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[RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

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Some people just finished the first, others praise a five-years-after surprise return, you can also very legitimatly think it's a great 30 years birthday present... I personally receive this as awesome coïncidence : I've played full Eviternity during last christmas holidays and, due to the unique spirit of this time of the year and the awesomeness of the wad, enjoyed it a lot ! And now I'm gonna do the same this year !

Christmas 2024, you better prepare yourself in order to reach the same level as 2022 and 2023 ;)

Edited by apichatpong

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Wow, hell of a surprise! I know what I'm playing next. Stupid question, but is complevel 21 in gzdoom just default or one of the others under compability. I've embarrassingly never played a mbf21 wad yet

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So MAP32 might be the single best map I've played in years. The optional secret areas are incredibly, incredibly cool.

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59 minutes ago, TJG1289 said:

So MAP32 might be the single best map I've played in years. The optional secret areas are incredibly, incredibly cool.

Never expected praise like this for my maps, thank you so much!

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Couldn't resist because its mirror in eviternity I is one of my favorite map but :



Ukiro + MBF21 wizardry = depressive sadistic time !


I might have been oppressed by so much vivid colors, new sprites, new technology etc in one map (my mistake, i suppose it go smoother if you really do the whole trip from map 01))... it's possible i've reached my limit in term of "limit removing"... nevertheless, it's awesome ! Not absolutly my cup of tea, but awesome ! Awesome skills, awesome job !

I think i never felt like this playing a map... not that it is a revolution in gameplay, no, but among the ways i've been through with doom, and especially the way doom maps dominate me, let say we have Insane Gazebo as grand architect, Ribbiks as math genius and master of puppets, Killer5 as idealist abstract philosopher, all these absurd but sometimes extraordinary imps and gremlins (hardfest, 1x1 to speak of the most recent)... and  then, the invisible, fatalist, crushing (anti)god : Ukiro.


Once again, this might be my limit but... Impressive ! (2h30 : 27% kills (I know, i might have missed 73% zombiemen but... you know what... i don't think so))


Edit : There is a problem (at least on gzdoom)(missing texture ?) on the island with the three archviles-elevators, when all switches are pressed, there is a small elevator in the northwest that, when lowered, reveal bugged landscape.

Edited by apichatpong

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Thank you so much for upending all my plans for today! ;D


Currently on Map03, playing continuous using GZDoom 4.11.xx, but I ran into an issue on Map02. You've left the fence lines passable, presumably to facilitate Lost Soul movement, though the fences work as usual in Map01 and Map03. Anyway, at the exit of Map02, when I got jumped by the jade demons, I dodged left -- south -- and right over the fence and into the drink, where I obviously wasn't supposed to be. :D  Thus, I was able to take this pic;




If you're going to keep the fence lines passable in this map, you'll need to close off access to the area beyond and provide a way back up.


All that said, what a fantastic map! Nice job making zombieboys scary. Beautiful architecture and flow, and I pride myself on getting the Soulsphere secret, given how cheeky the switch placement was.


And now, back to my regularly scheduled enjoyment of Eviternity II.

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Congratulations on stealth release! Played the first ep first thing in the morning like a child on christmas, lol. As this rapidly growing thread is testament to, you've done good :) Massive appreciation for everyone involved

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Man, THIS is the way to release stuff. Not a hint, just dropping the whole thing on our heads out of nowhere. This is how legends are made (c) some Youtuber, probably


Congratulations, @Dragonfly and everybody involved! Screenshots look jaw dropping as always. Also, a nice way to derail the Sigil II hype a little bit :D

Edited by BCHQ

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Question.....I am playing it with Gzdoom.


In Compatibility options, can I leave it as 'default' or I have to choose "MBF"   (I am new to MBF21, sorry)


One difference I noticed is I can walk through the fence in MAP02 on "MBF" and not on "Default".


Edited by marina2

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Yeah the MBF compat setting in GZDoom seems to ignore the MBF21 linedef flags like block players and block land monsters, which we tended to use a lot on fences and stuff so flying monsters can still pass over them but everything else is blocked. Personally all the GZDoom testing I did for this was just on default compatability

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What a surprise! Totally out of nowhere! Screens look amazing. I guess it's time for me to finally try updating my ports and see if DSDA runs on my old rig.

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Well, butter my biscuit. I thought all that talk about a sequel to Eviternity was just jokes - evidently I was wrong.


This one's going on the stream candidate list for sure.

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Just now, MFG38 said:

I thought all that talk about a sequel to Eviternity was just jokes - evidently I was wrong.


It's been hard saying there will be no Eviternity II for five years. I've even had to try saying it with a straight face on podcasts!

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Incredible news! Congratulations to the whole team - I've already made it about a third of the way through. I couldn't wait for Zandronum to add MBF21 support - not for Eviternity 2. Thank goodness DSDA runs well on the oversized Nintendo DS I call my laptop. @Bri map08 was magical.


An issue I encountered in map32 (no spoilers): At linedef 5597 there's a noticeable gap in the rock wall, and I eagerly jumped down expecting a secret, only to get softlocked. Hard to be upset when the map is this fun. :)

Edited by Cammy

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1 minute ago, Dragonfly said:

It's been hard saying there will be no Eviternity II for five years. I've even had to try saying it with a straight face on podcasts!


I can only imagine that. Either way, I'm happy for you - I'm frankly surprised you managed to keep the project this well under wraps for this long. Hope you enjoy the catharsis. c:

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2 minutes ago, Laocoön said:

It crashes for me on the newest version of GZDoom. I get as far as the title screen. All other wads work fine.

Crash report here: CrashReport.zip



You're using GZDoom version 4.10.0. I suggest you to update your GZDoom to 4.11.3. If the issue still exists, try to load the wad without any external resources, such as game_widescreen_gfx.pk3, just in case.

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