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Ash VS Doom (Evil Dead WeaponSet/TC)

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This mod has been a solo project of mine for the last year. Currently the mod is in an alpha stage. Damage balancing, and tweaks to animation speeds etc. are still in the works. I choose to release it in this stage because I would like a little feed back, plus I just wanna share with the community. Without further ado here is a run down of what is in the mod and what is planned for the future.


Current Features:

-9 new weapons

  • Metal Fist
  • Cleaver
  • Colt 1911 Pistol
  • Lever Action Rifle
  • Gatling Arm
  • Flak Gun
  • Plasma Arm
  • Boomstick/Chainsaw Combo
  • Tape Recorder 

-Ash Williams Voice lines

     Ash will make Pre/Post combat taunts and one liners. 

     As well as other small additional dialogue opportunities

-Keys have been replaced with pages from the book of the dead (Necronomicon)


Planned Features:

-Weapon Refinement/Balancing

-Ash Williams Doomguy Face sprite replacement

-Custom Menu Music

-New Monster sounds inspired by Deadites

-New Menu Artwork

-Custom Hud

-Weapon Graphical Polish

-Monster Sprite replacement for Deadites

-Any wacky ideas I come up with or have been suggested to do



Version 0.7



I am open to ideas and suggestions to improve this TC mod. Until the next update, Bobby JOE!!!!!


Edited by HollowedRat93

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Not bad!


At current, this can't really be played with any maps that replace other things like sprites and such.


The tape is hilarious.


Weapons more or less do their job, though the sprites might be too cartoonish for some. 


This mod is sort of dependent on the zaniness of Evil Dead which isn't so bad!

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  • 1 month later...

Just wanted to drop by and say I've had some fun playing your mod after you messaged me about it, good work all around!


I'll share some feedback on it soon, but for now here's a video showing it off. :)




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