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(TOOL-ASSISTED) Plutonia - MAP32: Go 2 It (100%) (No Damage) (Revision II)

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Just as the title says, this run is TOOL-ASSISTED and it's NOT meant to be submitted to any speedrun/demo website. All of the details are in the attached text file.


So, I've been trying out dsda-doom lately. Not because I want to speedrun the game, I still need to learn about that, but I wanted to try it out and see the Source Port's features. I must say, it ISN'T complicated but rather tedious to use, especially on Build Mode. I tried to do a few demos here and there using the Port's tools, seeing what it's like but nothing much came out of it. A few moments later, I realized this Port isn't only for speedrunning, but also for "showcasing" maps, and by showcasing I mean making a demo which simply shows a map or a WAD but isn't meant to be taken as a serious run. No actual legitimate gameplay, just showing how the map's like.


I decided to test these tools the Source Port provides and I spent an hour making a demo of Go 2 It where the player doesn't receive ANY damage at all. To make this possible, I took advantage of the slow mode and the rewind and save/load tools to make everything perfect. And if you thought that was enough, I have done the demo AGAIN but this time I enabled fast monsters and have somehow taken less time in doing it.

Of course, I already beat this map legitimately a long time ago, but I wanted to come back to it just for this, and this map was the first thing that popped up inside my head when I thought "very hard map". Showcasing doesn't equal beating a map, and I'd like to think that everybody understands that.


Please remember not to take this demo seriously. I only made it for fun and to show how the gameplay could be in this situation.


With that being said, I hope you guys enjoy watching these demos and have some fun thinking if any of you could actually pull this off (I'm sure I wouldn't be able to myself).





Edited by Vyntreaux
Revision II. Added new demo with -fast enabled.

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Very cool. In speedrunning we call no-damage runs "Reality" so people do this kinda stuff a lot with and without tas. Good job, though! Looks pretty good for a first attempt at doing something like this.

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6 minutes ago, Andrea Rovenski said:

Very cool. In speedrunning we call no-damage runs "Reality" so people do this kinda stuff a lot with and without tas. Good job, though! Looks pretty good for a first attempt at doing something like this.

Thank you for the information, I'll make sure to use it next time. Keep in mind it's not my intention for this to look like a speedrun, but more like a "what if" of the map. It's funny because I actually made this demo for myself even if I was already seeing everything as I was making it, but I still wanted to be impressed by how skilled someone has to be to pull stuff like this off and things that are way harder than this, knowing that Go 2 It is (probably) barely anything compared to the community's WADs such as Slaughter Maps. In any case, I had a lot of fun doing this.

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I'm 99% sure it could be beaten without taking damage and without much difficulty from the most skilled runners, it's more a matter of how fast you can be without taking damage, it would probably be a decent bit slower than non-reality max

Edited by Kinetic

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16 minutes ago, Kinetic said:

I'm 99% sure it could be beaten without taking damage and without much difficulty from the most skilled runners, it's more a matter of how fast you can be without taking damage, it would probably be a decent bit slower than non-reality max

Well, there's a Max/Reality demo out there already...

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i guess that's what I get for knowing I should check dsda before I post but being too lazy and betting nobody had cared enough to do that run yet

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4 hours ago, Kinetic said:

it would probably be a decent bit slower than non-reality max

I mean, it'd definitely be slower because of having to dodge the enemy attacks unless that player already knows all of the strategies to avoid any damage dealt to them, which means they've would've gone through quite a (few) number of attempts to do it.

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