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Faster Weapon switching help


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How do I make a faster weapon switching?

Like seen in Antaresian Reliquary and Hell Relevations.

Using dehacked not zscript.

Edited by Betelgeuse

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I dont know any dehacked so I can't help you if you want this to be vanilla compatible, but in zdoom? note the Select and Deselect states for any given weapon in zscript (or decorate if u want):

(from the default doom shotgun)

		SHTG A 1 A_Lower;
		SHTG A 1 A_Raise;

A_Lower and A_Raise both have a default value of 6. If you want to make it faster, just change them to something like A_Raise (12) and A_Lower(12), which will make that weapon switch into and out of view twice as fast. If you want every weapon in your mod to move twice as fast you'll have to do this to every weapon. I can send an example of what I mean for the basic doom 2 arsenal if you want.


If you mean universally, I'm not sure there's a way to do that.

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