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DOOM: All Over Again / Episode 1

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It's been about six years since you've began to rip and tear your way through the hordes of demons that threaten humanity, and it's starting to get old. Returning to the original site of the demon infestation once more, you notice there's more of the suckers than you remember. That can't be good.


lgoo.png.8d69098d425d5d9cf2246039095212ea.png is my new(ish) MegaWad project of which I am excited to announce the Episode 1 release!


This .WAD, "One More Time", contains eight heart-stoppingly hard maps (to me, at least) which form one of four parts in an overarching story.

Standard DOOM fare really; collect keys, kill demons, and find secrets!


Especially find secrets. Otherwise, you're gonna have a heck of a time.



This WAD requires TNT: Evilution be used as the IWAD. 

It was designed speficially for ZDoom and if you play it with other source ports, your mileage may vary as this WAD relies heavily on the ZMAPINFO file.








Edited by _koraichu
Fixed a typo; fair vs. fare.

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ZDoom: Recommended

Zandronum: Flawless

Q-Zandronum: Flawless

GZDoom: Incompatible

Crispy Doom: Incompatible

Odamex: Incompatible

Edited by _koraichu
Added compatibilities

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19 hours ago, _koraichu said:


ZDoom: Recommended

Zandronum: Flawless

Q-Zandronum: Flawless

GZDoom: Incompatible

Crispy Doom: Incompatible

Odamex: Incompatible

P.S. Crispy Doom and Odamex both are incompatible mostly due to a bug with collisions for whatever reason. Every other map acts like you have IDCLIP enabled and you can't interact with monsters. If anyone knows why this happens, do tell!

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Would be cool if you can upload it to like Mediafire or Google Drive

I don't want to make another account on a site that I never use, just because of a sensitive warning

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It's very unusual for a wad to not work with GZDoom but do work in Zandronum/old-ZDoom (unless it's strictly a multiplayer-only thing) -- what's going on there exactly?


[Unfortunately, I can't check myself since the site it's hosted on requires an account to download -- may want to host it up on something that doesn't gate content like that.]

Edited by Xaser

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54 minutes ago, Xaser said:

It's very unusual for a wad to not work with GZDoom but do work in Zandronum/old-ZDoom (unless it's strictly a multiplayer-only thing) -- what's going on there exactly?


[Unfortunately, I can't check myself since the site it's hosted on requires an account to download -- may want to host it up on something that doesn't gate content like that.]

The download should be fixed, I removed the warning (it was unnecessary anyways). 

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55 minutes ago, fai1025 said:

Would be cool if you can upload it to like Mediafire or Google Drive

I don't want to make another account on a site that I never use, just because of a sensitive warning

I removed the warning so the download should be easy now.

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Took a quick look, and there's an extra comma at the end of the cluster's exittext (highlighted below) that's causing GZDoom to error out -- remove it and it'll work in GZDoom.



For the other ports, you'll want to take some time to clean up the WAD lumps a bit with SLADE. There are a few other problems that cancel each other out in ZDoom, but are likely the cause of the "noclip" issues you're seeing in other ports.


Firstly, there's a few extra lumps named "MAP02" and "MAP07" that aren't part of an actual map definition; these ought to be deleted so they don't confuse any ports:



Next up, each MAPxx lump needs to be followed by THINGS, LINEDEFS, etc. all the way to BLOCKMAP, without any other lumps in between, in order for them to load properly. Both MAP01 and MAP06 have a bunch of resources lumps in the middle, which breaks 'em; those need to be moved elsewhere in the wad (just moving them to the very bottom works in a pinch):



(Out of curiosity, was there a tutorial somewhere that you followed for this step? I've never heard of anyone making this mistake until very recently, and I'm wondering if there's a tutorial floating around that's accidentally doing it wrong)


Normally, these would prevent the maps from working in all ports, but there's an entire wadfile containing a second copy of all the maps in the "DTHAB111" lump (accidental drag-and-drop maybe?). ZDoom-family ports will load this lump as a wad, which overwrites the broken maps with fixed versions, but Crispy et.al do not (leading to the "noclip" bugs, etc, since some maps have critical lumps missing like BLOCKMAP). Once the above lump stuff is fixed, you can safely delete the DTHAB111 lump -- I did a quick check and all the maps are the same between the wads.


Finally, INTERPIC, M_HURT, and ENDTEXTS are PNG graphics, which not all ports support -- ENDTEXTS is only used in ZMAPINFO so you can leave it as-is, but you'll want to convert the other two into Doom graphics (right-click and "Convert To..." in SLADE) so they work elsewhere.

Sorry for the big wall of text -- this stuff gets complicated sometimes. :P -- Either way, congrats on the release, and hope this helps a bit!



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18 hours ago, Xaser said:

Took a quick look, and there's an extra comma at the end of the cluster's exittext (highlighted below) that's causing GZDoom to error out -- remove it and it'll work in GZDoom.



For the other ports, you'll want to take some time to clean up the WAD lumps a bit with SLADE. There are a few other problems that cancel each other out in ZDoom, but are likely the cause of the "noclip" issues you're seeing in other ports.


Firstly, there's a few extra lumps named "MAP02" and "MAP07" that aren't part of an actual map definition; these ought to be deleted so they don't confuse any ports:



Next up, each MAPxx lump needs to be followed by THINGS, LINEDEFS, etc. all the way to BLOCKMAP, without any other lumps in between, in order for them to load properly. Both MAP01 and MAP06 have a bunch of resources lumps in the middle, which breaks 'em; those need to be moved elsewhere in the wad (just moving them to the very bottom works in a pinch):



(Out of curiosity, was there a tutorial somewhere that you followed for this step? I've never heard of anyone making this mistake until very recently, and I'm wondering if there's a tutorial floating around that's accidentally doing it wrong)


Normally, these would prevent the maps from working in all ports, but there's an entire wadfile containing a second copy of all the maps in the "DTHAB111" lump (accidental drag-and-drop maybe?). ZDoom-family ports will load this lump as a wad, which overwrites the broken maps with fixed versions, but Crispy et.al do not (leading to the "noclip" bugs, etc, since some maps have critical lumps missing like BLOCKMAP). Once the above lump stuff is fixed, you can safely delete the DTHAB111 lump -- I did a quick check and all the maps are the same between the wads.


Finally, INTERPIC, M_HURT, and ENDTEXTS are PNG graphics, which not all ports support -- ENDTEXTS is only used in ZMAPINFO so you can leave it as-is, but you'll want to convert the other two into Doom graphics (right-click and "Convert To..." in SLADE) so they work elsewhere.

Sorry for the big wall of text -- this stuff gets complicated sometimes. :P -- Either way, congrats on the release, and hope this helps a bit!



It's quite alright (I like to read things) and I appreciate the pointers. I did not follow one specific tutorial, a good portion of this was experimenting (hence the haphazard drag-and-dropping of MP3 files in the middle of the WAD). The extra WAD archive was a leftover because SLADE kept corrupting the map files and that's also why there's extra map lumps. This is my first time really doing a project of this scale and I'm just glad it works at all, but l'll probably release an updated version at some point.

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2 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:


Sweeeeeeeeet. Although I will mention difficulty doesn't matter because it was designed as a one-difficulty WAD, hence the "Let's Go".


EDIT: Watching the video, there seems to be things missing that weren't tagged for "Hard", such as the extra shells in the secret on


level 3.


Edited by _koraichu

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/16/2023 at 11:11 PM, Xaser said:

Took a quick look, and there's an extra comma at the end of the cluster's exittext (highlighted below) that's causing GZDoom to error out -- remove it and it'll work in GZDoom.



For the other ports, you'll want to take some time to clean up the WAD lumps a bit with SLADE. There are a few other problems that cancel each other out in ZDoom, but are likely the cause of the "noclip" issues you're seeing in other ports.


Firstly, there's a few extra lumps named "MAP02" and "MAP07" that aren't part of an actual map definition; these ought to be deleted so they don't confuse any ports:



Next up, each MAPxx lump needs to be followed by THINGS, LINEDEFS, etc. all the way to BLOCKMAP, without any other lumps in between, in order for them to load properly. Both MAP01 and MAP06 have a bunch of resources lumps in the middle, which breaks 'em; those need to be moved elsewhere in the wad (just moving them to the very bottom works in a pinch):



(Out of curiosity, was there a tutorial somewhere that you followed for this step? I've never heard of anyone making this mistake until very recently, and I'm wondering if there's a tutorial floating around that's accidentally doing it wrong)


Normally, these would prevent the maps from working in all ports, but there's an entire wadfile containing a second copy of all the maps in the "DTHAB111" lump (accidental drag-and-drop maybe?). ZDoom-family ports will load this lump as a wad, which overwrites the broken maps with fixed versions, but Crispy et.al do not (leading to the "noclip" bugs, etc, since some maps have critical lumps missing like BLOCKMAP). Once the above lump stuff is fixed, you can safely delete the DTHAB111 lump -- I did a quick check and all the maps are the same between the wads.


Finally, INTERPIC, M_HURT, and ENDTEXTS are PNG graphics, which not all ports support -- ENDTEXTS is only used in ZMAPINFO so you can leave it as-is, but you'll want to convert the other two into Doom graphics (right-click and "Convert To..." in SLADE) so they work elsewhere.

Sorry for the big wall of text -- this stuff gets complicated sometimes. :P -- Either way, congrats on the release, and hope this helps a bit!



So, I fixed the noclipping issue. But when I play in Crispy Doom, the game crashes when I finish a level. The music starts playing so I don't think it's that, but I can't seem to find any other issues. Is there something I've gotten wrong?

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Did you convert those graphics from PNG over to Doom Patch format? If not, that would explain the intermission screen crash, since INTERPIC is one of the lumps in question.

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On 12/3/2023 at 4:10 PM, Xaser said:

Did you convert those graphics from PNG over to Doom Patch format? If not, that would explain the intermission screen crash, since INTERPIC is one of the lumps in question.

I would love to but it forces me to pallette it, which ruins the image no matter what pallette I use.

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Truecolor (i.e. non-paletted) graphics aren't something the original games support -- they work in GZDoom and a few other ports, but not Crispy, etc.

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