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All classic Doom weapons held by female hands?

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Has anyone got a resource of all the classic DOOM weapons but modified to be held by female hands? I've looked everywhere for this and have had no luck whatsoever. Unyet, I find it extremely unlikely that this does not exist. Please can someone help me out and point me in the right direction? I'm looking for the original vanilla weapons. Just held by female hands instead of the original Male ones.

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13 hours ago, Kappes Buur said:

I found the spritesheet here


That sheet is an excellent collection of hand templates. But unless I'm mistaken, there is no female hands? Unless I'm just blind.

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No problem, I still appreciate the help. A lot of that could be useful for some other projects. I'm surprised how difficult it is to find female variants of the vanilla doom weapons.

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One option is to go Doom 2016's route and add armor. Then gender appearance is irrelevant.


I also wonder if this really matters. First time I played through Portal I did not realize Chell is female for a while because I did not notice her reflection in the first room. And it does not impact the story of that game: both men and women can be equally disappointed by the lack of cake.

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