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I love Youtube's war on ad-blockers

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I was starting to have a problem with watching too much Youtube.  But now, thanks to obscenely intrusive advertising that make's cable look subtle and considerate, I'm watching a lot less youtube.  Instead I've been doing my routine, getting more work done on this bombed out shack, socializing on DOOMworld, playing my ocarina, and writing a horror movie.


Thanks Youtube



Adblocker started working again and I was just doing my zombie scroll through youtube.  Then I got sick of myself.  I decided to turn it off.  Just another addiction to leave behind.  I've turned so many corners these last few years that I'm in a different neighborhood.

Edited by EraserheadBaby

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There are plenty of workarounds out there.


I believe Adblock itself has either been updated to circumvent YouTube's ads or it is actively working on a solution. 

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5 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

There are plenty of workarounds out there.


I believe Adblock itself has either been updated to circumvent YouTube's ads or it is actively working on a solution. 

I know, but I like my life better without so much youtube.

Still, thanks for offering the helpful advice

Edited by EraserheadBaby

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Simplest solution I have found is to use your preferred adblocker as normal and to be logged out of your account when watching anything (or to log out as necessary when youtube starts being an ass).


It should be possible to keep your viewing within useful limits without being "forced" to by invasive corporate policies.

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The ad thing has made me watch less youtube but, it is so fucking annoying to watch multiple ads on a 5 second video, and what ive noticed is that when i watch my own youtube videos THEY HAVE ADS ON IT AND MY CHANNEL ISNT EVEN ELIGABLE TO GET ADS ON IT OR MAKE MONEY FROM ADS so theyre just putting ads on literally every video and profiting off of that without even paying the creator

(also ik u can download vids with ytdlp and i use it too but im not tryna download every single video i see yk)

Edited by Shakariki Heisenberg

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I am surprised that I haven't ran into this issue yet and I use uBlock Origin, Must be updating quicker than anybody else.

Edited by THEBaratusII

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Add some filters to remove the pop-up.

Delete any site cookies involving Youtube (to be on the safe side I actually remove every non-website cookie every now and then). Removing cookies does mean you have your settings reset, but if you're like me and don't have a Youtube account and are only browsing videos this isn't an issue.

48 minutes ago, DNSKILL5 said:

Remember when YouTube ads weren’t on the videos themselves? 

Remember when they had yellow ad markers in videos? They clearly got rid of them because they know that their audiences don't care about their ads and get rid of the ads before starting to watch content.


Also remember when ads were just a sidebar on the bottom of the video?


side note: I made the mistake of listening to a "turn off your adblocker pop-up" on a different site and when I disabled my adblocker my whole browser became totally unresponsive. Many of the sites with this feature are already rich from ad content enough anyways.

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I use uBlock Origin and I haven't experienced a single ad-blocking countermeasure. But YouTube is constantly removing and changing so many useful features that I still have plenty of reasons to be mad at them. Recently the Featured Channels section of channel pages was removed. I sometimes used it to discover new channels, and I'm really annoyed that it was removed.

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1 hour ago, Shakariki Heisenberg said:

The ad thing has made me watch less youtube but, it is so fucking annoying to watch multiple ads on a 5 second video, and what ive noticed is that when i watch my own youtube videos THEY HAVE ADS ON IT AND MY CHANNEL ISNT EVEN ELIGABLE TO GET ADS ON IT OR MAKE MONEY FROM ADS so theyre just putting ads on literally every video and profiting off of that without even paying the creator

(also ik u can download vids with ytdlp and i use it too but im not tryna download every single video i see yk)

That is some serious bullshit right there.  You should get paid if they're running ads on your time

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invidious helped me with my productivity alot, it's YouTube, but without a homepage, it's pretty horrible which is why it's good, no subscriptions, no playlists just a search bar

Edited by amnion

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On 11/26/2023 at 5:09 PM, OpenRift said:

bro think he tha zeldas 

I'm more like Ganondorf.  6'6" and 230lbs. I got it for camping.  I like to have music but didn't want a radio.  That being said, I do play Zelda songs for tips at work.  It never fails to put a smile on their face.  Really seems to brighten up their day


Edit:  I learned Zelda's Lullaby today

Edited by EraserheadBaby

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I'm searching some new adblocks on YT, i disable the two i have, adblock and ghostery, result: when i want to watch some videos i'v got two spots before i can watch.


If you've got some recommandations, i'll take it. I'm on windows 10 and 7.

Edited by P_A_Z

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I installed uBlock Origin for Firefox, i will see tomorrow, for the moment, it works.

Edited by P_A_Z

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I don't mind. I find it amusing that when I'm waiting for videos about [Ideology A] I get constantly assaulted with propaganda for [Ideology B].


That and snake oil targeting the elderly.

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uBlock Origin works swell. Got one warning once, but going to options and hitting rebuild cache, and I'm right back to cucking Google out of ad revenue. I hope they seethe.

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I guess we're coming back to this old topic that earned my a warning point a year ago.

I still hold the same beliefs, but let me state them more mildly:


The internet, although not something that is traditionally alive, is effectively a living thing. And what inevitably happens to all living things? They die. We are witnessing that exact thing; the death of the internet, at least as we know it. It's going senile, going mad like a confused animal, as its faculties begin to shrivel up. And it will eventually collapse and die, and we must move on.

The internet now is like a sinking ship. Although we are not yet drowning, we soon are to be plunged into the cold depths. It is best if we leave the sinking ship as soon as possible, and readjust to the new surroundings that will come, as opposed to us waiting as long as possible to find our escape.


YouTube is a great example of this. A bastion of the internet as we know it; a content-production and content-servicing machine that works with extreme effeciency. In the beginning, it was homegrown and healthy; people would make content for others. Soon, this capitulated and backfired, as profit from this homemade production saw itself being no longer viable - this was the adpocolypse.

That's just simply how things are in the world that we live in: the human aspect, that which makes the internet and so many things in life not only enjoyable but truly fulfilling, is not profitable.

After the adpocolypse, YouTube became stagnant, and slowly grown as more corporate interests took over. And not just major broadcasting corporations, but their influence on YouTube today should not be ignored, but homegrown corporations. Humans on the internet became corporatized for the sake of profit and success. It's merely how things are.


Now, with near-free investments to technology corporations like YouTube being rapidly shut down, the unprofitability of the still half-human service that is YouTube is coming to a front. Push is coming to shove, and YouTube has now gone senile and mad. From the Ad Situation, to YouTube (potentially) literally breaking the law, YouTube is showing its teeth in a desperate attempt to preserve itself, struggling against its inevitable death. That's merely just how things are.


As a consequence, I tell all of you here that you should begin an exodus from the internet. The internet was never meant to be a place where content was produced, delivered, and consumed; the internet was meant to be a place where people shared information. Like here! But entertainment-centered content, and the internet? They go together like milk and honey. Sure, you'll be overjoyed at the taste in the start, but eventually the runs kick in and you'll have to stop.


Many people here report them cutting down on YouTube consumption. And for them, I am quite happy. They serve to us a good lession - that in response to all of this tomfoolery from Google, we simply should just stop using their service. That's what I've done, with Invidious, and it's helped considerably. I recommend you all follow in their footsteps, for your well-being at the very least.

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It's for the best. Things gotta rot and decay man, winter needs to come to give the world some respite from the summer heat. Just the way of all things, but it's best if we don't fight against it. Fighting against the waves only leads to drowning.

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I have Premium mainly for watching Youtube from the Android TV app without ads. It has been funny see how much people are willing to do to avoid ads or paying premium. I watch way more Youtube than I would watch Disney+, Netflix or any other similar service so Youtube Premium is definitely worth the price for me. The amount of video that gets uploaded to Youtube every hour is massive and there are no storage limitations, so it easy to see why they want to move Youtube more to the direction of a being mainly a subscription service. The free version Youtube needs to have many ads or have many limitations, and generally even excessive amount of ads is better than limitations.


Situation is messy, but the best way to stop Youtube becoming even worse is to either disable adblocker or go Premium.

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