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Best way to add a lot of custom assets in UDB/Slade??

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I've managed to add a custom monster to a wad but what do I do if I want to add a bunch of stuff? I downloaded 94 things from realm667 (perhaps I got a little carried away but what are you gonna do?). Is Slade the best thing to use? I don't really understand the order things need to be stacked in or how to keep track of it all. All the tutorials i've found just tell you how to add ONE thing, not how to add and manage a whole batch of new monsters, guns, textures, keys, items and decorations.


I've also noticed in UDBs Game Configurations menu, in the Textures tab, it has an option to Import. Should I be using that? 

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Use the pk3 format and copy each asset into a dedicated folder.

For an example on how to do this, see Gene-Tech: Before the Storm


The advantage of the pk3 is that each asset is then easily accessible

for editing, if needed. Actors and textures alike.


Textures are properly added within TX_START and TX_END markers.


Slade3 would be a good choice.

Edited by Kappes Buur

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