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Wondering if I should play MyHouse.wad even though I watched a full deep dive on it.

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I really adore games like outer wilds and tunic and MyHouse.WAD seems like the perfect Doom equivalent to that, but the issue is that I watched a multi hour long video on it ages ago before I got into DOOM or "Metroidbrainias" so like, whilst I don't remember the specific steps to get there, I know what pretty much every room looks like, what every twist looks like, and what the endings look like.


Now I'm in an awkward position where I'm not sure whether I should avoid any more content on it at all and try to beat it "blind" which would take a lot of time and probably not be as strong of an experience since I already know like all the plot points, or whether I should just watch other videos on it since I'm interested in them, but if I did so would definitely give me no reason to do a playthrough.


I'm the type of player who tends to get like very messed up by even tiny spoilers for mysterious games. I think I'd prefer not to play it at this rate since there's no twists for me but idk.

Edited by Antiquated

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My advice would be to simply try it.


Then you'll find by yourself whether or not the spoilers have ruined your enjoyment of it.


It's basically the only way to know.

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Spoilers don't ruin my enjoyment, still have to experience it myself in-game, watching a game and playing it are like night and day, also I very rarely jump into things I see spoilers for right away so a lot of time can pass and I usually end up forgetting everything anyway.

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27 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

Wait, "ages ago"? It hasn't even been out for a full year yet... 🙃

it feels like it for me... I swear it came out in like June 2022, rare moment where time doesn't feel like it flies by.

Edited by Antiquated

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32 minutes ago, Antiquated said:

it feels like it for me... I swear it came out in like June 2022, rare moment where time doesn't feel like it flies by.

Yeah, I still don't get what's the hype in it.

Tbf my opinion is the wad is overrated.

It's still a good wad.

Not like people wanted to hear my opinion lmao.

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i was gonna go watch this one movie but i ended up reading a wikipedia summary of it instead, what's even the point now

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25 minutes ago, Kinsie said:

i was gonna go watch this one movie but i ended up reading a wikipedia summary of it instead, what's even the point now


To be fair it was an incredibly detailed video that went step by step through the *whole* wad, not just a summarisation but yeah still a good point.

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Yeah, definitely play it! No analysis, playthrough or word of mouth should substitute an experience if you have the means to...well, experience it yourself.


That, and it's free, should run even on older machines (to some degree) and at worst you'll just get through it a little easier with the video you watched.

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you wont get to be bewildered by myhouse.wad like someone playing it blind, but it's still a very dense experience worth appreciating for yourself. Plus it's still like, a doom 2 map. If you enjoy those, it's got the combat.

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