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Favorite classic Doom maps/WADs?

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I'm looking for Doom WADs to play and I really like classic Doom maps, so I was curious what are some of people's favorite maps (or just good maps in general) made in the 90s or styled after 90s maps. You can recommend your own maps too, btw, I just wanna play some classic wads tbh.

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You should play Perdition's Gate, a 1996 commercialized megawad, it contains new music and textures. It's one of my favorites, and has a difficulty a little bit harder than doom 2.

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Immediately comes to mind, of similar design and difficulty as UD:

Endless Torture

Favillesco Episode 1 & 2

the Ultimate NMD

F_Episode 2

Edited by espilka

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Doom the Way id Did, its Lost Episodes and Doom 2 the Way id Did have 3 megawads worth of classic style maps between them that should keep you going for a while. Well worth playing.


I will never not take an opportunity to express my affection for both The Classic Episode and No Sleep for the Dead. The Classic Episode has a sequel, Singularity Complex, which is also worth looking at and goes for a sort of hub system where you return to the first map several times. 


I'm forgetting a bunch but these are the first to the top of my head. Also further recommendations for STRAIN and Perdition's Gate, both of these are crucial IMO. Oh, and Fava Beans! 


Keep your eyes peeled for the upcoming Tom's Halls and 95 Never Dies, too. 

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Doom Zero is very recent but feels like not just a 90s WAD but maybe even an IWAD. My main critique is that it doesn't really have much of a difficulty ramp, many of the later maps feel like they could be at the beginning of a mapset in terms of difficulty. But it's still probably one of my favourites.

Edited by Individualised

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On 11/9/2023 at 6:21 AM, Murderous Owl said:

I was curious what are some of people's favorite maps (or just good maps in general) made in the 90s or styled after 90s maps. You can recommend your own maps too, btw, I just wanna play some classic wads tbh.


Valkiriforce specializes in making 90s style maps. I have played one of his wads, Anomaly Report which is like a love letter to Memento Mori 1 and other 90s wads.


Jimmy has also made a couple of 90s style megawads in the form of Deathless and (to a lesser extent) Jenesis.


There are also the TNT and Plutonia sequels which, while not strictly 90s styled, do have a bit of the 90s-ness in them due to them being sequels to the iwads. Mainly I am talking about TNT:Revilution, Devilution, Plutonia 2 and Plutonia Revisited.

Edited by ReaperAA

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You cannot misrefer the classics.


Memento Mori 2




Eternal Doom III

Fava Beans


Return to Phobos


DTWiD Lost Episodes

SIGIL v1.2





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On 11/9/2023 at 5:31 AM, DRON12261 said:

Perdition's Gate is one of the best things from the '90s in my opinion.

Yeah, and this was one of the megawads that Tom Mustaine sended to ID, and we all know how it ended the story...

I mean, i don't hate TNT, but it's so inferior to PG IMO, i would've prefered to be an official iwad

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1 hour ago, DankMetal said:

Yeah, and this was one of the megawads that Tom Mustaine sended to ID, and we all know how it ended the story...

I mean, i don't hate TNT, but it's so inferior to PG IMO, i would've prefered to be an official iwad

For me, I do not give a shit, I believe Final Doom is a trilogy and Perdition's Gate is part of that. :-P

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My list is mix of modern and old, but will still tickle your classic feels tastebuds. Unless noted otherwise, these can all be played on Chocolate or PrBoom iirc.


  • Stickney Station.. Might be slightly off but its first word is definitely Stickney. For Doom 1.
  • Silence.wad-- Doom 2
  • GMP: Good Morning Phobos. Very classic feel with a bit more beauty involved. Doom 2
  • Phobos.wad-- 1997 wad. Doom 2. 4maps.
  • Mars War-- Doom 2. 1998ish. Excellent megawad that home runs in modern and classic sense.
  • FreeDoom Phase 1-- Just use Neural Upscale 2x to make it look like Doom 1 textures in GZDoom
  • Serenade.wad- iirc was really classic feeling. I think it was Doom 2 
  • Long Trek Home-- This one is super noteworthy because its based on Doom 2 but going in reverse after beating the Icon of Sin.
  • No Rest For The Living-- Surprised this one wasnt mentioned yet because it is an official Doom addon released back during Doom 3 release,

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Ive just finished playing the original "Realm Of Chaos" and for a megawad made in the late 90s it was quite well made with many levels that scratched that old school Doom itch. Im really looking forward to the impending releases of both a remake and an sequel. Another older set that plays like and older set but was made in the 2000s that I truely enjoyed was "Fernito's Phobos Base." A Doom 1 episode 1 replacement that has a cohesive story and falls just perfectly between a 90s map pack and a modern wad. 😀

Edited by Insaneprophet

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