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Entryway 2.0 (Limit Removing)

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first attempt, 9:45


Had to try this due to predilection for IWAD remakes.

A simple layout (by necessity of imitation) with mostly 90 degree corners, but with a high level of detailing made it reminiscent of early or mid 2000s era map design. Slightly harder than the original but not much.

Appreciate the idea of incorporating the missing parts from the prerelease version. The shadow-casted UAC logo was also very enticing. "Ooh I have to get out there and see that up close".

Lots of wall humping, everything looks like a secret trigger :P

Naturally, the reward for a job well done is a request for further work. It would be good to see more of Doom2 redone in this style. Please continue :)

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7 hours ago, RjY said:

first attempt, 9:45


Had to try this due to predilection for IWAD remakes.

A simple layout (by necessity of imitation) with mostly 90 degree corners, but with a high level of detailing made it reminiscent of early or mid 2000s era map design. Slightly harder than the original but not much.

Appreciate the idea of incorporating the missing parts from the prerelease version. The shadow-casted UAC logo was also very enticing. "Ooh I have to get out there and see that up close".

Lots of wall humping, everything looks like a secret trigger :P

Naturally, the reward for a job well done is a request for further work. It would be good to see more of Doom2 redone in this style. Please continue :)


Thanks for checking it out :) I'm glad that you liked it. I will indeed create more; in fact, I think I'll create a poll to see which maps people want to see being reimagined. As for the secrets, you'll see subtle hints in the map all around to denote where they are :P


7 hours ago, tornado potato said:

That UAC logo .. *chef's kiss*. Also, good music choice




5 hours ago, Hebonky said:

Real nice and atmospheric, maybe underhalls next?


I'll create a poll to see which maps people want to see being recreated. I'm not planning to do the entirety of the campaign (a bit much work for one person), so seeing what the community wants would be a treat :)


4 hours ago, AugPin1973 said:

Genuine question: Why don't you post the .zip file directly here?


It's easier for me to maintain and distribute files that I've uploaded on Gamebanana. The site's system to keep a changelog document and ability to let one submission host multiple downloads not only makes it easier for me myself to keep a track of my progress and bug reports and fixes, it also allows the .wad to be more discoverable. 

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map is good atmosphere is best part but gameplay is rather too basic for a standalone map,almost no challange, i thought a go4it kind of combats probably 

took 4 mins to max it on my first attempt uv skill cl2 prboom iddt used




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1 minute ago, Zahid said:

map is good atmosphere is best part but gameplay is rather too basic for a standalone map,almost no challange, i thought a go4it kind of combats probably 

took 4 mins to max it on my first attempt uv skill cl2 prboom iddt used





It's the recreation of the first map, my guy. The first map of the game. Not sure what expectations you went in there with. I'm not going to construct a map and then essentially ruin the majority of the appeal by making it a slaughter map.

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36 minutes ago, Amaruψ said:


It's the recreation of the first map, my guy. The first map of the game. Not sure what expectations you went in there with. I'm not going to construct a map and then essentially ruin the majority of the appeal by making it a slaughter map.

I hate slaughter maps 

but difficulty of entryway is not very exciting for a map of this scale and era...its still Good for seeing and walking around though....

I hope u know better


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I like the map and its atmosphere and the fact that it's a slaughter doesn't bother me but I'll test the special version out of curiosity!

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The lighting was very nice! I also like how you reduced the emphasis on abstraction to make something a touch more realistic but still designed to play well.




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FDA | Woof | 4:59 | 100% K/S


What a neat little level you have there! Really good atmosphere and a fresh take on the classic Entryway. I did not run into any issues and I have a good time. Looking forward to more!

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Finally got to try it out. Pretty good! A definitive improvement over the original. I would not mind playing more reimagined Doom II maps from you!

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