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[RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

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On 12/14/2023 at 3:01 AM, DarkQuill said:


That's just a suggestion, but if you have a specific mod that you're wanting to use, please let me know and provide a download link, and I should be able to whip up a patch for it.


Edited by TasAcri

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I used to confuse about the same thing as hawkwind about MAP12 (He has edited his post)


When you see something like this you might thought the one on the right is the normal exit and the one on the left is the secret exit that you have to find a way to access. In the first time I played the map, I didn't approch the right exit and spent minutes trying to find away to lower the wall to 'secret' exit lol


Only to found out....


There is no secret exit in that map.



Edited by marina2

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Up to map 21 of RC2, so here's more ultra tiny nitpicks:




- In the YSK wormhole area, in this spot next to the soulsphere you can get hanged on the trees since they are big hitboxes, though they aren't precisely "in the way", you have to put yourself in that spot to notice. Looking at the editor, something tells me two of those three trees weren't supposed to be so much on the edge of the sector.



- So this is a small suggestion, related to the setup with ledges of elite troopers and pinkies/imps/HKs on the ground, which is to give some way to access the inaccessible ledges in order to grab dropped helmets (I love that gibbed ones leave multiple bonuses), cause that would be really cool. It's funny cause in other maps I didn't think at all of this, but in this setup, seeing all those bonuses out of reach... :( 



- In the BSK trap, might I suggest for the archvile (revenant on lower) to remove its deaf flag? It takes away the "sting" of the trap if you ask me.



- Go figure how I noticed this and why am I even nitpicking over such a silly thing but, in the first green barons fight, one of the switches lowers to the ground unlike the other that is set to 2 units above the ground, looking, well, better lol. This is sector 2111 btw 



- In the RK room, if I understood correctly, when picking up the key, aka crossing some trigger, a closet of chaingunners open nearby as a trap, but I think it took like three seconds to activate and I was about to leave the room. I might suggest making that trap open up in no more than one second as you pick up the key. Also I haven't checked this but it seems like you can touch the corner of the keys without crossing the action lines, I think. In any case, these same lines could be a bit more distanced away from the keys, to ensure there's no skipping intended setups, if it's a concern.

- Please tell me there's more of this in the set, pleeeeeease this kind of details are some of my favorites ever... and, it surprised me that unreachable switch was usable!


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15 hours ago, marina2 said:

BTW, Dragonfly can you list the name of all custom monsters in this wad? (In a spoiler of course) I want to play around with 'summon' command in GZdoom a bit.



Here's the full list of monsters you can summon in Eviternity II with 'summon' console command. Major spoiler alert to those who haven't played this megawad:



FormerCorporal : Former Corporal, drops one armor bonus when it's killed, drops five armor bonuses when it's gibbed
NightmareDemon : Nightmare Demon
AstralCacodemon : Astral Cacodemon
Annihilator : Annihilator
AstralArachnotron : Astral Arachnotron, drops one energy cell when it's killed
AstralMancubus : Astral Mancubus
Veilimp : Veilimp
DukeOfHell : Duke Of Hell
NAC : Nightmare Cacodemon


[Special Monsters]
GoldenAstralCaco : Golden Astral Cacodemon, has the same attack pattern as Astral Cacodemon from Eviternity 1 RC1
AstralBabycaco : Astral Baby Cacodemon, courtesy of OBABYA01
CyberdemonMAP24 : Cyberdemon, MAP24 variant, drops an enormous explosion when it's killed*
EviternatusTurret : MAP30 Turret, indestructible, use at your own risk


[Boss Monsters]
GoldenAstralCacoBoss : Golden Astral Cacodemon, MAP32 boss variant, drops a yellow skull key when it's killed
NecromenaceA : Necromenace, triggers tag 300
NecromenaceB : Necromenace, triggers tag 301
NecromenaceC : Necromenace, MAP36 variant, triggers tag 133
NecromenaceD : Necromenace, MAP36 variant, triggers tag 134
NecroMinionA : Necromenace Minion, moves forward, revives one monster through sacrifice, vanishes automatically after certain time
NecroMinionB : Necromenace Minion, moves backward, revives one monster through sacrifice, vanishes automatically after certain time
EviternatusAnta : Final Boss, Phase 1**
EviternatusBete : Final Boss, Phase 2
EviternatusCeph : Final Boss, Phase 3***


* Currently, "Cyberdemon MAP24" variant has a critical flaw in RC2, and this issue will be resolved in RC3

** If you want to summon her as initial state, simply put Spawner at the end, like "EviternatusAntaSpawner"
*** "EviternatusCephSpawner" will cast a special weather effect (raining teal glitters), within the radius of approximately 2048mu at the height of 640mu


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MAP35 and MAP36 wow, two of the best maps I've ever seen/"kinda" played. The stuff going on in MAP35 is some kind of genius level, MAP36 is a beautiful design too.

Edited by CacoKnight

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Me? I can't, too early, I don't want to spoil etc. let people play. I'm still learning how to play this game so I go fast, lower difficulty levels etc. and I do multiple runs anyway on wads I really like.

Edited by CacoKnight

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14 hours ago, Lizardcommando said:

I just got done with those Egyptian Mayan(?) temple maps and just stopped at MAP14.

i believe it's based more on tenochtitlan than any of the mayan cities, actually :p

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Extra elaboration on Antares' post. Again, don't look if you've not beaten it yet! 



It's worth noting that the name we settled on for the end boss was "The Origin", though the code doesn't say this as it still features the temporary name Antares gave it while we were still deciding.


This name informed the music track's name as well as the titlepic music track's name. :)

...perhaps we should update that in the code too? 😅


Edited by Dragonfly

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...A 9x9 slider in Doom. Great. And I thought I'd seen everything. Don't even know what to make of those other two rooms, but I suppose I'll have to figure it all out...

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19 minutes ago, Budoka said:

...A 9x9 slider in Doom. Great. And I thought I'd seen everything. Don't even know what to make of those other two rooms, but I suppose I'll have to figure it all out...


*3x3 (total 9, I see how you got there.) :P


Aurelius originally made it a 4x4 tile puzzle before deciding to simplify it!

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3 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

Aurelius originally made it a 4x4 tile puzzle before deciding to simplify it!


Whew! I spent 15 minutes there flicking switches at random before finally working out how to properly solve the 3x3 version. I remember playing with the hand held 4x4 sliding puzzle when I was a child and solving it. A lot of kids in school had one (before the rubik's cube came along). Guess I've gotten dumber with old age.


The other 2 puzzles to earn the other 2 keys were a blast too. I lost a lot of barrels learning to get the timing and movement right for the 2nd one. As for the 3rd puzzle, I managed to fluke it before learning it properly, so I wouldn't say I've really "solved it" yet.


Great map, as are all the others I've looked at so far. Halfway through the wad.


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56 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:


*3x3 (total 9, I see how you got there.) :P


Aurelius originally made it a 4x4 tile puzzle before deciding to simplify it!

Right, absolute brain fart... also, PSA since I forgot earlier, don't miss out on the regular exit sequence, it's quite the show. I'm not leaving though.

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First of all, great job and fantastic surprise this is!

Alright, I would like to play this wad in DSDA-Doom with OpenGL light modes like Shader, which used to be on previous versions of this source port, but newer updates lack this setting, and i don't like how the game looks with software mode or palette-based opengl renderer. Does anyone know if this wad will work alright and not break anything in the game, if i use a previous version of Dsda-Doom? Like v0.25.6 for example, which was the last version with OpenGL light modes. GZDoom is not an option to me, because of the performance i get with my PC.

Sorry for my bad english, I'm not native.

Edited by Demion

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Looking good so far, however I should recommend that the massive amount of monsters in the closets in MAP32 should be made not to wake up until it's actually time to do so. Them running around in their box causes some lag in GZDoom. @Dragonfly


Edited by Major Cooke

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I'm no expert or anything but I like to play with source ports and settings, give my GZDoom settings a try: https://rentry.co/m9scdi


@Demion you can also change gl_tonemap 5 to 0, autoloadbrightmaps=false to true and autoloadlights=false to true if you're into that.


I keep them updated here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/141224-source-ports-personal-deal-breakers-updated-dec-13-2023/


Edited by CacoKnight

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So, map24. Holy mackerel on a bicycle.


I had just the stupidest grin on my face after finishing the map. Antares, you absolute bloody genius.

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Map 32, definitely one of the coolest maps I've ever played.  The music, layout, secrets, and gimmicks all come together beautifully. 


Only problem I have with it is, how do I open that dang door on the right?





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On 12/12/2023 at 4:15 AM, Dragonfly said:


This is a good point; I'll see if there's anything we can do to mitigate the strength of the pulsing while retaining the ambience it presents.


I wanted to swing by-- glad this is on your radar, but I found MAP06 extremely difficult to play because of the strobing-- i get the idea of "flickering" light, but the strobe effect was extremely distracting (GZDoom on hardware rendering).

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4 hours ago, Major Cooke said:

Looking good so far, however I should recommend that the massive amount of monsters in the closets in MAP32 should be made not to wake up until it's actually time to do so. Them running around in their box causes some lag in GZDoom. @Dragonfly



Which closet(s) are you referring to? Also the ping should be for @Tristan or @Guardsoul as they're the primary mappers for this level




34 minutes ago, faceplant641 said:

Only problem I have with it is, how do I open that dang door on the right?



Solution in spoiler:



The symbol on the door is relevant. You may or may not have found the invisibility sphere nearby - the trigger for that also shares the same symbol - I'll let you put two and two together here. :)


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3 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:


Solution in spoiler:



Thank you!  No doubt there will be some maps I can't UV-max, but I didn't want my streak to end so soon.


You and your crew did wonderful work here.  I've been talking about Eviternity to my non-Doomer friends for years and I'm sure they're all sick of hearing about it, so now I can tell them about Eviternity 2.

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Hopefully you'll eventually convince them to come join the community! (Though in my experience, nearly 20 years of dooming and talking about it later, I can still count on only 1 hand the amount of people I have managed to convince to check doom out heh)

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16 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

Which closet(s) are you referring to? Also the ping should be for @Tristan or @Guardsoul as they're the primary mappers for this level


It's the closets that hold the monsters for the final battle on MAP32's rechargeable kill switches, electrifying the water.


I could write up some code in ZScript that prevents them from doing anything until that area is first accessed. It wouldn't be intrusive, and is ignored by DSDA. It'd be easy enough to do, wouldn't involve much at all.

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57 minutes ago, Major Cooke said:

I could write up some code in ZScript that prevents them from doing anything until that area is first accessed. It wouldn't be intrusive, and is ignored by DSDA. It'd be easy enough to do, wouldn't involve much at all.


Thanks for the offer! However there's no need to over-engineer a solution with ZScript... plus parity between ports is a better outcome.


We have a Monster Alarm actor that was waking them on level start, I've changed it now so this monster closet specifically recieves the alert when the player reaches the final arena, achieving the outcome you've asked for and also achieving port-parity. :)

This will be present in RC3.

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Ah fair enough. As long as it improves performance on that map I'm happy. Still working my way through the rest of it (on 17 as of this post) but I will say that so far, it's a remarkable improvement over the first. Elysium sold me the moment I opened this map. The somber defeat of the angel, and Hell's influence already blackening the marble and skies, raining darkness-infested water on the fallen heavenly realm, it's amazing. I'll let you know more feedback when I finish it.

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