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How do I into MBF21?

Li'l devil

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How do I use MBF21 features, like monster and weapon flags? I only found Friendly flag, and that's it. Do I need to use Dehacked? Where are the tutorials? There doesn't seem to be any. I might want to make something in MBF21 format later.

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DECOHACK is absolutely the way to go, both for MBF21 and vanilla things even -- it takes a bit of up-front setup but it makes life way easier than doing any sort of dehacked patch the old way (no more "state jump spaghetti", it'll figure that part out for you ;P )


[EDIT] while on the topic, certainly don't write the text by hand, that's an exercise in masochism ;P -- I've seen loose reports of people trying to do it that way, and its painful. The MBF21 extended features were designed to be easy for tools and source ports to read and write, not humans ;P

Edited by Xaser

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I have been doing things by hand in Notepad++ like an animal. It's not that bad, but it is kind of a pain having to manually adjust state numbers and stuff when you insert or add a frame or something like that.


Definitely going to switch over to Decohack at some point, but I have had success doing it by hand.

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