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Hey you! When you play Doom, what difficulty do you usually play on, hm? Probably Hurt me Plenty, or maybe Ultra-Violence if you're a gentleman, or hell (pun intended), maybe even UV-Fast if you're really ballsy, but barely ever Nightmare, right? I mean, it is the toughest difficulty, and it's very hard to get acustomed to the respawning, hyper-agressive turbo monsters, and as such, not many people decide to play on Nightmare. But, have you ever wanted to BECOME better at Nightmare? Well, I sure do, and I think a lot of you do as well. Or, maybe you've been wanting to make some maps based around Nightmare as its main difficulty, but never had the opportunity to do it and didn't have many people to share it with? Well, to solve all these issues, this November, I offer you a challenge...






The rouxls (pronounced "Rules") are simple!!!!

For the entire month of November:

  • You may only play on Nightmare (or higher) difficulty while playing any Doom game and/or custom WADs.
  • You must complete at least one (1) Doom game entirely on Nightmare during the month. (Be it Doom 1, Doom 2, Plutonia, Doom 3, 2016, Eternal...Whichever one you want)
  • You may only release maps based around and designed for the Nightmare difficulty. (Working on other projects is fine of course)

So, if ever you've been wanting to improve yourself at Nightmare and the game in general, post Nightmare-oriented challenge videos or share some Nightmare-based maps around with other people, here's your chance. (Speaking of which, feel free to share your Nightmare-based maps and videos in here. That's mainly what this thread is for: Sharing Nightmare difficulty stuff and your experience with the challenge!)

Edited by Roebloz
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