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In which difficulty do you prefer playing Classic Doom?


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yeah, sure you do. y'know, op, if you wanna Look Cool™, maybe try being realistic instead of blatantly lying?


unless you can post a demo or something to prove me wrong and make me look like an asshole ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


edit: lol, they got banned. what an incredibly obvious bot

Edited by roadworx

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On 11/15/2023 at 8:46 AM, roadworx said:

yeah, sure you do. y'know, if you wanna Look Cool™, maybe try being realistic instead of blatantly lying?


unless you can post a demo or something to prove me wrong and make me look like an asshole ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The reason I like HMP more is because it's more relaxing but yep, it always feels "incomplete" or that I'm missing out on too much like he said.


Edited by CacoKnight

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4 minutes ago, CacoKnight said:

Lol? The reason I like HMP more is because it's more relaxing but yep, it always feels "incomplete" or that I'm missing out on too much.


i think you replied to the wrong post. i was responding to op's claim of preferring nightmare

Edited by roadworx

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ITYTD, but I force myself to play on Nightmare to grow my testicles, show off, and get laid. I've been considering downgrading to UV since I can no longer fit in narrow doorways. Pointless sex with a dozen shallow women every day is getting boring anyway.

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2 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

ITYTD, but I force myself to play on Nightmare to grow my testicles, show off, and get laid. I've been considering downgrading to UV since I can no longer fit in narrow doorways. Pointless sex with a dozen shallow women every day is getting boring anyway.

how do you take shits then?

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I tend to play Ultra-Violence, but that's just because I want the "complete" experience.

At the same time, I tend to play with lots of gameplay mods, especially ones that raise the player character's power level, so it's not exactly the same as vanilla UV.

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Depends on the wad, sometimes nightmare, sometimes hntr. also depends on my mood. I think every difficulty in doom has something to offer :)

Edited by natashanightmare

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Ultra violence. 


It's above my skill level, especially for modern wads.


But I like to experience the maps in the way that - normally - the author intended and in the way that most people discuss the wad.

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Ultra violence. I learned that most of the people make maps with this difficulty in mind and then downgrade encounters for easier difficulties. So you probably get more of the intended experience on UV.

Also, since difficulty in Doom means more or less monsters, is never bad to have more enemies to kill!


If the WAD is too difficult for me I'll play on HMP though.

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3 hours ago, Admen said:

I prefer to play on hardest difficulty, Nightmare!

Demos or it didn't happen      


(@roadworx but they didn't actually say "I'm too good so I play NM"... for all we know they always choose NM and simply die within 10 seconds) 


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Hurt me plenty is my way to go when i'm playing a new wad, and when i complete it i come back to it to play it on ultra-violence

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Hurt Me Plenty because I'd rather have a fun time than get frustrated satisfying some weird FOMO about enemy placements.

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Ultra Violence, Always. That's the best difficulty there is man!

Although I do like those wads with difficulties settings implemented, Those are cool.

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UV most of the time. Mappers almost always balance it first and then truncate as needed for skills 1-3.


I will play on HMP if both of the following conditions are met: 

  • I think the WAD is above my current skill level
  • I gather from forum threads and other community notes that difficulty settings have been thoughtfully implemented.

I played through Sunlust on HMP and never felt as though I was missing out on any parts of "the experience." The challenging parts were appropriate levels of difficult and I felt satisfied when I beat them. I feel similarly about the 180mpv play through I'm currently in the middle of, although I do plan on starting a UV campaign right after I beat MAP30 on HMP.

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