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DOOM on the R36S retro gaming Handheld

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So my R36S retro gaming handheld that got over 15,000 games on it and my idea to put Doom on it and see if it could run it and what do you know it could run Doom on it with two analog sticks and 4 micro switches on the back of the handheld and I must say I am pretty impressed on how good it runs on it and it also runs GZ-DOOM on the r36s

and on how I got the device through Aliexpress I will leave a link down if you want to check it out for yourself



it sure is a good retro handheld if you want to take gaming on the go and be able to play Doom on the go

if you do get this device you need the IWAD files take out the SD card and put it into an SD card Reader and it will prompt you to the Roms Folder and you need to look for the Doom folder and once you find the Doom Folder then put the iWAD put into the DOOM folder of the Root of the SD card once you get that done then proceed to eject the SD Card out and place it back to the R36S retro Gaming Handheld and now you could take Doom on the Go



Edited by AnthonyTankHD

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