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Alex Jones has a video game.

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I could describe it, lol, but just, here...   

Edit:  Youtube took the original video down.  They don't seem to understand that doing things like that will steel his fan base.  Here's a rumble link to watch this hilarious garbage.





Edited by EraserheadBaby

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$20 for this?!?


Also, how is the guy not in prison already? He seems to be losing every court battle he finds himself in.



Edited by Rudolph

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I won’t even accept to be paid one million dollars to play only one second such a crap.

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7 minutes ago, ducon said:

I won’t even accept to be paid one million dollars to play only one second such a crap.

For one million dollars, I would, actually. Literally, I would play it one second and then I would uninstall it. :P

Edited by Rudolph

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Can't wait for the reactionaries to get hyped for what may as well be the equivalent of a licensed shovel-ware DS game. I don't expect him to understand how creative licensing works either, so expect lots of recycled assets...

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12 minutes ago, RonLivingston said:

Matey, Alex Jones is a lunatic.

From what I read about him, he is your bog-standard grifter who makes outrageous claims for money and attention. Granted, unlike his counterparts, he actually has a flair for entertaining an audience, but based on the testimonies of the people who have known him, the real him is nowhere near as flamboyant, funny or even interesting; in fact, he comes across as nothing more than an insufferable abusive jackass.

Edited by Rudolph

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they yassified the frogs. oh my god.

I will say this is about the dumbest way to try to pay back court costs but sure, I guess

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No way, this shit is official?? And premium??? I thought this was some fanboy's bedroom project, not a commercial product you have to pay for.


The problem with meme games is that memes have a shelf life. Once the novelty wears off, all you're left with is a substandard Metal Slug knockoff that you just burnt $20 on.


But hey, like others have said, those billions worth of legal fees aren't gonna pay themselves.


2 hours ago, RonLivingston said:

Matey, Alex Jones is a lunatic.

Nah, just a mouthpiece. That's why he's into the civil courts for 9 figures but still a free man. 1A functioning as intended, folks. Talk shit, get sued.

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So we're not, apparently, living in a simulation, but in a simpsons episode.

Personnaly, I find this hilarious.

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Alex taking some time off from coaching football to make a game? Is there anything he can't do? 

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3 hours ago, scalliano said:

That's why he's into the civil courts for 9 figures but still a free man. 1A functioning as intended, folks. Talk shit, get sued.

That's such a weird case, I don't understand the legality of it. Where it starts and ends, what is allowed and what isn't. Like if some other big time radio host had started saying that 9/11 was all actors and such, would he get sued?

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29 minutes ago, RDETalus said:

That's such a weird case, I don't understand the legality of it. Where it starts and ends, what is allowed and what isn't. Like if some other big time radio host had started saying that 9/11 was all actors and such, would he get sued?

In a nutshell, it's pretty simple.

  • What windbags would have you believe it means: The First Amendment is an absolute right that gives you the right to say anything you want, anywhere, at any time, for any reason.
  • What anyone with half a noodle who read the US Constitution properly would know it means: The First Amendment means that the government cannot make laws that (among other things, since it covers five things) censor your speech in any sort of public forum - that is, in a park, on the street, and so on, except in very limited circumstances. Private land, businesses, entities, newspapers, websites, etc. do not apply to this (unless they are acting on behalf of the government); you have every right to tell someone saying stuff you don't want to hear on your property to get lost. Some laws may also prevent employers from creating rules that (for example) forbid the ability of workers to inform one another of their salaries, organize unions, and so on.

Since radio stations are not functioning on behalf of the Federal government, the First Amendment doesn't apply to them. They are free to allow their hosts to say - or not say - whatever they please. (Though naturally, this will have repercussions, and no doubt the FCC would be very interested in hearing what that station is allowing to air.)

Edited by Dark Pulse

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52 minutes ago, gagestorma said:

Funny coming from some chump with a Hamas flag seeing them an terrorist organization.(Hamas and Israel are both horrible.)  


50 minutes ago, gagestorma said:

I remember when doom players didnt care about politics. This is an obvious satire game and the man babies replying are crying and shitting their pants because they dont like the schizo conspiracy man. 

Funny coming from some chump who signed up less than an hour ago exclusively to post this garbage. Get fucking lost.

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1 hour ago, gagestorma said:

Funny coming from some chump with a Hamas flag seeing them an terrorist organization.

No, it is the Palestinian flag. The Hamas flag actually looks like this.


1 hour ago, gagestorma said:

obvious satire game

Being deliberately over-the-top alone is not satire. Especially when the game is *not* making fun of its own subject. What it is actually is just self-aggrandizing fan fiction designed to act as a promotional tool for both Alex Jones and the conspiracy theories he likes to put out there.


Here is an example of an actual satirical take on Alex Jones:



1 hour ago, gagestorma said:

schizo conspiracy man

Alex Jones is not schizophrenic. As I pointed out earlier, he is a talented-but-amoral showman preying on gullible desperate people's anxieties.

Edited by Rudolph

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1 hour ago, Dark Pulse said:

Since radio stations are not functioning on behalf of the Federal government, the First Amendment doesn't apply to them. They are free to allow their hosts to say - or not say - whatever they please. (Though naturally, this will have repercussions, and no doubt the FCC would be very interested in hearing what that station is allowing to air.)

Sure, but that doesn't answer my question. There are tons of people, big and small, making conspiracy theory claims all the time. What was so special about Alex Jones that got him sued for 9 figures?

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15 minutes ago, RDETalus said:

Sure, but that doesn't answer my question. There are tons of people, big and small, making conspiracy theory claims all the time. What was so special about Alex Jones that got him sued for 9 figures?


Defamation with demonstrable and clear financial and emotional harm. He repeatedly talked absolute lies about sandy hook and the parents, not caring a jot that his nutjob followers would harrass them to the ends of the earth. One set of parents have been straight up diagnosed with ptsd as a result of the harassment.


So it's a question of scale and end result. One random nut can't do much. Someone with his reach can rain hell on people. 


2 hours ago, gagestorma said:

schizo conspiracy man


Schizo no. But he's absolutely a sociopath. He repeatedly shows he is incapable of considering the consequences of his actions on others. He has only ever shown pretentions of sympathy and remorse when raw basic logic has shown it might benefit him to do so. He is a pure predator that in different life circumstances would likely be a physical threat to people.

Edited by Murdoch

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