those fights where i'd go 'wenn's sein müss' if i wanted to express it in German :P )  This map, however has no such problems, and has great gameplay all throughout the roundtrip.  On first go i got zapped and killed by the Arch-Vile guarding the RK, which was silly because there's cover to run for in the hallway and then approach him through the door.


The progression is a well-signalled switch-hunt (that aspect here reminds me of pcorf's style of creating them, which i like a lot - but i also don't mind more obscure ones), so long as you pay attention to your surroundings while everything is going on everything will work out fine and you don't need to run around wondering what you missed as i did, ha-ha!  There's two gated areas opened by RK and YK switches on both sides of the starting aisle, that end up in raising the stairs to the exit pad, and both of them has a miniature arena encounter.  Secrets are two, an easy Soulsphere (well, requires a bit of accurate running but it's not timed super-strict), and just slightly more esoteric one, containing Mega Armour and Blursphere, with some rockets.


The layout is also particularly clever, so it's in all aspects a fantastic map - rating these things is not useful, but poetically i'd say it's definitely a Top-5 map in the set.

Edited by espilka

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Map 6: The Host

This was kind of an odd one to me. Design-wise, it looks nice. However, the imposing size and wide open spaces everywhere contrasted with the low monster count makes it feel shockingly underpopulated. The cyberdemon doesn't pose much of a threat, and can pretty much be safely ignored through the entirety of the map. This might have been the easiest map so far.


Map 7: Bay 7

A strange intermission text leads into a strange map. Playing through this one feels slow and methodical, but I like it. The visuals are good as usual, and the music gives it a slightly off-kilter tone. This map was also very easy, and showers you with more ammunition than you will ever need, even from pistol start.

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MAP06 - The Host

Another short and sweet level. Very open, and you have to search quite a bit to find the way forward. The Cyberdemon makes his appearence, though I didn't kill him, nor did I expect him to show up at the very start. Lovely aesthetic of a base taken over by... whatever it is, the red giving a striking contrast to the grey. Very nice level overall.

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MAP08: Bliss

[Disclaimer: this write-up was typed on 3rd or 4th of November. Before posting this, I had to check the map again, because I had no image of the map in my mind, proving my point about being forgettable.]


There is nothing wrong with Bliss, but at the same time, it offers little to stick in your memory. I hate maps like this, because I usually have little to say about them. It doesn't mean I wasn't having fun, just that it's a rather short and easy map (a hefty supply of rockets helps a lot) with trash to eliminate along the perimeter, one big fight by the red key, some minor ambushes and the map is over. 


I probably spent more time trying to come up with anything to write, rather than play the map...

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MAP08: Bliss

UV | Pistol start | No saves

K: 101% | I: 100% | S: 100% (yippee)

I ended up wandering around for a bit after finding the red key because I wasn't sure where I was supposed to go/use it until I checked the automap relatively closely to see a little alcove with a switch locked behind red key bars; other than that, progress was somewhat straightforward albeit a tiny bit tedious since I was walking back and forth because I forgot where unlocked areas could be. While I was tight on ammo early on (mainly the spectres at the start eating up shells), things became pretty easy later on; the super shotgun and chaingun help out within the main building, and the rocket launcher was particularly useful in the outside areas (unlocked by pressing switches behind colored key doors) and against the one archvile. I could've probably used the secret invisiblity sphere in some places like the room behind the yellow key door with 3 chaingunners or something but I ended up wasting it.

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Map 08: Bliss (UV Pistol Start)


In the name: I don't see it. Perhaps it's the bliss most people get from seeing a map themed after a certain set of Dens that happen to be The Inmost. 


This map felt somewhat boring to me. None of the encounters have any teeth to them, outside of the ammo starvation before you get the rocket launcher. Once you get the rocket launcher though, the fights end up being very simple and fairly easy, with the hardest one being the Arch Vile fight. Along with this, whilst this is just me as someone who didn't like The Inmost Dens much, but the aesthetics aren't really it for me even if they're well-executed. Nothing about this is bad, but there wasn't any noticeably enjoyable parts for me either. I don't have a lot else to say.


Personal rating based on first playthrough: 5.75/10

Edited by Antiquated

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Aight, time to catch up a bit but don't expect much for a couple of days after this.


MAP06: The Host (UV, PS, Saveless)

Hell map all of a sudden. I guess it reminds me of some Scythe maps visually, but it feels much more TNT (being more forgiving). The Cyberdemon is pretty much harmless given the acreage and the monster density is low. No real difficulty in these maps thus far.


MAP07: Bay 7 (UV, PS, Saveless)

A tasteful techbase with a large courtyard that disarms any opposition with the overly generous plasma ammo allowance. The double-Archvile trap spawns the Archies too far away (I'd spawn one next to the player, and one on the other side of the room) for them to be a real danger. The SMM fight is kinda fun, seeing her minions shred her to pieces (or not if the blockmap is favorable to her). The MAP07 gimmick is unfortunately not used well here, the monsters being used as keys, but you need a colored key to unlock them so .... whats the point? The SP_FACE texture being used was weird but I welcome it. Being watched indeed (also, that head on a pike seems a recurring theme).


MAP08: Bliss (UV, PS, Saveless)

Going from memory here a bit, but this was the first map that demanded a bit of attention, mostly in the opening stages due to the hitscanners in windows. The Rev and Manc/HK fights are easily beaten with a combination of infighting and RL/SSG (if I recall right that you get a SSG). Liked the texture usage, it's not a direct ripoff of MAP14 of D2 and it has its own identity.

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MAP08 thoughts, comments and spoilers below:



Visually I love this map, and creating it was a joy. This was one of the last maps to be created and replaced another that was moved into a later slot. Obviously uses similar textures and the same midi from ‘Inmost Dens’, but I didn’t want to create a copycat type map, layout wise. 

The map name originates from listening to a song called ‘Bliss’ by the British band ‘Muse’ - I listened to their back-catalogue regularly whilst creating these maps so wanted to name a map after a favourite song of theirs.  

I very much was into the visuals more than the gameplay which I suppose does show a little sadly, judging from your reviews. Still, personally I like the map and the general chilled vibe that radiates off it. 


Edited by TheMightyWhoosh

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MAP09 Pinnacle Olive - K: 100% / S: 100% (UV, continuous)


From fine dining (sic) to style & interior design - first there are marmite maps, and now there are pinnacle olive maps :D  At any rate, i really like the texturing in this map, very much underused style (and i'm not certain if this combination of the dirty olive green tiles and green marble is used in the OG.)  The seetting is a sort of swimming hall or a bath being taken over by corruption.  There are three set-piece encounters, for the two keys and in the final room.  For the RK there are Cacodemons and Lost Souls which are used nicely to create a havoc of the situation.  i nearly died, down to 7% health, in the BK ambush in the adjacent building, as Revenants, Hell Knights and Lost Souls teleport in, i was barely able to run away (though i still have tendency to just run without looking, kinda like a cat would, though they generally don't bump into things...) - but that's an improvement as on my blind HMP run i died there.  The final one takes place behind the BK door in a pool-room, and involving two Chaingunners, Revs and a Mancube - but with spamming plasma they were quickly dispatched.  There's couple of other incidents in the map - first with the secret Soulsphere, the ambush (of Chaingunners, a Baron, and Pinkies) caught me so badly that i doubt any benefit was left for it :D


Curiously, after all this there were still a few enemies left.  At first i suspected perhaps some conveyor-belt had failed to send them my way, but upon inspection something in the map caught my eye in a corner of the BK building.  And there they were - a couple of Imps guarding a Mega Armour!  Nice unofficial secret, as i think that corner having a little alcove is very easily missed when going about the progression.  Worthy of mention is also the small maze of organic matter, containing some goodies.  It's these kinds of things that elevate a map from a utilitarian level to an actual location (i've never understood the criticism of areas that don't have a purpose related to progression.)  Oh, and there crushers too, which are also quite unique.  Anyway, obviously another awesome map that i really like on all levels.

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MAP07 - Bay 7

Odd map this one. Two sections, one a warehouse, other an open courtyard, both of which hold a key that opens a little monster cage to clean that allows you to progress. Archviles are used a fair bit, though the plentiful plasma ammo melts em. The Spider Mastermind makes an appearence too, though of course she's about as much of a threat as a shark. 

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Map 8: Bliss

I like the layout of this one. It feels nonlinear despite its small size. I was going to complain at first about having to wander around to figure out what switches did, but then realized I was being a moron; you've used colour coding to pretty cleverly telegraph which areas are opened by which switches.


The encounters are fun, though still easy. This map especially felt like you were just setting up bowling pins for me to knock over.

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MAP08 - “Bliss”
It took me an embarrassingly long time to find the switch that lowers the red key, it's not even hidden but somehow I didn't see it. The archvile that appears after getting the key was a bit boring, he's not even that dangerous but fighting one in a big open room with no cover is not very fun. The fighting otherwise was mostly incidental, though there's a steady trickle that comes from both sides early on and that was fun to deal with. Enemies that quickly rise out of the floor is a staple of ambushes, but the mancubus rising out of the water was done well and is one of the better looking uses of the trope that I've seen.


MAP09 - “Pinnacle Olive”
Oh this is definitely a @TheMightyWhoosh map, that bold juxtaposition of textures! The little twisty bone passages look like nothing else in the map*, but the cracked red rocks around the red key area also make a strong contrast with the more typical base textures elsewhere. The Supercharge secret was one mean ambush, I didn't expect it and ended up with less health than I had started by the time baron and friends were done with me. The swimming pool was an unexpected and adorable bit of doomcute! there's even a small puddle of water at the bottom, as you'd expect in a recently-drained pool. I was of course absolutely not surprised when company came out of the changing rooms but it's part of the memorable charm.


*Addendum: after reading what @espilka wrote I feel compelled to clarify that this statement is absolutely not a criticism. I liked that the maze looked like nothing else, and just like espilka I liked that it "doesn't have a purpose" in the more traditional sense, it's a fun little way of getting the items and it's definitely memorable.

Edited by brick

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MAP09 thoughts, comments and spoilers below:



I don’t remember too much of the map making process for this one, but remember coming back regularly to adjust minor aspects of it, mostly with the swimming pool area. 

This map originally had Doom II’s MAP31 midi allocated to it, but this changed when I had plans to create a Wolfenstein secret map that never came to fruition in the end. 

To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of crushers; however I’m pleased with the ones I’ve utilised in this map. 


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MAP09: Pinnacle Olive

UV | Pistol start | No saves

K: 97% | I: 100% | S: 100%

The first thing that stuck out to me was that we were in a bathroom and I thought that was kinda funny but also looked neat; in general, I found the pool/bath aesthetics of the map fun to look at. Aesthetics aside, I feel like I enjoyed playing through this one quite a bit. Even though I had a bit of a scary time on my first go-around dealing killing mid-tier enemies with the regular shotgun and constantly being put at low health, the second time wasn't so bad now knowing the lay of the land and getting the SSG earlier than before (and especially with finding the secret rocket launcher and supercharge this time to help with later parts of the map, namely the pool fight). Despite making some crucial mistakes like kissing a crusher and being left a hair near death, I was able to get to the end; speaking of, the crushers don't feel too egregious, and you can definitely avoid them with relative ease and attentiveness. Also, having chaingunners kill the pain elemental in the blue key building was fun; I think I forgot to kill the revenant windowdressing in there though which might be why I'm short of 100% kills. I think this is a solid map.

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MAP09: Pinnacle Olive


This is the first map of Ichinichi that managed to kill me, so I welcome the challenge. First of all, the map (which is the source of this DWMC's header, by the way) uses this tile texture a lot, reminding me of a public restroom somewhat. Which made me laugh when I noticed an indoor swimming pool through the window. 


Let me put it this way: whether Pinnacle Olive is a fun challenge or a grindy slog depends on finding the proper weapons. The super shotgun is outside, you can go there anytime you want, but the map first draws you to the red key. The rocket launcher, on the other hand, is in a secret room that I've only found by humping random walls. Also, I dislike when a map showers you with ammo for a gun that can only be found in a secret room. Aside from this, it's a good combat piece, the blue key building especially - a group of demons to clear followed by a teleport ambush. The map ends in a swimming pool I've mentioned earlier, where you have to drop down, press a switch and get sandwiched between chaingunners and other enemies.

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MAP09: Pinnacle Oliva (UV, PS, Saveless; Deaths: 1)

This looks like some of my maps a year or two ago (not too bad), but the action is finally a bit more substantive. I liked the BK switch ambush and the final fight is what did me in. As I was scrambling to get the CGers, a stray Manc fireball killed me. The crushers seem haphazardly thrown in (it's ok, I never figured out how to use them well in my maps either).


MAP10: Ed (UV, PS, Saveless)

Thy Flesh Inspired. The castle has two routes, the SSG one is obviously much more important at the start. The BFG is a real overkill and is probably too easy to find, I was expecting a Cyberdemon fight but alas, nothing of the sort appeared. The castle decor reminded me of some E4 maps, or alternatively of Pcorf's 2002 ADO maps (but I repeat myself). The map is much more generous with ammo and health though.

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MAP10 Ed - K: 100% / S: 100% (UV, continuous)


Interestingly, this map has a passing resemblance to MAP10 Blood and Mud of KINDa, and i'd say the difficulty too is very similar along with the architecture, the structure actually is (a version) of the old map, whilst progression is quite different, and apart from the enemy roster the combat bears little resemblance to it.  Like in many other maps, here again the hot start is mitigated by a deliberate entrance into the midst of incoming Imps and hitscanners - Chaingunners included.  There's also a tease of a BFG9000 atop a pillar, but more immediately accessible is the Blursphere which i did not find very helpful, as immediately after the initial clash one goes down the elevator to meet Imps and HKs.


We find ourselves this time in a complex (once again, a trend that appeals to me) bloodred brick installation of some sort with two wings, located distinctly in Hell.  Interestingly, too, in KINDa's version the different parts of the map were separated and accessed via teleports, but here teleports are used differently.  The opposition whilst traversing through consists mostly of Revs, Cacos, Manx and Hell Knights, as well as low-tiers - whilst Arax are not present at all (another similarity with the corresponding KINDa map!)


Died on my first run, possibly due to own rocket that brought my health way low as i switched to the wrong weapon against a Pain Elemental, and i had forgot by this time seeing the Megasphere (was it a secret?  it's at any rate easily accessible, if after a bit of teleport to face a Hell Knight in cramped space -trickery!) two minutes earlier, which would surely have saved me (unless of course the HK managed to butcher me.)


Not going to belabour the point that it's another fantastic map with a more-than-usually puzzling name.  Agree with Pechudin about the TFC feel.

Edited by espilka
D -> d

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MAP10 thoughts, comments and spoilers below:



Another map where I toned down the red a little (believe it or not!) and removed the infamous soft block that everybody encountered on the original release. 

Regarding the BFG as overkill - this map did once house a Cyberdemon originally that spawned after collecting the red key and the BFG was really for him; however I removed Sir Cybie for various reasons and kept the BFG, mainly as it’ll prove useful in the next map and the fact I like the secret itself. 

The Megasphere trap was intentionally mean and I am unapologetic about this ;-)


The name ‘Ed’ references Ed Sheeran and his wonderful head of red hair! 


Edited by TheMightyWhoosh

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MAP11 Team Rocket - K: 100% / S: 100% (UV, continuous)


As it says on the tin, this maps lets you rocket everyone from Imps to a Cyberdemon.  i don't know how it happened, but i missed the purpose of the switch to lower the edge on both my runs - just didn't notice it :D  Which of course resulted in confusion as to what is one to do, how is one supposed to take on the the Cybie with his cohorts... surely not from the central lower position with them teeming on every side.  Well, eventually i managed to the elevated ground to take everyone on.  Ended up, however, saving rockets and SSG'ing the Cybie after running out of plasma - def safer that way in a space with obstacles!


Later, there's a rather vicious ambush for the RK, but i remembered something very nasty would happen and managed to run away fast as possible from the room before it was filled with Revs, Nobles and Pain Elementals.  The final room is another masterpiece of architecture with an open ceiling and olive brick tiling, and the mysterious follower is no more too shy to let himself be introduced to everyone in no uncertain terms.


The secrets on offer are a Mega Armour and a Soulsphere, neither probably being too difficult to find, but cool - i just always like using a backwall of a teleport as a secret passage, or being taken someplace outside the usual playing area, even a simple out of the way island like here :)  Another map with a lot of subtle finesse and good design, and like at least brick has noted earlier about some maps, unmistakably by TheMightyWhoosh.

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MAP10: Ed


That first room. Once you press a switch and walls around you lower, you are surrounded by imps and chaingunners, but fire a shot and more monsters come in. A blursphere here helps tremendously. 


Once this is over, you have two paths to choose. Technically you need to go south first, but I recommend a northen route, as this way you'll grab a super shotgun, rocket launcher and a secret BFG. Now, it's a smooth sailing to the end, any threat can be decimated with such arsenal and the map is generous with ammo.


I have to compliment the visual aspect, with the usage of sky texture as decorative stripe deserving a special mention.

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MAP10: Ed

UV | Pistol start | No saves

K: 100% | I: 100% | S: 100%

That visible but inaccessible BFG at the start was a tad ominous for some reason, but then hitting the switch to lower the walls puts you in the middle of an ambush of imps, zombiemen, shotgunners, and chaingunners; as Celestin stated, the blursphere helps a lot. I then tended to get the rocket launcher first before doing anything else since it gives me a small confidence boost and also was where I needed to go for the BFG; while I'm usually tight on bullet ammo for the chaingun at this time, the early SSG is also a great fallback option and helped with the pain elemental and mancubus. After nabbing the RL and killing the high-up mancubi, I go back to the other route to get the red key (I used the rocket launcher against the baron and the BFG in the room after the baron and cacodemon room). Once the red key is acquired, the revenants were a scary surprise due to having somewhat low health (although the BFG again helped here). Going against the hell knight near the megasphere was probably the scariest part for me, since I was low on health and didn't have a lot of room to move around/use the RL, forcing me to rely on the relatively slow-firing SSG. Once I got the megasphere, the rest of the map was pretty smooth (although I was still cautious despite having max health/armor and a good handful of ammo). Enjoyed this one quite a bit.

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MAP11: Team Rocket


True to its name, rockets will be your main tool in this map. I like a concept of a rocket launcher-only map, it's a powerful weapon, but also deadly if used improperly. This is why I felt disappointed dropping down into a hole and seeing a plasma rifle. What a cop out. One you've found it, there is no need to use rockets, as there is enough cells through the end and it's a much safer way to deal with the red key ambush or a fight by the exit.


I like the early parts, like the mass imp slaughter or an infight between a cyberdemon, barons and pinkies - as I've said, having to work with only a rocket launcher is exciting, I just wish it was carried to the end.

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MAP10 - “Ed”
Once again I'm embarrassed to admit I got stuck near the end, after the teleport fight past the red door I didn't see the button under the green torch and spent some time looking for what I had missed. Unless I missed one on an earlier map this is the first appearance of the BFG, very visible from the start and accessible as a secret. The visuals are predominantly red and look good. This is the first map that takes me more than 10 minutes to complete, but that might be just my stupidity with that switch.


MAP11 - “Team Rocket”
As the title implies many rockets will be flying. Partly because the only weapon for a while is the RL, and partly because there's a Cyberdemon to deal with not long into the map. Cyb has a height advantage and I didn't find the switch to get up until after downing him, so I ended up eating a rocket while dodging his fire, though the many barons did a good job distracting him at some times. The little offshoots from the main area go by quickly by comparison, even that surprise ambush right before the exit. I did like the back and forth at the beginning, as pressing each switch slowly peels away the map and expands that central area.

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