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What's your favorite video game?

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Lots I like, really like even, but what I love and cannot live without? Is what I'll be listing.


Doom 1-2 (duh), Quake (got it right the first time), Blood (funnest boomer shooter that's not Doom or Quake), Unreal (it's my Half-Life), Diablo  (especially with fixes and mods), Carmageddon series (yes even TDR2000, Max Damage NEEDS the Overhaul mod by STShotgun however), Sonic the Hedgehog (2D games, very nostalgic), Fallout 3/New Vegas (ever play a game that feels like it was made just for you? that's what NV feels like to me, that said I still enjoy FO3, also I still need to play the first two and FO4).


I wanted a top ten but those are my Excellent Eight, coined that on the spot.

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8 hours ago, BeachThunder said:

You'd assume DoomWorld would be the perfect place to find people whose favourite game is Doom...apparently not...

i think doom would be my second favorite to be honest

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10 hours ago, BeachThunder said:

You'd assume DoomWorld would be the perfect place to find people whose favourite game is Doom...apparently not...

I’m having a hard time denying it as my favorite; it’s neck-and-neck with Quake 2, but it still wind out. I can play it entirely vanilla one year and then feel like sprucing it up with mods for the next.


The next game after that is another tie-breaker between Morrowind and Daggerfall: They’re both amazing but I have to give it to Morrowind.


The rest of my favorites are basically fantasy action-RPGs and first-person-shooters from the 1990’s up until the middle 2000’s (with some exceptions afterwards). There are some strategy standouts in there like Heroes of Might & Magic III.

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Defender, Defender:Stargate (renamed to Defender II later ~ thanks Hollywood a*holes!), Robotron:2084,

Sinistar, Joust, Mr. Do!, Super Mario War, Mappy, Krusty's Funhouse and Tempest 2000.


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Hollow Knight, Terraria and Disco Elysium are the first that come to mind currently, the list changes from time to time. Usually games that I have really fond memories of, struck out to me personally and that I haven't got sick of yet.


Years back, I would've mentioned Fallout New Vegas, but I've kinda drifted from the Fallout series. No significant reason why, just life I guess. Dishonored and Bioshock used to be really high too, but I haven't played them in years.


Honourable Mentions:




Edited by Mr Masker

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7 hours ago, Lila Feuer said:

Doom 1-2, QuakeBloodUnrealDiablo, CarmageddonSonic the Hedgehog, Fallout


I wanted a top ten but those Excellent Eight, coined that on the spot.


I can't believe my stupid bitch ass forgot about Silent Hill 1-4. I'm tired. So lemme rename that to the...Nice Nine. Yeah uh, GOODNIGHT.

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Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.


I played that game almost six years ago now for the first time, and wish I discovered it sooner. Eventually I ended up beating the game with every clan except for Gangrel, and sometimes using many different mods. I just love it.

Edited by MrFroz

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