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PUSS XXXII: D-30 (Dev thread) (Event Released)

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Map Name: Vat-erinarian Centre

Author: Heich AKA DynamiteKaitorn

Music: Waltz of the Demons - DooM

Episode 2 Map 7

Difficulty Settings: Yes - On lower dififculties, some enemies are missing

Comments: I wanted to make a remixed version of a DooM map and so, I chose E2M7! Something to note, I recommend you explore a lot as there's resources all over the place.














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Map Name: Computer Core


Author: Blexor


Music: "Demons on the Prey" by Bobby Prince (stock E1M7)


Episode [1,2,3]: 1


Difficulty Settings: Are basically implemented (I didn't really think that hard while doing it)


Comments: You know, there are times were I wonder if I even know how to make a short and simple map. This is one of those times lol. The basic concept for this map was to have a computer-heavy techbase, with a bright upper floor and a dark lower one, inspired by a dream I once had ages ago. It wasn't meant to be complex, but like other maps I've made, it eventually ballooned into a 20-minute three-key gantlet, and I know that's not everybody's jam. Consider this a promise that the next map I make will be a shorter one.


The map I made for PUSS 31 had an extended opening sequence of several rooms, designed to build suspense until the first (close) encounter. Yet without backtracking, there wasn't much reason for the player to go back to those rooms. I'm often in awe of other mappers who can reuse old areas with (seemingly) little effort, so with this map, I wanted to try and practice that skill. I built the opening room with the intention that the player would need to revisit it at least twice. I realize now this may be partially to blame for the map's scope, since now I had to invent a reason why the player would be looping back around to the beginning not once but twice, but hey--no one said you had to nail it on the first attempt.


Okay, now I'll address the elephant in the room. Yes, this map has 30 secrets in it. Knightguy eat your heart out. Here's the explanation: About two-thirds of the way through I realized that I'd actually put a high number of secrets in the map already: 11 by that point, which is pretty uncommon for me. For some reason, this possessed me with the thought: "Hey, what if I kept going and put 30 secrets into the map? You know, since it's the 30th anniversary?" Truthfully, I cheated somewhat, as 10 of those are part of the same secret area, but the other 20 are all legit. I don't figure they're too glaringly obvious, either, so happy hunting.


Last point: I've never made a map using only the Doom 1 roster, so combat in the map... well, it exists. Having a monster cap didn't help matters either, and some areas feel a bit lightly populated (my fault for making those areas too big). The weirdest thing is that the combat does feel vaguely reminiscent of Knee-Deep in the Dead, so uh... mission accomplished?


Download: d30_blex_v1.zip








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Mistress of Forestry.zip

Map Name: Mistress of Forestry
Author: Lina
Music: 'Happy Destruction' by Bloo
Episode [1,2,3]: 2
Difficulty Settings: none yet
Comments: You know what it is




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1 hour ago, LoneAlpha2401 said:

Is it too late to claim a slot? If not I'll be making an E2 style lab/dungeon.


There is no such thing as claiming slots for this project. Just make a map, send it in, and it will be included if it follows the rules. About 3 days of mapping to go, have fun!

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Name: Techbound

Music: Unknown

Episode: 1 (E1M1 replacement)

Difficulty Settings: All implemented, co-op starts as well.

Comments: I kept in mind it should be either in E1M1 or somewhere near to start of the episode, so besides UV - it's mostly a brezze map.


Download: It's sure is a map.






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Map Name: [ Neo Kasyrgan ]


Author: [ Fun-E Personn ]


Music: [ Archaic Doctrine - TrailD ]


Episode [1,2,3]: [ 3 ] 


Difficulty Settings: [ Easy, Normal, Hard, Co-op]


Comments: Very vanilla techno hell map. Kinda like E3M3. I feel like it's slightly rough around the edges in some areas, but it adds to the DTWID feel. Plenty of coves and side areas with goodies and back to basics combat.


Flile: Neo Kasyrgan.zip





Neo Kasyrgan.zip

Edited by Fun-E Personn
Included an older backup version of the wad file. oops

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Map Name: Generix X-Treme DX

Author: NiGHTS108

Music: DTWID MIDI Pack E1M5 by Mr. Freeze

Episode: 1

Difficulty Settings: Fully implemented

Comments: I don't ever really make Doom I maps, I told myself I'd never make Doom I maps, but I figured I'd make an exception for PUSS XXXII. I generally tried my hardest to follow Knee Deep's mapping conventions, and ironically actually had fun making something I never would normally make, even if that thing is just the exact style of Knee Deep, hope you enjoy!


V2: Edited some textures including a missing texture on a lift.



Edited by NiGHTS108

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23 minutes ago, Fun-E Personn said:

Only few more maps till we have all 27. Good luck to all the people still tinkering with their submissions!

We're actually already working on our 2nd 27. There are currently 35 submissions to this project, with more on the way. Just over 3 days! Let's keep the fire alive!

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It probably doesn't help the count on here if I haven't made any updates since the first version of the first map I made;

So here are the v.3 updates to both my submissions that have already been posted on discord.


Go Phish






Both should be pretty close to being considered final versions. As stated in the Discord thread a third map looks unlikely from myself.

Edited by cannonball

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Map Name: Deimosian Memories. (I'm quite sure there's a character limit to map names, but I can't find much information. I'm presuming Crispy removes this limitation, but just to be safe..).


Author: Cyberos Leopard


Music: "Halls of Wandering Spirits" by Myrgharok (Ultimate Doom MIDI pack)


Episode [1,2,3]: 2 (the map occupies E2M1 currently, but any map number is fine.)


Difficulty Settings: Yes (ITYTD/HNTR, HMP, UV/N are all implemented, but I don't play on UV so it may be unbalanced. Co-op starts are included with additional co-op monsters. DeathMatch starts are also included, but I haven't tested them.)


Comments: Not too much to say, the map is heavily inspired by the maps in Episode 2, taking numerous ideas and pieces from those maps (I didn't copy-paste anything from outside of the map itself) and stitching them together. Special thanks to KrisLikesCandy/KrisFahrenheit for the... trick that can be found in the level (strictly speaking, they didn't so much tell me but mentioned a thing and my brain filled-in the rest ;) ).


Edit: I've added monsters for co-op play (HMP & UV/N) and removed the additional keys on DM spawns (they're not needed). I've also fixed a possible issue regarding a removed door (I didn't nullify the line property).

I've fixed a few issues that were highlighted by DemoGorgonZola's video, namely some default and missing textures, along with adding just a little bit more ammo.









Edited by CyberosLeopard
Fixes and name finalisation.

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Map Name: Spawning Pools


Author: Scionox


Music: "Intermission from DOOM" by Bobby Prince


Episode [1,2,3]: 3


Difficulty Settings: Yes


Comments: Kinda speedmap. Primarily Inspired by E3M1 and few others.






Map Name: Respawning Pools


Author: Scionox


Music: "Good Luck" by Bloo


Episode [1,2,3]: 3, secret map


Difficulty Settings: Yes


Comments: To be paired with Spawning Pools in same episode if possible. Inspired by E3M9 gimmick.






Download: SpawningPools.zip(Incl. Respawning Pools as E3M2)


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@OverflowingMocha and me collaborated to bring you this complete episode 2 replacement. Not only is it a super rad tribute to the Serenity trilogy by having every level contain sector art of the corresponding letter in the title, but it's also Vanilla compatible!


And here it is: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lsp1az9ge4pn8qi0ovu0d/Absurdity.wad?rlkey=44qzky54w3r6wvrzwg2gjwoov&dl=0


Episode Name: [ Absurdity ]

Authors: [ OverflowingMocha and NecrumWarrior ]

Episode [1,2,3]: [ E2 ]

Difficulty Settings: [ Not fully implemented on most maps. ]

Comments: [ A full E2 replacement, a sort of Spritual Successor to the Serenity trilogy.]


My half of the mapset uses music provided by @Bloo from his latest album: https://bloowuzhere.bandcamp.com/album/in-the-shadows



E2M1: [ Arrival ]
Author: [ OverflowingMocha ]
Music: [ "Suck This" by Lee Jackson ]
Difficulty Settings: [ Not yet. ]
Comments: [ A simple opener map to kick the episode off, probably the most "90s" map you'll ever see from me.]

E2M2: Pineapples are Absurd
Author: NecrumWarrior
Music: Trial by Ice (by Bloo)
Difficulty Settings: Partial
Comments: This was the first map I finished for this episode and it probably shows. It's rather flat with hallways that are too long. But on the plus side it has crates.

E2M3: [ Nukage Surfer ]
Author: [ OverflowingMocha ]
Music: [ "Dr Wily 2" from Mega Man 7 ]
Difficulty Settings: [ Not yet. ]
Comments: [ Another short and punchy little map, felt quite inspired by Refinery for this one.]

E2M4: Unassuming Techbase
Author: NecrumWarrior
Music: Jack's Knife (by Bloo)
Difficulty Settings: Partial
Comments: I don't really like making techbases, but this one is pretty cool. Very normal. Probably my favorite of the maps I made.

E2M5: [ Sweet Dreams of Pineapple and Cheese ]
Author: [ OverflowingMocha ]
Music: [ "moi_re" by Ribbiks ]
Difficulty Settings: [ Not yet. ]
Comments: [ I just wanted to make a weird map, kinda subconsciously inspired by Maribo's Let's Be Enemies, plays nothing like any of the maps from that set though.]

E2M9: [ Rocket Overload ]
Author: [ OverflowingMocha ]
Music: [ "Death and Decay" by John "Primeval" Weekley ]
Difficulty Settings: [ Not yet. ]
Comments: [ Originally I was gonna collab with Necrum for this map, but I ended up speedmapping this out in 30 minutes, lol. ]


E2M6: Life the Universe and Everything
Author: NecrumWarrior
Music: Eldritch Labyrinth (by Bloo)
Difficulty Settings: Partial
Comments: I wanted to make a map in the style of Mt Erebus, and this is it.

E2M7: [ Terrorize and Command ]
Author: [ OverflowingMocha ]
Music: [ "Stomp" by Jeremy Doyle ]
Difficulty Settings: [ Yes. ]
Comments: [ I went kinda nuts with this one...]

E2M8: Infinite Serenity for all Eternity
Author: NecrumWarrior
Music: Neon Farewell (by Bloo)
Difficulty Settings: Not started


Edited by NecrumWarrior

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Map name: Voltaire Quarry


Author: LoneAlpha2401


Music: E1M7 from dtwid midi pack by Mr. Freeze


Episode: 2


Difficulty settings: all implemented


Comments: a vanilla compatible speedmap, a tad on the easy side. didn't have much time for decoration or prettying it up. no deathmatch starts.










EDIT: screenshots and bugfixes

Download: (Google drive- v1.1)

Edited by LoneAlpha2401
forgot to add music credit

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I’m closing open submissions in about 32 hours from now. I have it on good authority that Blue’s lust for starting new projects dies hard, so be on the lookout for our December’s event to start off pretty row- I mean, promptly.

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E1M9: The Chapel
Author: NecrumWarrior
Music: The Occultist by Tristan Clark
Episode: 1
Difficulty Settings: Not yet
Comments: I don't have a problem! You have a problem! (This is vanilla compatible)
Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ycit45so6rzo1oclzeeka/CHAPEL.wad?rlkey=vs9pv8v77fq2129w3s28o2jwh&dl=0





Edited by NecrumWarrior

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Map Name: Quarantine Zone

Author: Steve88

Music: "E1M2 -MFG38 -Dread Factory" From "Ultimate Doom Midi"Set

Episode: E2 maybe a little E3

Difficulty Settings: Yes, only tested in UV

Comments:This is map takes a LOT of themes from E2M2as well as other E1/E2/E3 vibes

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xq_jQP6CpaobVYtNqVq9DC2S6GTugDow/view?usp=sharing





Edited by Steve88

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Map Name: Red Skull Rock
Author: Walter
Music: Stock (Untiled)
Episode [1,2,3]: 3
Difficulty Settings: Y
Comments: A Hell Keep style map. No red skull key present btw, despite the title, but a fiery burning building at the start represent the titular red skull. Title comes from this Tank song, actually.



DOOM00.png DOOM01.png 


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1 hour ago, Walter confetti said:

Map Name: Red Skull Rock
Author: Walter
Music: Stock (Untiled)
Episode [1,2,3]: 3
Difficulty Settings: Y
Comments: A Hell Keep style map. No red skull key present btw, despite the title, but a fiery burning building at the start represent the titular red skull. Title comes from this Tank song, actually.


  Hide contents

DOOM00.png DOOM01.png 


You can get softlocked in the blood tunnels if you go down there after picking up the blue armour. Nice Hell Keep-esque map otherwise :)

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Map Name: Dis-carded Storage


Author: Scionox


Music: "nm100s pistol start or else" by Megasphere


Episode [1,2,3]: E3M8


Difficulty Settings: Yes


Comments: Speedmap. Inspired by E3M8 and E2M2






Download: DisCardedStorage.zip

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Map Name: Martian Security

Author: BluePineapple72

Music: 'I Am the Law' - Anthrax (will be willing to change if copyright is an issue

Episode [1,2,3]: 2

Difficulty Settings: Somewhat. Will expand.

Comments: Firmly encrusted into the surface of Phobos is Martian Security Station Alpha. All communication to and from the Martian surface is waylaid, filtered, tracked, and greenlit through this station. The security station has an advanced array of sensors that can. Judging by the strange runes and odd growths cracking the impenetrable plastatite walls, it seems that a sinister force has been given passage to the red planet through a previously unknown passage outside of realspace...






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Map Name: Chemical Circumstances


Music: "Mystic's Glance" by David Shaw


Episode: 1 (E1M1 replacement)


Difficulty Settings: All.




This little map was forced to be made by @Peccatum Mihzamiz, as the one who requested restrictions for this map:


- No borders allowed;


- a map smaller than 1500*1500 pixels;


- Mostly incidental combat and supremely easy.


This map is probably the easiest from all submissions i did for this project, even on UV it's piece of cake. Could be placed in earlier slots i think.


Download: The easiest map in a Wild West





Edited by MAN_WITH_GUN

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The bear has awoken from his slumber, so submissions are closed. Thank you to everyone who participated! This may be the biggest event we’ve done that wasn’t 1-hour speedmaps! What a better way to celebrate Doom’s 30th like we do here at the Pineapple Under the Sea than to put out like that! (Maps, of course.) See you soon!

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32 events in! PUSS has filled a megawad! Glad to see that our penultimate event of the year got so many maps, a wonderful tribute to Doom indeed!


A bit of a PUSS update: we have (I have, really,) a lot of backlog work to do for a bunch of our old events that haven't reached RC1 yet. In 2024 the series will be going on a bit of an event hiatus while I take the time to work on old stuff instead of starting new stuff. When PUSS relaunches we'll have a newer approach to running events; essentially we'll only start something new if we finish a current event (lest the following event is ran by a different person). I'll also be reevaluating goals with time limits and map counts etc. etc. (may do a 'event is open until 32 maps thing. We'll see.)


Regardless, 2024 isn't for another month. We still have some interesting things planed that will be going down in December. Some folks would argue that this next event isn't necessarily a Christmas event. Some arguments aught to die hard...





See you in December! Yippie-kay-yay!

Edited by BluePineapple72

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Fixed some sequence breaks, added better difficulty settings to count's labyrinth, added multiplayer monsters to maps that i forgotten to add them to and few changes to dis-carded storage's balancing.



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