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[RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

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Well shit! The Cacoawards for 2023 just came out and they're somehow out of date already! Will definitely check this out later! 

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I can't believe that the megawad that inspired me to create maps for Doom is receiving a sequel, it just blows my mind! i can't wait to experience it all!

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1 hour ago, mewse said:

I really want to play this but I don't want to support Derek "Afterglow" Mac Donald

This kind of Derekphobia has no place on Doomworld

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Just for the record, Im able to play this with a potato of a laptop from 2012 with 8GB of RAM using Win-blows 8.
The port im using is DSDA-Doom version 27.5. in software rendering.

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Played through the first episode and had a great time! Only had a peek at the start of the next episode but it looks very interesting... Also cool to see the rain effects and portal particles in dsda-doom, while in Eviternity 1 they were limited to GZDoom!


FYI, Woof 12.0.0 fails to load the WAD with the following errors:


R_InitSprites: No patches found for SP06 frame B
R_InitSprites: No patches found for SP06 frame C
R_InitSprites: No patches found for SP06 frame D
R_InitSprites: No patches found for SP09 frame B
R_InitSprites: No patches found for SP09 frame C
R_InitSprites: No patches found for SP09 frame D
R_InitSprites: No patches found for SP11 frame B
R_InitSprites: No patches found for SP11 frame C
R_InitSprites: No patches found for SP11 frame D
R_InitSprites: No patches found for SP17 frame B
R_InitSprites: No patches found for SP17 frame C
R_InitSprites: No patches found for SP17 frame D
R_InitSprites: No patches found for SP30 frame \

I know you recommend using dsda-doom or GZDoom, but it'd be great to get this fixed for the final release so co-op demos can be a thing.

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Finished the first episode. All I can say is wow. Gonna put my thoughts so far in spoilers since this is so fresh.



Absolutely loved everything about this so far. One of the best 1st episodes of a megawad I've played in a long time. MAP01's journey through Eviternity 1's last 3 maps was a fantastic atmospheric choice. Really eerie. Then we get to the meat of the ep. I love how this is an expanded OTEX set, as the new textures in this do wonders for the decaying heaven theme. The Eviternity 1 monsters have some nice changes to them here. The Astral Caco seems a little easier to hit, but still packs a punch. The purple fireball it spits is a cool touch. I like the new design for the new zombie, IDK it's name (Commander?) I was NOT expecting a new arachnotron! I didn't see it at first, but I saw its dual plasma beams firing at me and I almost panicked wondering what the heck that was. Thankfully it's not too hard to take down, but I can see those being a high priority target. I like how there's a secret map here you can get to from MAP03, and I dig its Quake II feel. The new Perforator is AWESOME. It's like a railgun that uses 25 bullets per shot, and it's a good panic weapon. An archie just appeared? Melt it in a flash with this. And since bullets are a plenty, this thing is almost overpowered, but I don't care. It's super cool. The MIDIs are great, and I really dig MAP31's a lot. The level design itself is fantastic as expected, and I really dig how a lot of MAP02 is pistol focused. This new pistol is great, and I was kinda sad to get the shotgun as I was hoping for more pistol-focused encounters. Not a dull moment in this first episode, and I'm just about to start the second. 


Seriously, I was not expecting a sequel to Eviternity, but this is a very welcome surprise. If the quality stays the same as this first episode has been, this sequel will most likely be better! Best 30th anniversary gift ever! 


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2 hours ago, Rudolph said:

I noticed the Pistol got a brand-new sprite, but not the other weapons. Why is that?

you'll see.

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This was an awesome unexpected surprise! Eviternity is one of my absolute favorite wads!


On 12/9/2023 at 8:35 PM, rfomin said:

Where do we copy this one?


On 12/9/2023 at 9:18 PM, Theespressoman said:

where do i get the website art?

*A better version was posted here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/142015-rc1-eviternity-ii/?do=findComment&comment=2744501

Edited by CacoKnight

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2 hours ago, DoomGuy2077 said:

Sigil 2 or Eviternity2, I don't know what to play first.


Me facing the same dilemma: 'I'll play the one with Tristan Music'

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10 minutes ago, CacoKnight said:

Where do we copy this one?

you have to manually replace the dssawup in the eviternity 2 wad with the one rfomin linked using slade

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The first episode of this is brilliant. Love the suspenseful start, going backwards through the ruins of Eviternity heaven, and the continuous feel of the whole episode. It's even more gorgeous than the original Eviternity's sixth episode was.


Also, I hate that I didn't realize there was a secret exit in map 3 until after I beat it and checked the map list. I am not used to secret exits outside of MAP15, so I didn't think much of that portal...

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Holy shit.



How am I more excited for this than the Cacowards?!

My favorite Megawad getting a sequel?

This immediately takes priority over my entire backlog. Thank you Dragonfly and co for this beautiful gift.


Happy 30th, Doom!

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Wow, this and Sigil II? It truly is a DoomMas-30-Spectacular.


I've downloaded the latest DSDA just for this since it was built for it. Quick question, are we good to use either OpenGL or Software or is one preferred? I'm using OpenGL. Also quick question for the community: I don't use DSDA a lot, is there a way to change the way the spectres look?

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Just wanna leave my post in this thread and go off my merry way to download Eviternity II. And I was just in the middle of replaying the first one D:

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