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Why are items not counted in UV-Max demos?

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This is something I've always wondered why this is the case. I've seen people ask this before but there's always just been a vague answer of "it's boring". How did the community come together to decide that items aren't counted in Max demos?

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Categories in speed running are always arbitrary and their rules depend solely on the consensus of the players as to what makes sense and what does not. In this case I think most players don't find it interesting to run around the map looking for all the items, and therefore there has never been a major push to include it in the rules.

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"100% items are not required, because collecting all items sucks. This is an objective fact, get over it. Next." -- dew


I think most consider it boring to do, even when playing casually. Even as a completionist I rarely bother with 100% items on a replay.


More importantly from a demo-recording point of view it is, for any map with significant numbers of items, detrimental to the goal of an expeditious clearance. Minutes spent on detours to pick up items do not make for exciting demos to watch. I doubt recordings of E1M7 would be improved by requiring crossing the slime pit for that one armour bonus everyone forgets about.



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Well maybe for this.


In MAP27: Monster Condo in Doom II and MAP28: The Sewers in The Plutonia Experiment have two computer area maps, making it impossible to get 100% item.

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