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The DWmegawad Club plays: I C H I N I C H I

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MAP29 - Pop

A shit ton of monsters were not defeated. Spider mastermind evaporated. Hella fun level. Nuff said.

MAP30 - Goodbye

Opens up quiet like previously before once again giving way to a fuck ton of enemies. The inital phase is easily skipped by just letting all the monsters kill each other to death, though the archviles that spill out during the second phase are TOUGH. The decor is really well done for this last level too.
And after 32 maps, what is our reward? Death! :)


Final Thoughts

This is a pretty good megawad. The challenge varies but sticks on the easier side, which (Hot take incoming) I don't mind at all, the aesthetics are well done, and the levels are all unique and set apart in their own ways. Definitely recommend this to anyone who doesn't want to stray too far from the standard DOOM 2 experience, but still wants something with a little identity and a little pizzazz to it.


Won't be reviewing next month unfortunately. I'll be too busy enjoying my Christmas break. Merry Christmas all!

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MAP30 - “Goodbye”

I actually had to open up UDB to check how to exit the map. Those 2 pillars with Exit on them do not look like usable lifts. I assume it's meant to be more cinematic than anything, as the enemies in the main building mostly infight to death. The Vile wave creates a bit more pressure, though nothing that can't be controlled with the BFG. Bonus points for not being an Icon of Sin map.


Final Thoughts
Very impressive for a set of speedmaps. The visuals and layouts are interesting throughout and texture alignment is generally very good. The maps are unique and don't feel like  rehashes of similar ideas, which can happen in one-man megawads. The pistol start experience is pretty smooth and rarely frustrates with resource starvation and obscure weapon placement. Combat is on the easier side but there is difficulty progression, with E3 having the most bite. Not every set needs to abuse the player and this is a good example of classic gameplay.


As far as criticism, there is some questionable usage of sound blocking lines which I haven't really seen before. It's strange to see enemies, which should be active, falling asleep and just standing with their back to you, on occasion. There is also no thematic consistency or story tying the maps together. I like having some sense of progression, even if it's the usual Techbase > Variety > Hell that many megawads end up being.


Hit maps: 10, 18, 23, 24, 27


Misses: 13, 32


Final score: 3/5

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Guess I should say something about the rest of the maps.


MAP28: Castle of Corruption (UV, PS, Saveless; Deaths: 1)

Probably the best map in the set gameplay-wise, it actually made me think how to engage in the beginning, and also in the 4-Archvile room, that one was probably the highlight. There is enough space for dodging inside, and probably outside of the cute little rock cabin the fight is contained in.


MAP29: Pop (UV, PS, Saveless)

Going off my memory, but this one was far too easy for the penultimate slot. The aesthetics are good, KINDa felt like some Icarus maps, that's the vibe I was getting from them. There is just too much room for dodging.


MAP30: Goodbye (UV, PS, Saveless)

Suppose the name is a fitting pairing for the "Hello" of the first map. Opened the big, foreboding gate and just let the demons tear each other apart. There is some spiciness when the AVs get released but fancy footwork saved me there. A good finisher, at least it's not an IoS fight.


So - final thoughts. @TheMightyWhoosh made a mapset that is not very hard with the feeling of some Team TNT maps, but with more consistent looks. It was far too easy for me but they fit as a nice closer for the day, one or two maps before going to bed. Sometimes that's something you need.

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