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Doom 2 In City Only - Community Project [All Slots Claimed]

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12 minutes ago, Sikreci said:

I'd like to take a crack at MAP12 if that's okay. With that said, can you define a little more what you mean with "open" layouts? When I think of city maps I tend to think more about narrow streets and alleys and nonlinear progression than large open spaces.

I think that's exactly what they meant. Nonlinear progression is literally a requirement, along with optional areas and the like.

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4 hours ago, Sikreci said:

I'd like to take a crack at MAP12 if that's okay. With that said, can you define a little more what you mean with "open" layouts? When I think of city maps I tend to think more about narrow streets and alleys and nonlinear progression than large open spaces.


By "open" I mean freedom for the player to take many different paths from point A to point B. To me non-linear mostly refers to progression through the critical path, but openness refers to how the player physically navigates those spaces. 

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Whoops. Apologies I posted this in the wrong thread. There's no delete on posts so I've had to delete the whole thing. I hope it didn't cause too much confusion.

Edited by NeilForshaw
Wrong thread. Not relevant to this thread.

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Unfortunately i have to give up on map 20, just caught Covid and i cannot work properly and respect my deadline.


Good luck to the others. Can’t wait to see this project release.

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Just wanted to pop in real quick to say I've got the core layout and gameplay of Map12 complete. Now comes the fun part of dialing in the difficulty and making everything look nice. I'll post some screenshots or a beta version once it's less of an eyesore.

Edited by Sikreci

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I decided to take some more screenshots of the latest update to my map and share them here:

cbmcity8.png cbmcity7.png cbmcity6.png cbmcity5.png cbmcity4.png cbmcity3.png cbmcity2.png cbmcity1.pngcbmcity10.png cbmcity9.png

Edited by CBM

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started working on the map. my schedule is completely screwed ever since I played one of those map games.




Edited by lokbustam257

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Hej. Unfortunately I have to give up on map 18. My plan was to get most of the work done between Christmas and New Year, but there was so much RL stuff going on that I didn't find any time to work on my map. And now, being back to work since a week, it's also been hard to fit in any time for mapping. I'm sorry about this and hope my successor will do a better job ...

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I would have joined but after reading the rules, it's clear to me I won't have enough time nor experience to complete a map. Which is a bit sad because the sky in episode 4 looks astounding!

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Forgot to post this the other day




Map Name: Welcome To Nothing
Map Slot: E6 M1
Author: Neil Forshaw
MIDI: Still to do
Coop/Difficulties: Yes/Yes
Comments: "Over the past aeons and aeons to come civilisations have sought to escape from existence. They have transferred their settlements into the void in one way to exist forever and yet to not exist at all. Here is where they have first appeared... or will appear in the future. Welcome... To Nothing "


Tonnes of graphical glitches and needs more work with detailing still to sort.








More screenshots














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