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Pina Colada demos [-complevel 9]

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DSDA page // idgames

aka pinacola // pinacola.wad


"Pina Colada is a set of 24 maps for the Doom 2 IWAD in Boom format by a small team of mappers from the Pineapple Under The Sea discord server. It starts out pretty easy but will wring you by the neck and toss you around like a ragdoll by the end."


MAP01 Pacifist in 1:06 pc01p106.zip https://youtu.be/9r1SiE7rYxs
MAP03 Pacifist in 1:56 pc03p156.zip https://youtu.be/AXXUCZG6Aws 
MAP04 Pacifist in 1:39 pc04p139.zip https://youtu.be/T7XNzytiX08
MAP06 Pacifist in 0:46 pc06p46.zip https://youtu.be/igdKYxsSycM
MAP07 Pacifist in 3:24 pc07p324.zip https://youtu.be/KQSgtgpbXuw

Edited by Maribo

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Map01 UV-Max in 0:49 - pina01m049.zip

Map02 UV-Max in 2:39 - pina02m239.zip

Map09 UV-Max in 2:06 - pina09m206.zip

Map10 UV-Max in 2:50 - pina10m250.zip

Map15 UV-Max in 1:39 - pina15m139.zip


Map11 Pacifist in 0:58 - pina11p058.zip


I didn't check for a thread/DSDA page before recording and I'm way too lazy to change all the "pina" codes to "pc", sorry to any consistency nerds.

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  • map04 uv-fast 8:28 - I didn't play this one for a while, so I forget what I'm doing occasionally, derpp :D
  • map07 uv-fast 6:10 - Such an awesome map to speed on -fast.


These are my first-ever doom demos; I decided to do quick runs of the maps I like the most on -fast (So far that is, as I haven't even finished the dotWAD yet).




Edited by bb33
Punctuation, Re-uploading my demos with accompanying text files

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awesome! And choosing a top tier category, too. :)



also, you should be posting a .txt file inside your zips with player information and source port information, etc. Feel free to copy any one else's and just put your own info in there, but these are mandatory for submission (otherwise it gets hard to track these things)

Edited by Andrea Rovenski

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31 minutes ago, Andrea Rovenski said:

awesome! And choosing a top tier category, too. :)



also, you should be posting a .txt file inside your zips with player information and source port information, etc. Feel free to copy any one else's and just put your own info in there, but these are mandatory for submission (otherwise it gets hard to track these things)


Thanks bud :3


also gotcha

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Quick and dirty


  • map03 uv-fast 5:33 - Got a bit to spicy to handle at the end, but I took a chance and it paid off...



Edited by bb33

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  • map09 uv-fast 3:35 - This one wasn't too hard, nothing really of note here.
  • map11 uv-fast 7:35 - Now this is one of my favorites to speed -fast on; the last gauntlet is always a fucker because of the 'V' shaped opening into the two Arch-vile vision cones, the adrenaline was really pumping me up by the end with the Cyber.





Edited by bb33

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I recently learned that there is a rule for the Doom category UV-Fast that I failed to take note of for many years now - now invalidating - my urns, map 7 and 11. That rule is 100% Secrets. I always had thought if the distinction from MAX percentage (That being, All Secrets) in UV-Max, was good enough for UV-Tyson and Nightmare!, it would be good enough for UV-Fast. Because, it is good enough for Nightmare! (NM100S). Not for -Fast.


Whatever, I'll do some more demos today. :D

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map08 uv-fast 4:00 - Lots of fun making up some quick routes for this one. Took a much slower one this time, the infighting potential leads to a lot of epic (and dangerous!) firefights and tests your maneuvering chops!



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MAP 15 UV-MAX in 1:43                                                                                                                                                                             



Edited by Red Recluse

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PHEWWWW, this one took me around 600+ attempts over the course of 2 weeks since my last demo sesh. Now maybe I can play further...


map13 uv-fast 11:35 - A very mean map. Brutal and unforgiving, not to mention just sadistic at certain points... The elevator fight starts of with 4 Arch-viles fully surrounding you; having you play piggy in the middle with a bunch of Barons and Revs, juggling the AV hit-scan, managing your resources, all while tanking this rotisserie of monster gangbang-fucking was just a nightmarish repetition until the game just decided let this poor soul pass.


And that being just half of it all.. I came so close to the end, so many times, only to have a Kakademon, Elemental or Lost Soul inf-height block me or simply deny me passage by being fat AF, have a stray Lost Soul ram my ass down (there's nothing worse than dying to a stray dingleberry when you overcome a whole damn map), or run out of ammo and die trying to reach it. The last fight is worse than the elevator, 'trust.


Of course I know this wasn't made for -fast param, but I still managed to have fun with this map! Moving on to the rest.


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