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apparently doom3 is a retelling of doom1-- does this mean we will see

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dsm said:

Yet it wouldn't be faithful to the Doom universe not to have toxic slime in it somehow. As long as they don't force you through it without wearing some sort of environment suit.


I guess I just dont want it to be overdone...*cough*Quake*cough*

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Rotting Corpse said:

I think one fo the ways that Id can do that is to, take the texet [doom1 texet]at the end of the episodes and make a movie of them.The books hade the whole look of the mars bace's and hell all messed up. That is one of the main reasons I hated the books.

Dude the books don't describe the mars base and they never go to hell during the entire series... but don't start about that, there's another thread on it somewhere...

They'd better include the green waste, it just won't be right without it.

As far as not being able to build the base on the surface, this is one place where we can steal an idea... in the game, each level was a different building on the surface (as you can see on the map when you beat each level). In the book, the base was built like an upside-down cone extending into the moon, so only the first level was on the surface, and this would only be, as dsm said, and as it is in the game, a small entryway or "Hangar" The rest of the levels are underground, where each sub-floor is another level.

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Prime said:

I guess I just dont want it to be overdone...*cough*Quake*cough*

I wouldn't worry overly about that since id is aiming for realistic level design - that means that they'd only put toxic slime in places where it would make sense to have it, which wouldn't be in too many places.

As far as not being able to build the base on the surface, this is one place where we can steal an idea... in the game, each level was a different building on the surface (as you can see on the map when you beat each level). In the book, the base was built like an upside-down cone extending into the moon, so only the first level was on the surface, and this would only be, as dsm said, and as it is in the game, a small entryway or "Hangar" The rest of the levels are underground, where each sub-floor is another level.

/Me is reminded of Wolf3d.
Anyways, could we please move discussions about the Doom novels to this thread instead?

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dsm said:

Anyways, could we please move discussions about the Doom novels to this thread instead?

It think that's why The_Aeromaster said:
"Dude the books don't describe the mars base and they never go to hell during the entire series... but don't start about that, there's another thread on it somewhere..."


So please, people, don't discuss those Doom novels that WE ALL KNOW SHOULDN'T HAVE EXISTED. I'd say if's a safe bet that id isn't going to use ANYTHING from those infernal stories...

Speaking of the levels of old, I rather liked the idea of having levels in different individual buildings. Granted, they won't do anything like this in Doom 3 AFAIK, but still...if we could have several sections of the mars base linked together by small underground shafts (ie, Aliens) that could be interesting.

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Prime said:

I'd say if's a safe bet that id isn't going to use ANYTHING from those infernal stories...

Oh I dunno about that. The Commando has a lot of characteristics in common with the "Clydes" in the books, and this "lost soul" thingy has a rocket in its ass like the "flying skulls" in the books.

But yes, I'm quite sure that the story in Doom 3 will have next to zero in common with the novels.

It's gonna have demons where the novels had aliens *spit* and it has gateways built by humans (it looks a lot like human tech to me) and not by some weird alien race.

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dsm said:

Oh I dunno about that. The Commando has a lot of characteristics in common with the "Clydes" in the books, and this "lost soul" thingy has a rocket in its ass like the "flying skulls" in the books.

This is true. I'll bet it's just coincidence. I think the skull would look more demonic if it just flew through the air by its own power, not propelled by a mini-rocket. I don't see where ur goin with the Commando but I'm still half asleep, give me a few hours.

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The_Aeromaster said:

This is true. I'll bet it's just coincidence. I think the skull would look more demonic if it just flew through the air by its own power, not propelled by a mini-rocket. I don't see where ur goin with the Commando but I'm still half asleep, give me a few hours.

Well, Doom 3 still has "old school" lost souls - in the beginning of the E3 presentation, we see lost souls (transparent ghost skulls shrouded in equally transparent flames that fly out of the gateway and possess guards) and they have no fooking rocket engines.

As for the commando, it's merely the fact that it wears a helmet and has goggles. In the second novel, the commandos so idiotically called "clydes" wore a Ranger's uniform (look! The Doom 3 commando wears army trousers), a helmet and goggles. So there you are.

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Now that I go back and look at it, I see what you mean about the Commando. It's not too bad though, especially since the voice sounds demonic and the ones with the tentacle arms look all crazy.

I forgot about the classic lost souls in the beginning too... I hope that's not the only place we see them. I wonder, if they are elsewhere in the game, as an enemy, how you would fight them and what they would do to you.

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The_Aeromaster said:

I forgot about the classic lost souls in the beginning too... I hope that's not the only place we see them. I wonder, if they are elsewhere in the game, as an enemy, how you would fight them and what they would do to you.

So that floating female cyber-head on a rocket pack is not the lost soul? Damn, that was a really cool new look IMO.

Of course if the lost soul is returning in it's classic form then i guess i'll be satisfied.

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[QUOTE]The_Aeromaster said:
Now that I go back and look at it, I see what you mean about the Commando. It's not too bad though, especially since the voice sounds demonic and the ones with the tentacle arms look all crazy.[quote]No it certainly ain't bad - that's one of the few good things to come out of the novels: improved commandos :-P

I forgot about the classic lost souls in the beginning too... I hope that's not the only place we see them. I wonder, if they are elsewhere in the game, as an enemy, how you would fight them and what they would do to you. [/B]

I also hope we'll somehow see them later, but I doubt we'll experience them as enemies - they're insubstantial, which seems to mean that they cannot be killed by shooting at them. They certainly don't look like something you can kill by means of conventional weapons.

So that floating female cyber-head on a rocket pack is not the lost soul? Damn, that was a really cool new look IMO.

Of course if the lost soul is returning in it's classic form then i guess i'll be satisfied

Well, let's just say that the female head is a "different type of lost soul" - I certainly believe that we'll see the female cyborg head in the game as a physical enemy that you can shoot, whereas the skulls are just lost souls of the damned that seek out and possess humans.

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