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Npc disappearing after conversation?

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Hi. I'm making a map using the UDMF format and I am wondering how I can make an npc disappear after a dialogue option is chosen. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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On 11/5/2023 at 11:19 PM, Sonikkumania said:

I once used Thing_Destroy once the NPC had filled it's purpose and just had it's death states to be a teleportation effect. So you have to do some script event regarding.

Ok so I got it to work. The problem is that when the choice is made, everything is destroyed. I don't really know how to fix that. Any help?


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1 hour ago, ramon.dexter said:

Please, elaborate more on "when the choice is made, everything is destroyed"...

    ID = 22;

        Name = "Dudebro";
        Dialog = "Blah blah dialogue.";

            Text = "Follow me.";
            Giveitem = "Flyingmanwhistle";

            (Where I want it to go away)


I would like it so that when choosing this option it goes away. The problem is that the way I had it before, it would kill every single monster on the map when making the choice

Edited by DrowzyBomber13

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42 minutes ago, Professor Hastig said:

According to the docs 'Thing_Destroy(0)' will kill all monsters. You have to give your NPC a unique tid and pass that as parameter.


How may I do that?

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2 hours ago, DrowzyBomber13 said:

    ID = 22;

        Name = "Dudebro";
        Dialog = "Blah blah dialogue.";

            Text = "Follow me.";
            Giveitem = "Flyingmanwhistle";

            (Where I want it to go away)


I would like it so that when choosing this option it goes away. The problem is that the way I had it before, it would kill every single monster on the map when making the choice

Please, I've asked you how you made it, not how you suppose to make it. You'verepliedthat you used it and everything went away. Just show what you did, not how you suppose it to work...

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5 hours ago, Professor Hastig said:

You set it in the editor, it should be called something like "thing ID" or "thing tag"


Ok. I got that done, do you activate that with the Special lump in the dialogue? The way I tried it before was Special = Thing_destroy(2). However it just made it so that the dialogue wouldnt activate.

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  • 2 months later...
On 11/7/2023 at 12:29 PM, DrowzyBomber13 said:

Ok. I got that done, do you activate that with the Special lump in the dialogue? The way I tried it before was Special = Thing_destroy(2). However it just made it so that the dialogue wouldnt activate.

Could you send the script here? I'm having the same problem with the npc

Edited by Chibi.Shiba

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