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Ever play Doom on a PHONE!?


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last night I couldn't sleep and got inspired just to see how unplayable this would be


It was kind of a surreal experience. I made it further than I expected and surprisingly it helped recapture that first time feel again for me, I was scared of familiar places and encounters cause the controls were just SO wonky for me


I also filmed it lol but the audio is kinda messed up too - I had the game turned down but they breathed so loud



You guys ever try this?


I guess there are controllers that make it sensible but the on screen buttons are crazy man

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I've played freedoom even with OTEX loaded to test my maps on my phone and also to show my students what I had made. It was fun but very wonky. Wish there was a proper and free source port available, I think there is one but it's paid, right?


3 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

Try playing this instead. Candybar style.

Truly the Doom experience of all time.



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A while back, I played around with Freedoom on my phone. I remember it being at least three different kinds of bad.


But I still think it's cool that Doom exists on phones. I'm sure there are many people out there who would never play the original Dooms otherwise.

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Haha, this question always amuses me whenever I see it. That's how I used to play when I didn't have access to any sort of capable PC a while ago. Definitely wasn't the ideal way to play, but it was still amazing to know I could have ZDoom, Choco, AND Boom all on my phone in one little app. I found playing it to be a much easier endeavor than mapping, all things considered, heh. I used the Beloko port, though, so I couldn't tell you if that would contribute to the jank you were experiencing with the official DOOM port(?)



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Back in 2005 I actually played Doom on an vintage Nokia. At the time downloadable mobile games was a new thing and the connection was horrible.

It certainly wasn't the og Doom we love (propably Doom RPG) but I have indeed played Doom on a phone.

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Looks really awkward and not very fun to me. I could almost picture a point-and-click running in this way, but it would still feel a bit wrong. 

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Nice, now go get some frags with it ;p



All joking aside, mobile dooming isn't as bad as people make it out to be; it can't compare to playing with mouse+kb, to be sure, but the tangible difference in ability to perform is often exaggerated for comedic purposes more than for accuracy. 

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I'mma let you finish, but DOOM RPG is one of the greatest games of all time

Edited by Kroc

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49 minutes ago, Tactical Burger said:

I still have freedoom on my phone and play it from time to time. It's a fun time waster when you're bored and it's better than 90% of the mobile games out there.

This! I have the freedoom app on my phone (with the doom iwads for sprites, textures, midis, etc) and I like to play vanilla pwads (eg: fava beans, 10 sectors 1 & 2, Rebirth, Tetanus, Atonement) on HMP or HNTR to overcome the lack of keyboard and mouse. I suggest disabling freelook and allowing autoaim (just like the original!) to improve playability

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I have played some on Nokia C5-00 5MP with Symbian port of Chocolate Doom. It looked good on 240x320 screen, but controls sucked without mouse and proper keyboard.

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I have a PS1 emulator on my phone and used it to play through PSX Doom couple years back.


It wasn't as bad as one would expect but like in your case, the touch screen controls really added to the difficulty.

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I've got Doom on my phone. Never really played it, but I have it installed on principle.


I did play through Doom 2 on a Nokia N900 years ago.

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2 hours ago, Fonze said:

Bien, ahora ve a buscar algunos fragmentos ;p



Bromas aparte, la ruina de los dispositivos móviles no es tan mala como la gente cree; No se puede comparar con jugar con mouse + kb, sin duda, pero la diferencia tangible en la capacidad de desempeño a menudo se exagera con fines cómicos más que por precisión. 

Wait, can DOOM multiplayer be played on mobile?

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I have tried. I bought the older version of D-Touch many years ago before it got removed from the Play Store and now have a more recent version from the Amazon store. Touch controls are very difficult and finicky, but I imagine playing with a connected controller probably works fine. I have a laptop now so if I want to Doom on the go that's my main way. 

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I have played the unity port on a phone and I can tell you it was AGONISING to play! Probably the only time I've flat out rage-quitted DooM on ITYTD simply because the controls as so unresponsive.


Funnily enough, Minecraft got its controls right.

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I used to play Doom on my phone to and from my old job on the bus.


I ended up purchasing a small controller for android, slip it into my pocket and away we go, worth it dude.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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I have the unity ports of DOOM 1 and 2 on my phone, it controls and responds great and its a fun time waster for when your somewhere that aint home. and I can still play the game pretty well on uv with touch controls 

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1 hour ago, Denzel20 said:

Wait, can DOOM multiplayer be played on mobile?

Yes! That video is a cross-platform match between me on mobile and other players on pc. I almost won too! 😋🙃


Mobile dm's/duels are a very fun way to pass the time, would recommend trying.

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13 minutes ago, Fonze said:

¡Sí! Ese video es una partida multiplataforma entre yo en el móvil y otros jugadores en la PC. ¡Yo también casi gano! 😋 🙃


Los DM/duelos móviles son una forma muy divertida de pasar el tiempo, recomendaría intentarlo.

Okay, the idea doesn't sound so bad.

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1 hour ago, invalidlain said:

i dont think a phone is the worst possible way to play doom.


True. It would be better than, say, a NES controller or a light gun. But it's still fairly inappropriate.

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I got DOOM on iOS when it first came out back in the day. It was a miserable experience with its touch controls. Same with Wolfenstein 3D.


Nowadays? It's probably pretty decent with a separate gamepad, or some kind of gamepad dock/attachment.

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