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PUSS XXXII: D-30 (Dev thread) (Event Released)

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Tempted to make a map for this. Any excuse for doom 1 style maps. :D


You mention Crispy but not chocolate. Does that mean we don't have to be absolutely strict on the visplane limit?(amount of times I've tried to do "original vanilla style" map but just pipped the visplane limit) :O

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  On 11/1/2023 at 5:50 PM, NeilForshaw said:

Tempted to make a map for this. Any excuse for doom 1 style maps. :D


You mention Crispy but not chocolate. Does that mean we don't have to be absolutely strict on the visplane limit?(amount of times I've tried to do "original vanilla style" map but just pipped the visplane limit) :O


Correct. No worries dealing with that. We're doing Limit Removing.

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Map Name: Hung Up
Author: Death Bear
Music: At Doom's Gate by Bobby Prince (Might Change)
Episode [1,2,3]: 1
Difficulty Settings: Y
Comments: Welcome to E1M1. The resemblance is striking. I think. May add more secrets.

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Edited by Death Bear

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Doom 1 Format? But how the heck am I supposed to make a map without archies and revs in it?


Jokes aside, this should be fun. I've never actually made a Doom 1 map before. Here's a great chance to fix that. And... I might already have an idea, too. (Would be E1, almost certainly)

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Map Name: Swift Crater Facility

Author: Peccatum Mihzamiz

Music: "Goin' Down the Fast Way" by @leejacksonaudio (from Rise of the Triad)

Episode: Perhaps a nice E1 map slot 2, 3 or 4 thing?

Difficulty Settings: Yes, including a bit of co-op stuff

Comments: Named after the crater called 'Swift' on Deimos (itself named after Jonathan Swift, who apparently predicted the existence of two Martian moons in Gulliver's Travels).
This map is allllllmost vanilla. I had lots of fun mapping. About 4 hours mapping time. Yes, I did channel my inner skillsaw a tiny bit for the first fight, why do you ask? May Romero smile upon us...
Bugs: The yellow door is broken for some reason, so I just opened it for now. Will fix at some point...


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Map Name: Disposal n' Decimation
Author: Late Night Person
Music: Quake II - Descent Into Cerberon

Episode: E1, big enough for a penultimate map imo.
Difficulty Settings: Not yet implemented, same can be said for co-op.

Comments: Made in about 8 - 9 hours, this was pretty fast due to my familiarity with Doom 1's assets. There's a cyberdemon boss fight towards the end, but it's pretty manageable with cells and rockets.


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Map Name: Blast Terminal
Author: Lina
Music: Ant Farm Melee by Lee Jackson, from the ultimate midi pack
Episode [1,2,3]: 1, probably best for slot 5/6
Difficulty Settings: currently UV only
Comments: I kept thinking of E1M9 while making it. Almost hit the monster limit, but I didn't cheat with lost souls. If it feels too modern, it might make a good secret map.

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Map Name: Chill Winds

Author: NecrumWarrior

Music: [ Song + Author ]

Episode: 3 (Boss Map)

Difficulty Settings: Yes! Even has 2 Cyberdemons for Multiplayer.

Comments: E3M8 is Dis, so why not make a Chilling Winds inspired map?

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/stupo2lbjdlyawxns0phd/CHILLWINDS.wad?rlkey=ruicqgfujfzj5eg93rrrhwk0e&dl=0


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Edited by NecrumWarrior
Broken link

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Y'all! We launched just a few days ago, and we've got over an episode worth of maps! And I've got two madlads tag-teaming an entire E2-inspired episode! (And NO, for once it's not me!). This is fun as hell Inferno! Yeah, baby!

Here's two more from me.

Map Name: Ursine Anomaly
Author: Death Bear
Music: I Sawed the Demons by Bobby Prince (Might Change)
pisode [1,2,3]: 2
Difficulty Settings: Y
Comments: My take, though I used less teleporters, I think. Par is 1:30 seconds.

Map Name: Flesh Wound
Author: Death Bear
Music: Untitled by Bobby Prince (Might Change)
Episode [1,2,3]: 3
Difficulty Settings: Y
Comments: Another E3M1 take. Par is 1:05.
NOTE: The fact that I did episode-opener-homage/ remakes does NOT exclude other people from doing so! Just make some maps!

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Map Name: Deimos Outpost
Author: Somniac
Music: stock (might change, not sure)
Episode [1,2,3]: 2
Difficulty Settings: Y
Comments: Punchy episode opener style map with a mixture of traps and run and gun combat, overall not difficult. Sticks to the visplane limit, but it stopped loading in Chocolate at one point for some reason, so I guess that makes it limit-removing anyway :p co-op starts added.


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Map Name: Forgotten Battlefield


Author: Scionox


Music: "Coliformication" by Lippeth


Episode [1,2,3]: 3, but could also be secret map of 2


Difficulty Settings: Implemented


Comments: Sort of speedmap, primarily inspired by E2M9



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Download: ForgottenBattlefield.zip

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Map name: Rotten Core.

Episode: 1

Slot: E1M8

Music: Halls of Wandering Spirits by Myrgharok.

Difficulty settings: Yes; plus co-op spawns.

Tested: Zandronum; Chocolate Doom.

Comments: Tried to combine Phobos Anomaly and Unto the Cruel in E1 format. Contains a couple of non-E1 textures and usage of METAL/SUPPORT3; may replace them if they do not fit the theme.


Link: Rotten_Core.rar







Edited by DukeOfDoom

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Map name: Hot Reception


Episode: 3


Slot: E3M1


Music: "TheDevilsWork" (track by Doomkid)


Difficulty settings: Yes; plus co-op spawns.


Tested with: Crispy Doom.


Comments: Rough and hot, fits well for a first hell map in episode. I'd recommend play on HMP for the first playthrough.


Djownload: Download Me Plenty.





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Submission 1




Map name : Go Phish

Author : Matt "Cannonball" Powell

Music - Just the stock track from E2M4 at the moment

Episode : 2 (Plays in E2M4)

Difficulty settings : Not at the moment

Comments : Inspired somewhat by Deimos Lab, the aim is to go inside the computer itself and rid the evil from it to progress onward. I will do difficulty settings etc once the UV element has been ironed out a bit. The monster count gets close to the 200 limit, but hopefully it isn't too much to handle. 



Edited by cannonball

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Been working on an early E1 map. Possibly E1M2 or E1M3. Trying to make something feel like an actual Doom 1 map without directly referencing stuff from Doom 1 is a lot harder than I thought.


Hopefully I end up finishing this.



Edited by BeachThunder

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Okay, I guess I'm calling this done.

Map Name: Chemical Storage
Author: BeachThunder
Music: Dark Halls by Bobby Prince
Episode [1,2,3]: 1 (the map is in E1M3)
Difficulty Settings: Y
Comments: The goal was to make an authentic-feeling Episode 1 level without directly referencing any IWAD levels. I probably paid too much attention to detailing for it to actually feel authentic, but it still ended up being something I'm satisfied with.

Par time: 2:20.


Download: https://doomshack.org/uploads/ChemicalStorage.wad



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Map Name: War Toy

Author: myolden

Music: Hate Machine by Jimmy

Episode [1,2,3]: 3 (Map is in the E3M1 slot)

Difficulty Settings: Not yet, will implement in v2

Comments: Good for an early E3 slot I think, pretty stripped down and lots of incidental fighting. Maybe a bit too linear for it's own good but oh well.


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Download:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h5sRkbm3Myhb_QD3HHJgC5_y_EmvxleG/view?usp=sharing


Map Name: Hazard Control


Author: Sesamia


Music: (Untitled?) by Mr. Freeze, Composed for "Doom the way id Did" for maps E1M7, E2M5, and E3M5


Episode: 1


Difficulty Settings: Implemented Hastily


Comments: It's short & designed to be an early episode 1 map.  I wanted this one to feel like something straight out of classic doom & hopefully it doesn't come across as low-effort.  The overall difficulty was kept light.



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Edited by Sesamia
Added Screenshots

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  On 11/12/2023 at 8:48 AM, BeachThunder said:

Overall, good map. Although, it feels like half the level is optional because you don't need to pick up the yellow key - and I can't tell if that was intentional or not.



It is intentional.

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Map Name: Count's Labyrinth


Author: Scionox


Music: "Sinister" by Bobby Prince


Episode [1,2,3]: 3


Difficulty Settings: Implemented


Comments: Inspired by E3M7 and E2M8, maybe went a little overboard with detail but oh well



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Download: CountsLabyrinth.zip

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