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Gold Coins?

Peaved T-40


I've seen gold coins used before but I can't for the life of me find any information about how to use them or where to find them in Ultimate Doom Builder.

where do I find gold coins and how do I implement them?

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If this is for ZDoom ports then you can create your own gold coin as a custom inventory item, and use that as your currency. This would be in ZScript or Decorate.



For example, this is the existing gold coin from the game Strife: https://zdoom.org/wiki/Classes:Coin

You could even reuse this item in your mod if you provide a COINA0 sprite.

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58 minutes ago, Peaved T-40 said:

This is what i'm trying to do but I don't understand how to attach a sprite to it and make it placeable. I assumed it would just be a pick up item like ammo and health

That's what the States block defines.


COIN = the name of the sprite

A = Animation frame (stuff with no animation will only ever have A)

-1 = Duration in tics for it to last (-1 = forever)

Stop = No further processing needed (i.e; to animate)

So the sprite it would look for in your WAD would be COINA0, since it doesn't animate and is the same sprite from every rotation. (The number after the Animation frame defines the direction - 0 for only ever facing one direction, 1-8 for classic Doom rotations in 45-degree amounts; 1-F if you are making use of ZDoom's 22.5 degree rotation capability for 16 rotational frames.) See here for more information.


Here's the Health Bonus, for another frame of reference:

ACTOR HealthBonus : Health
  Inventory.Amount 1
  Inventory.MaxAmount 200
  Inventory.PickupMessage "$GOTHTHBONUS" // "Picked up a health bonus."

Do note this is DECORATE scripting, though. ZScript will be slightly different.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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That's a mod of some sort. There are absolutely no coins in the original games.


You'd have to figure out what mod they're from.

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19 minutes ago, Captain Toenail said:

For example, this is the existing gold coin from the game Strife: https://zdoom.org/wiki/Classes:Coin

You could even reuse this item in your mod if you provide a COINA0 sprite.


This is what i'm trying to do but I don't understand how to attach a sprite to it and make it placeable. I assumed it would just be a pick up item like ammo and health

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1 hour ago, Dark Pulse said:

Do note this is DECORATE scripting, though. ZScript will be slightly different.


I'm just now getting into scripting and i've only ever played with ACS. what do I do with that script?

Edited by Peaved T-40

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7 minutes ago, RonLivingston said:

I used gold coins in my upcoming Heretic RPG, Just like Gold Coins were used in UACMN2 And Serpent Resurrection by Stephen Clark


How are you doing it?

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1 hour ago, RonLivingston said:

I used gold coins in my upcoming Heretic RPG, Just like Gold Coins were used in UACMN2 And Serpent Resurrection by Stephen Clark


1 hour ago, Peaved T-40 said:


How are you doing it?


I would recommend you answer his question: I noticed you making a similar comment in another editing thread and then not divulging anything of value whatsoever. These threads are to help people, so if you're commenting in them you'd better be doing some helping.

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16 hours ago, Peaved T-40 said:

I'm just now getting into scripting and i've only ever played with ACS. what do I do with that script?

It's a DECORATE script, so you create a text file in your WAD with DECORATE definitions.




As noted, though, it's been more or less superceded by ZScript. You can still use it, but it's basically not recommended. It's not all that hard to convert it to ZScript once you have a bit more knowledge though, especially for really simple stuff like this.


Edited by Dark Pulse

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Heh-heh-heh; this so funny! I have a map I made which uses Super Mario type animated coins for

health (as well as Sonic style rings for armor bonuses). My solution here works in ZDoom-based

ports, specifically in my case, Zandronum. When you've added the sprites you need

as well as the DECORATE (or Zscript) code, to make an item placeable, it needs to either

a) have a thing number associated with it or

b) has to replace something else.

My DECORATE code looks like this:


ACTOR CoinBonus : Health replaces HealthBonus
//$Title "Coin Bonus"
  Inventory.Amount 2
  Inventory.MaxAmount 200
  Inventory.PickupSound "misc/coinpkup"
  Inventory.PickupMessage "$GOTHTHBONUS" // "Picked up a health bonus."
    COIN ABCD 5 Bright


With the above code in place, all I have to do in the map editor is place thing

number 2014s (HealthBonus) wherever I want a coin to exist.


If I'd wanted a separate coin that didn't replace the default blue-bottle health

bonuses, then I'd place a number on the top line to read something like this:

ACTOR CoinBonus : Health 5025


The number above, 5025, isn't completely arbitrary as I need to use a number

which isn't already in use in Doom (or another Doom-derived game such as

Heretic) already. If you refer to this chart you'll know what numbers not to

clobber! I tend to use a few numbers between 5013 and 5049 for any custom

items (excluded 5011 and 5012 deliberately as they're grenade launcher and

railgun respectively in Zdoom-based engines) and then use 16xxx numbers

for my custom monsters.


Attaching the sprites I made to this post, you'll have to record your own coin

pickup sound...



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