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Does anyone fear that the next doom games story might... suck :(


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D̶e̶s̶p̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶a̶c̶t̶ ̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶h̶i̶g̶h̶ ̶u̶p̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶l̶o̶u̶d̶s̶ ̶r̶n̶ ̶:̶s̶k̶u̶l̶l̶:̶



I feel like the next games story might be disappointing and very, sucky. People are talking about the downgrade in story telling in spiderman 2 compared to the first one 2018 spiderman. It's made me wonder, what if the story is just not good, or just flat out bad that it makes doom eternals story look like a masterpiece or something. Ya?

Edited by nathanB404
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imagine caring about the story in doom


the game could be about a giant ball of demons crashing into the moon, but as long as the game is fun...who cares?

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3 minutes ago, roadworx said:

imagine caring about the story in doom


the game could be about a giant ball of demons crashing into the moon, but as long as the game is fun...who cares?

Doom3 proved that we can have good story and plot. Not sure why we can't have it again.

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1 minute ago, Edward850 said:

Doom3 proved that we can have good story and plot. Not sure why we can't have it again.

i'm not disagreeing with that. what i'm saying is that, even if the story does suck, then it's really not much of a problem. most people aren't playing the new doom games for the story (and if someone is, they're weird), they're playing for the more immediate things: gameplay, visuals, soundtrack, that sorta stuff.

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Narrative can totally affect the feeling of a game, the structure more or less depends on its storytelling, if it isn't an overarching narrative then it's environmental storytelling, but they usually go hand in hand, so if the story is for instance flat out annoying it can make the gameplay annoying also, in the case of Doom Eternal the gameplay is strong enough to hold its own (the combat at least) but the story has a huge emphasis on why you're there and what you're doing at any given time and the cutscenes constantly support it so I find some parts of the game to be not that fun or just kinda boring. If the story was really good then I would be constantly immersed and it would actually make the gameplay a little better, or even allow the gameplay to be serviceable at best if the world building is great.

Edited by Lila Feuer

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Yea. I feel like the whole demigod thing and constantly jacking the player off might get worse with the next installment (if there will be any), but it's not enough of an issue to make me not buy it. While it was grating in Eternal, I still enjoyed that game very much.


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I might be in the minority but I really appreciated DOOM 2016's story. I think it had strong themes, better (more mysterious) characterization, and didn't include some weird out-of-pocket outrider barbarian society and centered that as the place where "your legend began." It also personally made Doomguy more badass to me than the revised story we got in Eternal, as my take on the final level was effectively that Argent D'nur sank into Hell and Doomguy as the Slayer already basically showed up and happened among them and helped them out and they held out in Hell until it fell. Maybe there was some lore piece I missed that foreclosed on that possibility but it seemed that way in my mind. What we got in the next game... just didn't grab me, narratively. Doesn't help I didn't like the gameplay as much either.


EDIT: Oh, right, where I was going with this-- I think the next DOOM installment is probably going to double down on the elements they introduced with Eternal, rather than trim down the story to be more like '16, so I do suspect it will be rather poor.

Edited by Deffers

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Stories can play big parts in games, but with Doom they know that the action and gameplay is paramount. They didn't care about story in the original games and that worked out well.


They added story into Doom 3 and... look how that worked out (having said that, I really like Doom 3 and feel it's generally underappreciated).


Story is a bigger part in games today, but I feel like Doom is one of the few games where anyone really expects to have one that means much. It's always taken a back seat and I wouldn't be surprised if it continues to do so.

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The story of doom was always more in the background, and that's fine. Doom 3 did it pretty well. The setting doesn't allow for that much creativity, i think. There's only so many ways you can have evil space corporation do evil thing in space, and still make it interesting. You don't watch alien movies for the story, do you? You wanna feel the tension, and see people get violently splattered by geiger-esque monster guys. Much like the protagonist in doom 2016. He doesn't care about the power struggle of doctor whatshisface, he just wants to shoot demons. Pretty genius framing to make a bland, generic scifi shlock story into a great scifi shlock story. 

Of course, like many fps games before it, the sequel need to be bigger and better, which also applies to the story. The story of half life or portal is pretty minimal just to keep you engaged. Then sequel comes out and it's bigger, more important, the stakes are higher. And that's the same with doom 2016 becoming doom eternal. The story was boosted to match the intense, over the top gameplay. Without qualitative judgements, the story is more in the forefront, more than a motivator to keep you going. 

So is the future doom story gonna suck? Probably but hopefully that won't be a big deal. Who knows, maybe they'll retcon eternal, and go completely different direction. We'll see. 

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While not the main focus, having a reason to be doing whatever it is you are doing in a game is very important. Even in something like Serious Sam. I would like it much less if it didn't have at least some story elements. Same for the story screens in Doom.


Environmental story telling is also an option. The first Unreal did this extraordinarily well.


Otherwise, I might just as well be playing a randomly generated, infinite sandbox FPS game over and over.


But about Doom specifically, I hated what they did in the nu-Dooms. UAC is now comic book level villain and "Doom Slayer" is just a "ME SMASH" character. The only point in Doom 2016 where he has shown any semblance of a character was when making a backup of VEGA.

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I am no fan of Doom 2016's story, but I believe where Id Software jumped the shark is when they gave Doomguy an evil doppelganger: it in itself is not a bad idea - I still think it could have made for an epic battle - but the way they went about it was so lackluster and nonsensical. They might as well have brought back Mecha-Hitler from Wolfenstein 3D and it would have made just about as much sense, but at least, it would have been deliberately silly.

Edited by Rudolph

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7 hours ago, nathanB404 said:

I feel like the next games story might be disappointing and very, sucky. People are talking about the downgrade in story telling in spiderman 2 compared to the first one 2018 spiderman. It's made me wonder, what if the story is just not good, or just flat out bad that it makes doom eternals story look like a masterpiece or something. Ya?


I think that simply depends on your own personal expectations and how you engage with the games. How'd you feel about D2016/Eternal's narrative? Did you find it compelling or dumb and did that affect your enjoyment of the games at all? Just how much of the story being good or bad matters to you in this context exactly? 

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I do wonder what they'd even do since the end of the ancient gods was so final


Unless it's something like doomguy getting sent to another multiverse to fight another hell or something 

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Problem isn't the story, it's going to be terribly basic anyway, but the storytelling. Good storytelling can save a bad story; bad storytelling can sink a good story.


That's why you got all these common points about Doom's story not being important or being dumb anyway. Yeah, sure, but that's not the issue here. If the story is stupid, it's okay as long as this stupidity isn't aggressively shoved in our face. In classic Doom, you can largely ignore it because the storytelling is limited to text screens every so often. Starting with Doom 3, they went with more involved narrative techniques, and that's where the problem lies because it makes the storytelling harder to just ignore.


Storytelling-wise, I'd say Doom 3 was average, Doom 2016 was surprisingly good, and Doom Eternal was abysmally terrible.

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Atleast in Doom 2016 it felt like it was more grounded and focused on just the doomguy / UAC and the demons.


I don't understand where Eternal wants to go with all this higher angels and "Urdak" nonsense. It's like someone looked at Warhammer, put an AI lore-pasta generator on and it shat out this nonsence. So the story is already fucking bad as of now.

Edited by OniriA

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11 hours ago, roadworx said:

imagine caring about the story in doom


the game could be about a giant ball of demons crashing into the moon, but as long as the game is fun...who cares?

imo a giant ball of demons crashing into the moon sounds like a cool doom story haha

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12 hours ago, Edward850 said:

Doom3 proved that we can have good story and plot. Not sure why we can't have it again.

The expectation of a Doom game shouldn't be story-centric to be clear. And while Doom 3 had a comparatively more robust story, it was still secondary to atmosphere and combat.

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40 minutes ago, TheSlipgateStudios said:

Quoting Carmack again:

"Story in a game is like story in a porn movie, it's expected to be there but it's not that important."


He already knew what VR was going to be used the most for aswell. 



Edited by OniriA

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