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Weirdest Doom dreams?


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Last night, for whatever reason, my brain decided to conjure up the reality where another IWAD called "CRISPASS" had existed this entire time - a Doom II-esque 32-map package in a similar vein to TNT/Plutonia.


The dream never touched on whether it was created by id themselves or a community creation, but it was definitely retail.


As for the content itself, I remember Doom II monsters, lots of BROWNGRN, and lots of fake walls. In particular I remember MAP28's start, where you start on one side of a nukage river in a metal pillar-lined BROWNGRN techbase with a Mancubus right next to you, facing away. A fake wall to the right led to a secret megasphere and a window overlooking... something, I dunno. It had Doom II's MAP28's MIDI, too.


Oh yeah, there was also decino narrating it like in his playthrough videos, because why not.


And because I can, here's a mockup of what that starting area would have looked like: L4AaHJz.png


Have any of you lot had similarly bizarre Doom-related dreams? If so, I'd love to hear them!

Edited by Novaseer

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I had a dream where death animations made its return in doom eternal. And it was brutal as hell!


Here's to hoping that the next doom game brings back the death animations from doom 2016. Would love to see a baron of hell tear me into pieces.

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Don't remember any weird ones, but I've sure had a lot of Entryway variations in my dreams. Even remember one where I could go outside from where the chainsaw is near the spawn and there was like a whole new location there.


I also remember a dream where Coincident played a map. The map had a circular layout, with something cylindrical with a lot of moving parts in the middle, and a bunch of paths with different buildings and styles above the void around this platform. He also almost ate a face rocket while trying to kill a pain elemental (classic)... I even think I can recall enough of the layout to try and recreate approximately what it looked like. Not a mapper though.

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  • 1 month later...

Last night, I had a dream where I was visiting a zoo, but for some reason there were Imps (with Classic Doom sprites when everything else was realistic) in one of the exhibits that kept shooting fireballs at me through the fence. I got hit by a few fireballs and they felt kinda like getting hit by a thrown tennis ball; they hurt a little but were mostly just annoying me while I was trying to look at the exhibit next to the Imps.

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Last night when i was just about to fall asleep i started dreaming about texturing or changing walls in udb and believed for a second that i could do it with my irl appartment building but the landlord would be pissed but i started doing it anyway, then i ''woke up'' or just didn't fall asleep and realized it didn't work

Edited by natashanightmare

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I had a dream a few weeks ago about making a map. The map itself was very brown, kinda looked like Congo from Plutonia, but stretched out and looking like some sort of large fortress. I remember there being a large amount of monsters, particularly revenants. It was a single map, made my me and I planned to make it a slaughter map. All I remember is maybe shooting a few rockets and looking at the monsters. Actually, it felt like it had good gameplay. Maybe my subconsciousness has some ideas cooking...

Edited by IHave10Shells

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i had a dream of making a certain area with an empty feel to it, where the player its pushed down by a huge horde of enemies though a corridor into another trap. The area in question had a lot of doors and felt very weird. Those door i remember vividly opening up once the encounter started and enemies popping out of them. I currently had recreated some of that dream into a project i been working on for some time now and it looks like this:





Edited by dashlet

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I did have a weird dream about a doom mod yesterday where doom guy can do an alcohol drink animation in 3rd person used for buffing up damage of some sorts.

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One of my dreams: Me and my cousin had a summer job of repainting the skull key indicators. I remember us adding a fresh coat of paint on a yellow one. It wasn't on any map I can think of, but it looked a bit like a cross of hell-style and map12 layout. The door was big and wooden, 128 pixel style door.

It's 20+ years ago, but it was so funny and fucked up I thought a lot about it when I woke up, and that is why I remember it...


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When I was first designing my map Barzarkh, the dark hallways that I've had implemented had started to give me chills. I worked on this map for a several days without taking any proper rest, so when I lied down momentarily for a few minutes, my body felt asleep and in front of me, my room slowly started to fade into those dark hallways. I could see a dark figure standing on the other end of the hallway; a dark slender figure, who after a while of just standing there, ran towards me at full sprint. The moment the figure reached me, I immediately woke up in cold sweat.


That was certainly an experience.

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One day during the night shift at the factory, I dozed off.

And I started having a dream about Doom, in which I had to fight Mastermind.... who had the face of our boss. And he FLEW on jet boosters on his legs!


It was so fucking weird and creepy

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Hard to say if I was waking or dreaming but when I started ketamine treatments I'd have visions of floating around vistas of Sunder-like structures fractalizing and expanding, covered in specific stock textures. It made me realize I was spending too much damn time in Doombuilder but it influenced my mapping quite a bit at any rate.

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this isn't really a doom dream, but I remember having a dream where I was watching the trailer for a FPS that took place in the HQ of an evil donut company (inexplicably evil, kinda reminded me of the irs in everything everywhere all at once) and for health pickups and powerups you ate donut boxes
i think it could make for an amazing map pack or gameplay mod (although you're not obligated to do so, i'm not being an ideas guy here)

Edited by Donowa

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