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pls help me make custom status bar faces

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please the attached images are what im gonna use idk

i just need all these as transparent images individually on the top left and with the right size or whatever.  the other attached image could be you.1968758649_Screenshot2023-11-09142550.png.db84f3856e34a9ce96da60c9219b77a3.png1968758649_Screenshot2023-11-09142550.png.db84f3856e34a9ce96da60c9219b77a3.png1968758649_Screenshot2023-11-09142550.png.db84f3856e34a9ce96da60c9219b77a3.png


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Welcome to the forums! A few quick things:

  • If you're posting large images, please spoiler them first. And also make sure they're actually relevant to the matter at hand, which the last picture definitely isn't.
  • There really is no substitute for rolling up your sleeves and getting things done yourself, especially with a task like this: I'd advise you to download Paint.NET or a similar image editing software and spend some time getting to grips with it. If you have questions about the process you're more than welcome to ask them, but you can also browse this subforum to see if other people have asked your questions before and get your answers that way. 👍

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I had a difficult time doing this, it is finnicky (imo) and the sprite names messed with my brain. I also couldn't find a huge amount of help about this previously, which is why I'm replying to you here. (Could be bad searches on my part, but I had to gather information from several threads to work it out and I hope people finding this thread in future can benefit from it).


Anyway, here's my custom face wad that I use. You should be able to replace the sprites as required and load it into your source port.


Mine doesn't use Doom-converted images because I only really use it in GZDoom where PNG is fine to use.


I did miss one sprite (not sure which one, fairly sure it's an OUCH) so bonus points if you can figure out which one it is.


I'd say it's unlikely anyone is going to do the mundane job of resizing, making bits transparent on your images, and adjusting the offsets in Slade etc. Even I didn't bother with transparency on mine because, well, I just liked the grey background.


Good luck.


Edited by CravenCoyote

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