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How is your control (keys+mouse) setup?


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Hello there!

I have finally got DOOM working on a Raspberry PI400 which runs okey even if there is a lot I don't understand yet. 

I just wonder how you guys setting up your control? 
I W, A, S, D for forward, backwards, strafe right and left. 
Mouse for turning and shooting with left and then right click for action/open? Can you scroll thru weapon fast? 
Sorry for such a simple questions but I want to run it flawlessly. 

Maybe someone has a ready made perfect dsda-CFG file to share? Let me know


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I use WASD for moving as any gentleman.
Use key is rebound to E because its quicker than space, for me.
I can't speak for any scroll wheel function, because my mouse is so fucked up that trying to get an up or down input to register without two (or more) OPPOSITE inputs to also hit is an absolute crapshoot.

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2 minutes ago, MEMEAIDS said:

I use WASD for moving as any gentleman.
Use key is rebound to E because its quicker than space, for me.
I can't speak for any scroll wheel function, because my mouse is so fucked up that trying to get an up or down input to register without two (or more) OPPOSITE inputs to also hit is an absolute crapshoot.

E that is interesting! Im gonna try that, I think space bar Is too klonky.. Thank u! 

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Just now, RushupDen said:

E that is interesting! Im gonna try that, I think space bar Is too klonky.. Thank u! 

Agreed on the jank/clunk of space as an interact key.
Being able to quickly shift my middle finger from W, or my index from D, is much easier than trusting my thumb.
I don't have the best dexterity in my left hand, so that could certainly play a part in it.
My keyboard is super short-travel, so that helps as well.

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8 hours ago, Azafran said:

WASD for moving, mouse for turning, always run ON, ctrl for walking, E for use and numbers for weapons.

Some players are so insanely good at switch weapons! 

Is there a good solution for which weapon goes on specific number? 

Maybe only use 1-2-3-4 for the best weapons. pistol is not 1 ofc 

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8 minutes ago, RushupDen said:

Is there a good solution for which weapon goes on specific number? 

There are plenty of buttons you can use on a modern source port, doubly so if you mainly play maps without jumping/crouching.

My setup is:

- WASD: for usual things

- 1234FEQ: weapons (FEQ replaces 567)

- Space: interact

- Mouse wheel: interact, input spam edition

- LMB: pewpew

- RMB: strafe on (for quick mouse SR-50 method, locking facing etc)

- Z/X: turn left/right (for long SR-50)

- Shift: toggle run, I don't use walking speed much but you never know

- Tab: automap

- R: vertical mouse movement toggle

- T/Y/G: keyframe/rewind-related stuff


C/Ctrl are unused in case I ever need jump/crouch without changing the whole setup or some really important feature suddenly becomes a thing. I'm not in a habit of using any hud toggles either.


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4 hours ago, RushupDen said:

Some players are so insanely good at switch weapons! 

Is there a good solution for which weapon goes on specific number? 

Maybe only use 1-2-3-4 for the best weapons. pistol is not 1 ofc 


Something I didn't mention is that I'm left handed, so I use WASD with my right hand. It makes reaching all the numbers so much easier. I just have to stretch my pinky a little to press 7. That's the reason why I have walking on CTRL, is easier to reach with my thumb than SHIFT.

In other games like Half-life or Counter-Strike I usually map jump to CTRL and crouch to V, but I've been many years playing with the defaults and I could do it that way as well.

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1 hour ago, Azafran said:


Something I didn't mention is that I'm left handed, so I use WASD with my right hand. It makes reaching all the numbers so much easier. I just have to stretch my pinky a little to press 7. That's the reason why I have walking on CTRL, is easier to reach with my thumb than SHIFT.

In other games like Half-life or Counter-Strike I usually map jump to CTRL and crouch to V, but I've been many years playing with the defaults and I could do it that way as well.


If it is of any interest to you or others reading, the most common left-handed setup that I see/hear from players is:


IKJL - forward/back/strafe left/strafe right

O - use

P - reload (as applicable)

U - ADS or alt fire

; - melee

space/"RMB" (or "outer click") - jump

"LMB" (or "inner click") - fire

Y/U/G/H/B/N - dedicated weapon buttons for switching


This exposes most of the letter portion of the keyboard for key bindings, which can be useful.

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5 hours ago, JadingTsunami said:


If it is of any interest to you or others reading, the most common left-handed setup that I see/hear from players is:


IKJL - forward/back/strafe left/strafe right

O - use

P - reload (as applicable)

U - ADS or alt fire

; - melee

space/"RMB" (or "outer click") - jump

"LMB" (or "inner click") - fire

Y/U/G/H/B/N - dedicated weapon buttons for switching


This exposes most of the letter portion of the keyboard for key bindings, which can be useful.

Yes, I tried IJKL before but:


- It's a pain to rebind keys in every game and there are games with a ton of keybinds.

- With WASD as a left-handed I don't have a full sized keyboard between my two hands, so I can position them as close or far away as I want.

- The default layout except for a couple keys is actually more comfortable as a lefty due to the mentioned easy to reach numbers.


The only drawback in my opinion is that the position is less advantageous if I want to switch to typing (for in game chat for example), I have to make a bigger movement to readjust.

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I have space and scroll wheel mapped to use so it's easier to press switches.


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WASD for moving, mouse for turning, always run OFF, shift for running, E for use, numbers and mousewheelup/down for weapons.

Edited by CacoKnight

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I have a slightly wacky setup that I did just because I wanted to experiment with keybinds:
ESDF - movement
W - chaingun
A - shotgun
Z - fist
X - pistol
C - rocket launcher
V - plasma gun
B - bfg
Q - turn right
T - turn left (these two are for performing SR50)
space - interact

I'm still changing the setup, but right now it's this. The idea is to make every weapon convenient to switch to which is very easy to achieve in doom with how few keys it uses. There's no reason to not use number keys though, some weapons could've stayed at 2-5 since they are still easy to reach.

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46 minutes ago, Cilian said:

I have a slightly wacky setup that I did just because I wanted to experiment with keybinds:
ESDF - movement
W - chaingun
A - shotgun
Z - fist
X - pistol
C - rocket launcher
V - plasma gun
B - bfg
Q - turn right
T - turn left (these two are for performing SR50)
space - interact

I'm still changing the setup, but right now it's this. The idea is to make every weapon convenient to switch to which is very easy to achieve in doom with how few keys it uses. There's no reason to not use number keys though, some weapons could've stayed at 2-5 since they are still easy to reach.

This is wiiild. I don't think I could ever use ESDF, it'll just mess with my muscle memory too much.




WASD - movement

E - interact

LMB - shoot

Shift - sprint

1-7 - weapons

Scroll wheel - next/previous weapon

Space - jump

Lower side mouse - crouch

C - map


Maybe I should actually set RMB to something...


edit: okay, I set strafe toggle to RMB


Edited by BeachThunder

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4 minutes ago, BeachThunder said:

This is wiiild. I don't think I could ever use ESDF, it'll just mess with my muscle memory too much.

It's easy enough to get used to, it's very similar wasd but you have more keys at the left side and reaching shift and ctrl is harder

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WASD - Movement, as usual

Space - Interact, because I think it's better than E or F

Mouse - Looking and shooting

Ctrl - Shooting too

Always running

Tab - Map

Q - Plasma Gun

R - Rocket Launcher


Other keys are the same as usual

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I've always been the type of player that, when it comes to playing original IWADs in DOSBox, only plays them with the keyboard. As for everything else, I usually play with the classic WASD for movement, with freelook and have X binded to toggle crouch and space to jump.


I use LMB to shoot, M to crouch in the regular manner and E to open doors, press buttons and flip switches. The idea of using M for crouching in my case came from Quake Champions, as it is convenient to have the following three buttons next to each other: N for using the active ability, M for crouching and space for jumping. As for E, that's how you use items in The Lost Vikings, and interacting with objects in Doom is somewhat similar to me :) Also, I have CL_RUN set to TRUE, becuase why not ;)

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since we are on the topic: i set my controls to [mouse freelook] enabled, [always run] enabled, [w]=move forward, [a]=strafe left, [d]=strafe right, s=move backwards. if i press [w]+[d], would i get [sr50] since [always run] is enabled, and if not, how do i get the [sr50] to work with my control settings mentioned earlier? sorry for the very basic question, and thanks in advance for answering.

Edited by rita remton

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1 minute ago, rita remton said:

since we are on the topic: i set my controls to [mouse freelook] enabled, [always run] enabled, [w]=move forward, [a]=strafe left, [d]=strafe right, move backwards. if i press [w]+[d], would i get [sr50] since [always run] is enabled, and if not, how do i get the [sr50] to work with my control settings mentioned earlier? sorry for the very basic question, and thanks in advance for answering.

SR50 is like a normal strafe run (SR40) but in addition to forward and strafe right/left keys it adds strafe mode, the key that when held makes your mouse move you left/right instead of turning the camera (usually bound to RMB by default). The most reliable way is to use turn left/turn right keys instead of moving the mouse, they let you strafe too. So to SR50 you hold forward, strafe right, RMB, turn right all at once for example.

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20 minutes ago, Cilian said:

SR50 is like a normal strafe run (SR40) but in addition to forward and strafe right/left keys it adds strafe mode, the key that when held makes your mouse move you left/right instead of turning the camera (usually bound to RMB by default). The most reliable way is to use turn left/turn right keys instead of moving the mouse, they let you strafe too. So to SR50 you hold forward, strafe right, RMB, turn right all at once for example.

ok. just to check, in gzdoom, i set my controls as follows:

  • w = forward.
  • a = turn left (before it was strafe left).
  • d = turn right (before it was strafe right).
  • rmb = strafe.
  • always run=enabled.
  • mouse look=enabled.

so to [sr50], i press [w]+[d]+[rmb]+[move mouse to turn right], correct? i could not assign for example [d] to both [strafe right] and [turn right] at the same time in [gzdoom].

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28 minutes ago, rita remton said:

ok. just to check, in gzdoom, i set my controls as follows:

  • w = forward.
  • a = turn left (before it was strafe left).
  • d = turn right (before it was strafe right).
  • rmb = strafe.
  • always run=enabled.
  • mouse look=enabled.

so to [sr50], i press [w]+[d]+[rmb]+[move mouse to turn right], correct? i could not assign for example [d] to both [strafe right] and [turn right] at the same time in [gzdoom].


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58 minutes ago, rita remton said:

so to [sr50], i press [w]+[d]+[rmb]+[move mouse to turn right], correct? i could not assign for example [d] to both [strafe right] and [turn right] at the same time in [gzdoom].

Your freelook mouse will not be bound vertically by strafe key, so your view will likely drift up/down instead of seeing where you're going (or get wobbly). Instead, bind turn right/left to other keys (not A/D). I use Z/X, because it's easy to press with a thumb without moving hand off of WASD in any way. So for example [w]+[d]+[x]+[rmb] to sr50 forward right.

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44 minutes ago, Fonze said:


thanks! and to @Cilian too! :)

3 minutes ago, Doomy__Doom said:

Your freelook mouse will not be bound vertically by strafe key, so your view will likely drift up/down instead of seeing where you're going (or get wobbly). Instead, bind turn right/left to other keys (not A/D). I use Z/X, because it's easy to press with a thumb without moving hand off of WASD in any way. So for example [w]+[d]+[x]+[rmb] to sr50 forward right.

that's a good tip! i was a afraid of not being able to use a/d for normal strafing. thanks! :)

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W - Walk forward

S - Walk backward

A - Left strafe

D - Right strage

E - Jump (GZDoom)

C - Crouch (GZDoom)

Left mouse button - Shoot

Right mouse button - Activate switches and doors

Mouse - turn/look around.


I got into the habit of using these controls because back in 2002 I purchased Morrowind, and it was the first game I had played that the WSAD keys set that way as default. Before then I used the old set up of arrow keys and the control and space keys. I don't know how I managed.

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6 hours ago, Cilian said:

I have a slightly wacky setup that I did just because I wanted to experiment with keybinds:
ESDF - movement
W - chaingun
A - shotgun
Z - fist
X - pistol
C - rocket launcher
V - plasma gun
B - bfg
Q - turn right
T - turn left (these two are for performing SR50)
space - interact

I'm still changing the setup, but right now it's this. The idea is to make every weapon convenient to switch to which is very easy to achieve in doom with how few keys it uses. There's no reason to not use number keys though, some weapons could've stayed at 2-5 since they are still easy to reach.


ESDF is definitely the superior movement cluster, but I really don't understand the weapon binds.

One of the big benefits of ESDF (aside of being more ergonomic than WASD), is that it gives easy access to one additional number key, so with DOOM's 7 weapon-slots, I can reach 6 of those without moving my hand. I then reassign either the Melee or Rocket Launcher slot to Q, and shift the rest to fit 1-6.


I think with your setup, it would be a bit tough to migrate ESDF to other games with more complex control schemes. And since I use ESDF for the ergonomic benefit, I aim for a control scheme that is easily transferable.


Now, to answer the question in this thread in a more formal manner:

  • I use the ESDF cluster for movement;
  • Shift for run/walk; Caps-Lock for run/walk toggle.
  • Space for jump; V for crouch (when applicable);
  • 1-6 and Q for weapon selection;
  • Mouse Wheel for weapon cycling;
  • LMB for shooting;
  • RMB and G for the "use"/"open doors" key;
  • Mouse Forward/Back to cycle items (in Heretic for example);
  • MMB to use items (in Heretic for example);
  • BN, and for auto-map and inventory/status screens (in Strife for example);
  • and Tab for super important status screens (very rarely useful in DOOM-engine games);

I can optionally shift the ESDF, G, VBNM cluster to the left by one to get WASD, F, CVBN; I use that in some games that don't properly remap movement from WASD (for example, there are quite a few console ports from the 2010s that will "allow" you to remap movement, but menu navigation is hard-coded to use WASD, in that case I just use WASD for the whole game, so I don't have to keep shifting my hand).

Edited by AbeAwesome

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9 minutes ago, AbeAwesome said:

ESDF is definitely the superior movement cluster, but I really don't understand the weapon binds.

One of the big benefits of ESDF (aside of being more ergonomic than WASD), is that it gives easy access to one additional number key, so with DOOM's 7 weapon-slots, I can reach 6 of those without moving my hand. I then reassign either the Melee or Rocket Launcher slot to Q, and shift the rest to fit 1-6.


There's no need to use as many numbers you conveniently can when so many keys are empty and a bit easier to reach, but if you value portability between games then it's better to keep more weapons on numbers yeah.

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