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Olive My Gameplay Tweaks (version 4.2.2)

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I mentioned briefly in my post about Hell Revealed that I've been working on a weapons mod for Doom for private, personal usage for a while now. After cleaning it up a bit and going through the effort to track down the sources for the various resources included (so I can properly credit them), I've decided to upload it so now you, too, can play Hell Revealed and go "this just about works, more or less :O"


Includes a variety of minor changes and a handful of more transformative ones, but I think it's respectful to the vibe of vanilla Doom, overall. Probably requires GZDoom 4.10 and above.




New weapons:

Rifle - Slot 2. Hopelessly inaccurate but fires as quickly as you can click. It also guarantees painstates in enemies it hits, so it comes with its own niche sorts of strategies.

Flak Cannon - Slot 4. Shoots a burst of shards which bounce around and deal damage. This is a Realm667 weapon more or less completely unchanged apart from a palette swap and some mostly imperceptible tweaks to Decorate

Flamer - Slot 6. Fairly short range and has pretty dangerous splash damage but is good for crowd control and stunlocking. Not very effective against enemies with splash damage immunity.


Changes to vanilla weapons:

General - Faster swapping animations to accommodate the larger arsenal. The maximum ammo capacities of each ammo-type have been noticeably reduced.

Pistol - Shots are perfectly precise and deal more damage but are much slower. Has to reload after 6 shots.

Shotgun - Fires slightly faster and with more pellets, but has to reload after 4 shots.

Chaingun - Its spread gradually expands as the player holds down the fire button, but it's still useful enough for sniping (though less ammo efficient than the more damaging pistol). It commits to two shots when you press fire, but fires normally otherwise.

Plasma Rifle - Fires much faster but reloads after 15 projectiles are fired. Less useful for crowd control in this way, but easier to use at medium to long range.

BFG9000 - The projectile itself now fires tracers (alongside the player's camera ofc still firing some) but the balancing has been messed around with so its not especially more or less damaging to enemies if used to its full effect (facing the enemy as it makes impact). Because the bfgball fires some tracers upon death though, it's useful to shoot it against blind corners, for instance.


Various other changes:

- Switched handedness on Shotgun animations

- Tweaked sounds for Chaingun

- Lost Souls have less health

- Hell Knights use Doom 4 Vanilla sprites (with some palette trickery to retain their green projectiles)

- Hell Barons throw red projectiles

- Health Bonuses give more health

- Health and Armor Bonuses respawn after a duration of time


Download Here :> (version 4.2.2)

Older versions + Changelog

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My other Doom mods:

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Edited by OliveTree
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