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Doom: Part 2 - Earth in Hell - Brand-new megawad from 1994

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Here are the videos for E1M9, E1M4, E1M5.


Not much to say about these ones, E1M4 and E1M5 resemble more to maps from the first episode of Ultimate Doom.


E1M5 has quite a lot of cool traps ideas and damn the chaingun's one was vicious lol. E1M4's layout lets you explore the map at your free will and has lot of monsters to chew up with the guns.


For the moment, E1M3 remains my favorite, but let's see the last maps!





Edited by Roofi

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And here are the videos for the last trio of maps !


FYI, I recorded two separated videos for E1M7 because I had an unexpected phone call. Talking, about E1M7, it definitely ranks among my favourites along with E1M3. The layout is huge, non-linear and distorted. This urban stroll really made me nostalgic for an era I never knew, and the music makes the whole thing quite touching. The sheer quantity of ammunition and monsters involved keeps combats really fun.


I also find the airport very original for the E1M8 slot, bearing in mind that a runway is a great opportunity to make very wide areas. I might have enjoyed fighting more cyberdemons just for the sheer madness of it.


As far as E1M6 is concerned, this is perhaps my least favorite map in the pack, the teleporter-based "puzzles" frequently bore me, but what would a 1994 wad be without annoying puzzles like this?


I found missing textures and tutti-fruttis again, specifically in E1M6 but you indicated that it was your choice to keep them, so I will not report them.


Overall, this is one of the best interpretations of the 1994 era I've played recently, and I'm now looking forward to the other episodes! My favourite maps are E1M3 and E1M7 , seconded with E1M5 and E1M8.






Edited by Roofi

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  • 1 month later...

Is the UAC logo texture on the large door behind the blue barrier in E1M1 supposed to be misaligned?

Edited by Rudolph

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Ah. That is a bit unfortunate.


I understand that the amateurish/shovelware aesthetics are done as a joke, but I find them ultimately more distracting than funny.


Oh well, the level design itself so far - I made it to E1M9 - is pretty good.

Edited by Rudolph

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On 12/8/2023 at 6:46 AM, Roofi said:

As far as E1M6 is concerned, this is perhaps my least favorite map in the pack, the teleporter-based "puzzles" frequently bore me, but what would a 1994 wad be without annoying puzzles like this?

Yeah, about that... How the hell do you navigate it?


Because of the flashing lights, I get easily disoriented and I have no idea where each teleporter leads to. I only got out of it by chance.

Edited by Rudolph

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2 hours ago, Rudolph said:

Yeah, about that... How the hell do you navigate it?


Because of the flashing lights, I get easily disoriented and I have no idea where each teleporter leads to. I only got out of it by chance.

Well, if you step back from a square onto any wing of a room, an then walk on it again, then you'll be teleported to the room next to, which you were facing while walking on a square previous room. If you get in, for instance, most left room, and you'd like to go left even further, then you'll be teleported to the most right room (like in PacMan). All teleport destinations are facing to the central room.
The picture below shows examples of teleporting routes. Green arrows present direction of player's movement.

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Thank you.


I think I got a softlock in E1M8: upon grabbing the blue key, I fell off the ledge and on the tarmac, where I fought the two Cyberdemons. However, I do not know if I was supposed to grab the Yellow Key first, because now, I seem unable to re-enter the airport building.

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2 hours ago, Rudolph said:

Thank you.


I think I got a softlock in E1M8: upon grabbing the blue key, I fell off the ledge and on the tarmac, where I fought the two Cyberdemons. However, I do not know if I was supposed to grab the Yellow Key first, because now, I seem unable to re-enter the airport building.

A Yellow key is in the corner of the map ;)

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Just got done playing the wad and I can safely say that the yellow key in E1M8 is extremely easily missable to the point that it seems reasonable that a lot of people would think they hit a softlock after falling out the window to get outside the building.

Other than that though, a pretty fun little episode overall, with a neat balance of amateurish and sophisticated touches to its design, almost as if someone played through Doomsday of UAC and was immediately inspired to turn it into a full episode.

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  • 3 months later...


On 5/19/2024 at 4:00 PM, Kam Tovalski said:



I already see the gorgeous night sky and I know that I'll play it...

Edited by Async Unicorn

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On 5/19/2024 at 4:00 PM, Kam Tovalski said:



Another (27 maps or 36?) megawad on the first Doom? It's wondefrul! Will it be dedicated entirely to our Earth? Perfect!


I look forward to...

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7 hours ago, RaRu Des2122 said:


Another (27 maps or 36?) megawad on the first Doom? It's wondefrul! Will it be dedicated entirely to our Earth? Perfect!


I look forward to...

Wait, can Doom 1 have 36 maps? I thought only 27 :)


Just kidding :)

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ive been on a chris klie binge lately and this looks like it draws at least some inspiration from his work


looking forward to episode two!

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1 hour ago, Kam Tovalski said:

Wait, can Doom 1 have 36 maps? I thought only 27 :)


Just kidding :)


It is better then to take an example from megawads which include 50 or 55 levels :))


By the way, how many maps are completely ready at the moment? If it's not a secret, of course...

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2 hours ago, RaRu Des2122 said:


By the way, how many maps are completely ready at the moment? If it's not a secret, of course...

26 and a half, if I recall correctly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm enjoying this very much. I especially love the custom sounds..The shotgun is extra punchy, the item pickup sound has a very retro arcade vibe I like, and the teleport sound effect is very cool also, but overall the custom sounds are tasteful and fitting of the theme, imo.


Gameplay wise, very nicely paced and satisfying. Wads for the original DOOM are among my favorites. :D

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Congrats on us, really! I hope you like it as i liked to do stuff for It!


If you find E2M6 familiar, Is because It came from a old unfinished community project i particapated called "Neck Deep in the gibs", here slightly modified


Edited by Walter confetti

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whatre those new sound fx? are they from somewhere or did you make them yourselves?

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3 minutes ago, TMMMS said:

whatre those new sound fx? are they from somewhere or did you make them yourselves?

They come from other 1994 wads, like Laura Beyer's Doom, Cringe, Eye of Beholder, Galaxia, JCM2-6, and maybe more :)

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none of these names sound familiar - i mightve recognized a xenomorph growl though - but those sfx sure sound cool!


are those wads worth checking out?

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7 hours ago, Kam Tovalski said:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Doom: Part 2 - Earth in Hell is ready!

Go check the intro of the thread out!

Congrats on the release!


I'm aways down for some Doom 1 action and will give this one a spin soon. Looks really cool and fun to play. 

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10 minutes ago, TMMMS said:

so whats next? a fourth episode? doom iii - doom ii part 2 - doom part 3?

How about DOOM II: Episode 2? :D (a la Half-Life) 

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30 minutes ago, TMMMS said:

so whats next? a fourth episode? doom iii - doom ii part 2 - doom part 3?

Turned out me and Walter thought independently about "Doom: Part 3". Not sure, what does he mean about :D

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6 hours ago, TMMMS said:

none of these names sound familiar - i mightve recognized a xenomorph growl though - but those sfx sure sound cool!


are those wads worth checking out?

Well, JCM has even more silly sfx, lbdoom works the questionable way, Cringe is fine (Mark Klem's debut), Galaxia is an epic classic.

I did demos from lbdoom and cringe, so I you want to experience them from safe distance, then...




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WAD Update:
- For some reason Cacodemons and Barons have got the same wake-up sound. I changed Cacos' sound to one from cringe.wad,
- E2M1 received a difficulty variety,
- I lowered windows in E2M4, so Cybers are more dangerous

Dropbox link has been updated.

End of PSA

Edited by Kam Tovalski

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