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please play with gzdoom


please allow mouselook


actually this is my first time making puzzle map


have fun


+ it might be unbalanced, if it's unbalanced, blame me.


+ not a terry wad


+ trust me


Edited by real slush59134

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First off, screenshots. This isn't the first time you've released a map. I'm pretty sure I remember playing one of your maps. , Also:


42 minutes ago, real slush59134 said:

it might be unbalanced, if it's unbalanced, blame me.

This doesn't strike me as confident. If you know your map is unbalanced, why are you releasing it?

43 minutes ago, real slush59134 said:

not a terry wad

Okay, you really need to stop doing this. People are less likely to play your map now, because most people do not like terry wads. Your map not being a terry wad goes without saying.


47 minutes ago, real slush59134 said:

trust me

Again, Why the disclaimer?


I'm not trying to be harsh, but I believe this needs to be said as I've seen your other map's OP. Presentation is everything.

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This actually isn't too bad! It's basically an Icon of Sin map with lots of switch pulling to get all three keys and kill that stupid head. And yes, it's probably a bit unbalanced but in an easy rather than hard way, the real trouble comes with finding which switch does what.

Edited by LadyMistDragon

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5 hours ago, Paf said:

you know, it would be a better idea to put this in the thread instead of placing absolutely no details or screenshots in the op. also, you've uploaded maps before (and provided better details, although still missing screenshots) here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/137283-the-wad-i-made-when-i-was-12wad/

posted some sss

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If you constantly say that this is not a terry wad, then most people will think it's a terry wad. it's close to a Streisand effect. If you don't want people thinking that this isn't a terry wad, then you fill out all the details! Screenshots, compatibilities, etc.

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6 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:

Ok, here's a video! Honestly, the only joke is the ridiculous music used.





 I love classic music

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