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Midnight Demos [-complevel 2]

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  • 2 weeks later...

All new runs. MAP04 the only one that could probably be super lowered with an archvile jump right at the beginning.


MAP01 UVSPEED 0:15.63 midnight01-15.zip https://youtu.be/8qwj9kCThjQ


MAP02 UVSPEED 0:36.71 midnight02-36.zip https://youtu.be/fpiPsf2LYYQ

MAP03 UVSPEED 0:40.34 midnight03-40.zip https://youtu.be/L-XrF1CjPkw

MAP04 UVSPEED 1:15.11 midnight04-115.zip https://youtu.be/HuGZkk9Y0z0

MAP05 UVSPEED 0:53.43 midnight05-53.zip https://youtu.be/jQ75jZmGx3w

MAP06 UVSPEED 0:37.97 midnight06-37.zip https://youtu.be/wugTqhYYJZQ

MAP07 UVSPEED 0:58.94 midnight07-58.zip https://youtu.be/tVG5v8VB274




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MAP01 UVSPEED 0:14.91 midnight01-14.zip https://youtu.be/bsVU3P8Qdbo

MAP02 UVSPEED 0:19.91 midnight02-19.zip https://youtu.be/R8Ot7atXgfE

MAP03 UVSPEED 0:36.66 midnight03-36.zip https://youtu.be/K86KXBjm2Ec

MAP04 UVSPEED 0:43.51 midnight04-43.zip https://youtu.be/hCCPBkcH7pA

MAP05 UVSPEED 0:42.26 midnight05-42.zip https://youtu.be/Bb5fT9wDbqc

MAP06 Pacifist 0:25.37 midnight06p-25.zip https://youtu.be/sdU9Xz-EQcs

MAP07 UVSPEED 0:48.60 midnight07-48.zip https://youtu.be/c0YSuk_Dpj4



Don't think a 13s map01 is possible without some insane movement + monster luck.


18s on Map02 is possible, as I got stuck on an imp + reverent rocket slowed me down, but is way more grinding then I'd want to do.

MAP03 is the weakest record of the bunch, a few more seconds with better movement and luckier monsters is more than possible.

MAP04 was just the first successful run of this route. Faster is possible with less Archvile dodging, but this method is SUPER inconsistent...

MAP05 Can save a few seconds not picking up the chaingun, but that leaves you with a forced autoswitch after opening the red door which can fuck you over.

MAP06 This map is broken on pacifist, with half the monsters not spawning in. The spider dude is the main blocker, as they will very often walkn into dumb areas blocking you.

MAP07 Theoretically you can switch the switch without killing the two guys first, but probably TAS only. Also even though it only saves like a second, archvile jump looks cool.

Edited by Bainshie-Doom

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1 hour ago, Bainshie-Doom said:


Don't think a 13s map01 is possible without some insane movement + monster luck.

It is if you skip the line that closes the exit. :)

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