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There's something about classic Doom that I love.


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All that “objects and structures satanic", mixed with a very 90s vision of the future, is as fascinating as it is a proposal in itself, that the game is about an ordinary person like any of us, literally going to kill demons with a Lovecraftian and intimidating aspect, with his super shotgun and machine gun 



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that the game is about an ordinary person like any of us, literally going to kill demons with a Lovecraftian and intimidating aspect, with his super shotgun and machine gun 

In Scandinavian folklore there's always that ashlad, Joseph Campbell with his book "hero with a thousand faces" is an interesting base, doomguy may just be from a video game, but I consider things like this part of some wacky American culture, some people have Jesus, some people have Krishna, we have DOOMguy. 


And bugs bunny.


Edited by SupremeBioVizier

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That "ordinary guy" aspect always appealed to me. Even though Doomguy runs like a Mazda the game still feels like you're just a dude fighting Hell, because so many enemies can put such a hurting on you so quickly. My favorite Doom feeling is a scrappy, fighting tooth-and-nail for my life kind of anxiety that I don't get from many other games. And the 90's aesthetic is a huge draw too :)

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