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[RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

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Map14 RC2


1. Many instances too numerous to mention of trees/shrubs appearing/disappearing.

2. Could lines 21935 etc. be made impassable ? A switch.

3. GZDoom issue - sectors 2337 and 4397. See pic.

Update - found the cause. Linedef 43321 is also tagged 200, like line 10286, and uses the "white" sky tex ESKY47.



Edited by hawkwind

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Map15 RC2


1. OSLUDG01 does either no damage, 5% or 20%.

2. How does the player get to the stairs at sector 827 to get to secret sector 2028 ? Seems to have to do with access to sector 2234 but cannot see how.


Map16 RC2


I thought it a bit strange for different mid textures at lines 2028, 1856 and 1802.

Edited by hawkwind

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Reporting tiny things, part 3




- I really liked how this silver panel shines as you pass by it, with a realistic, polished metal effect, really cool detail... umm, yes, nothing wrong with this, just a compliment lol

- This support texture is cut off strangely here (lines 15884, 15885)



- Minor suggestion, in this area there's two green armors so close to each other, making one of them redundant I suppose unless you really screw up somewhere, though not too far away you access a blue armor. I did go back to take a GA much later, not as an urge but for circumstantial reasons I got myself into. That said, I think one of them could be disabled on UV imo. BTW, this take on the 'parallel dimensions' concept was very nicely executed.



- There is a slime trail here, visible from this spot

- My god, that ship is astonishing. Lag was indomitable while on board and I must have dropped to 0 frames during the cybs fulmination but I managed to saw a little of it and damn, what a fascinating spectacle to cap things off. Hats off to Antares for elevating the doomcute ships game each time.



- Some sky sectors that opaque the big rocks far away from this angle, which is close to the entrance to the cave. 


Haven't finnished the map yet, and part of it is because it took several minutes to overcome the first massive fight in the shrine with 2 frames per second, lmao. I got three symbol areas done, I think they were called Destroy, Survive and Conceal so far, the latter I admit I didn't quite understand the mechanic behind it -- wasn't sure whether to rush and kill the last two archviles while exposed, or keep up with the moving cover which wasn't available in the third segment, unless I shouldn't be rushing, eh, something I missed there. I have a sensation the emerald cacodemons are gonna be my new nemesis... 


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I'm having a hard time doing the Silent trial in MAP26. I know I'm supposed to get the necrotic caco to shoot at the switch but that's insanely difficult.

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16 minutes ago, Major Cooke said:

I'm having a hard time doing the Silent trial in MAP26. I know I'm supposed to get the necrotic caco to shoot at the switch but that's insanely difficult.


I tried that first as well, but that's actually not the solution. Check below if you want it spoiled:



The sectors with the sky floor block sound.


Edited by veevil

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Catalyst: Gave me Flashback to the Battletoads game series... luckily, I'm one of the rare few nutters who unironically thinks those games are great. I wonder if it was an inspiration at all though.

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12 hours ago, hawkwind said:

1. Many instances too numerous to mention of trees/shrubs appearing/disappearing.



Please don't report this going forward, as we can't really do anything about this.


For the most part, this is an engine limitation. Any global fix we could do would cause detriment overall (trees having larger hitboxes and interfering the playspace, for example), and any map-specific fix (such as joining the sector the tree is in with other sectors that would be visible elsewhere) would:

  • be a colossal-scale chore
  • actively increase lag throughout maps
  • be noticed by next to nobody

So as much as I'd love to solve for the tree pop-in issue, all solutions I personally know of are not solutions we're willing to explore. That said, if there's other methods or ways to prevent sprite culling, then sure, I'd be open to it.


Lastly, thank you for all of your other reports! The same goes to everyone else - reporting bugs, misalignments and even the most insignificant little things that could be improved is super helpful and will help us refine Eviternity II even faster, so thank you!




Oh, also!


9 hours ago, hawkwind said:

2. How does the player get to the stairs at sector 827 to get to secret sector 2028 ? Seems to have to do with access to sector 2234 but cannot see how.



See spoiler:


When I say "Jump" I mean "run fast off of the edge", naturally.




Edited by Dragonfly

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Speaking of Map 07, i definitely gonna use it for some inspiration if I ever use OTEX in the future. I also loved how you need to calculate all your steps if you don't want to waste ammo.

BUT for the love of god,  thin elevators and and monster ambush (the arena on the screenshot above) is something like toothpaste and orange juice together especially if you have to reach all the goodies with an elevator, I would give the player some more rocket/plasma earlier to deal with the revenants at least.

Edited by MortisCausaDonatio

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I like to play continuous in episodic wads, and I've found it fairly manageable so far.  I'd love to see how pistol-starters handle Map 10.



There was no way I was gonna survive three Tankubuses in a circular arena without the superweapon from Map 32.


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Managed to softlock myself in map27 (RC2) by shoving myself into the corner behind the berserk pack on the west side. Seems to happen consistently with DSDA.


Gotta check those corners for secret switches, you know?





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So i'll take the RC3 release is imminent?


Maybe it's best to wait for that version for now? I assume the save files between them will also be incompatible?

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35 minutes ago, veevil said:

Managed to softlock myself in map27 (RC2)

This is fixed for RC3.


17 minutes ago, TasAcri said:

So i'll take the RC3 release is imminent?

There's nothing mega urgent for RC3 just yet, so we're still amassing fixes. A lot of players are still in chapters 3-4 so reports from 5-6 are somewhat thin. But expect another release before Christmas.

Any levels that saw changes will have its saves broken, yes. And at this rate most levels are seeing some tiny change at least.

Edited by ukiro

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51 minutes ago, ukiro said:

This is fixed for RC3.


There's nothing mega urgent for RC3 just yet, so we're still amassing fixes. A lot of players are still in chapters 3-4 so reports from 5-6 are somewhat thin. But expect another release before Christmas.

Any levels that saw changes will have its saves broken, yes. And at this rate most levels are seeing some tiny change at least.


Is there a chance that the classic weapons in the mod will get a smooth animations upgrade? Every such mod i tried has conflicts with the new weapons so we are stuck with the good old frames of animation with this one.

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Quite early in development it was evident we'd have to include iwad assets due to the new palette tricks, much like BTSX or Ancient Aliens. At that time I raised the issue of including the sprite fix project and I suppose smooth animations would be in the same vein. There's no decision on this yet, nor is it a priority while we fix errors that are reported. Thankfully those things could be done as an add-on later anyways, should we not find the time/patience to add them to the final version of the WAD.

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4 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

That said, if there's other methods or ways to prevent sprite culling, then sure, I'd be open to it.


For GZDoom specifically you could use the RenderRadius property.


Otherwise you could try to have two actor per tree, one with a big radius for visuals, one smaller invisible one for collision. But that'd double the number of actors per tree, of course. Retroactively adding an additional actor at each tree's position could be done through scripts.

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Still enjoying myself! I moved to RC2 as it became available. If new RC's arrive I'll continue to migrate heh. Cheers again on the release!

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2 hours ago, ukiro said:

Quite early in development it was evident we'd have to include iwad assets due to the new palette tricks, much like BTSX or Ancient Aliens. At that time I raised the issue of including the sprite fix project and I suppose smooth animations would be in the same vein. There's no decision on this yet, nor is it a priority while we fix errors that are reported. Thankfully those things could be done as an add-on later anyways, should we not find the time/patience to add them to the final version of the WAD.

Including the sprite fixing project would be awesome if you guys would ever consider it because it's the only thing that I'm really missing in this wad.

But I understand that this is not a priority at the moment.

Edited by George90

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Map17 RC2


1. OFLAGB13 should also be on sidedef 2620 OR raise the texture higher.

2. Having the ceiling of sector 3493 have a brightness of 144 looked odd to me.

3. Different heights for the vine on lines 6270 and 6269 on either side.


Map18 RC2


1. I noticed that the "chandeliers" are not flush with the ceiling.

2. Might be worth making lines 15303 and 15347 impassable since the player can walk through the torch.

Edited by hawkwind

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Alight, I just finished the WAD. Mostly through RC1, switching to RC2 for episode 5 and on. Continuous on UV. I want to collect my thoughts and do a more thorough review, maybe in this thread or in Wad Reviews thread in WAD Discussion, since there's a lot to take in here. Plus, this is just a first impression since I've only done one playthrough. But I think even with just one playthrough, I can say this may be the best WAD I've ever played. Everything about this was just top quality. The music, the atmosphere, the new textures, the architecture, the new enemies, the new weapon, just everything was amazing. This sequel was a step up in every way from the original. Almost every map had at least one aspect that made me go "Wow" out loud.


I know I said MAP32 may have been the best map I played in years, but there were many other maps after it that could also have that distinction! Maps 14 and 34 were definite visual highlights for me, with 34 possibly being the most vibrant Doom map I've ever played. All of the maps were a visual feast though, with the final episode being the most consistent in the "wow this looks cool" factor. There seems to be this thing with Doom WADs where the more visually impressive a WAD is, the more difficult it is, but I'm glad that is not the case here at all. Gameplay-wise, this was a good level of difficulty on UV. There weren't a ton of encounters that were super overwhelming, and most of the more difficult ones I was able to beat in a couple of attempts. Playing continuous and getting that perforator really helped in some fights, that's for sure. The new enemies added some nice spice to the festivities, and the general combat scenarios were fun. Good amount of incidental combat as well and not just set pieces. I think the final episode was my favorite in terms of combat just because there were more unique fight setups in that, especially MAP26 as a whole. While I never had an issue with Eviternity 1's final boss, this one here is a lot cooler, and feels better to fight. 


I only have one slight nitpick, and it's a continuous thing, but it seems kinda pointless to me to have BFGs right by several of the secret exits when you have to pistol start the next map anyway. I guess you can use them for the map itself, but I know I found those secret exits once I found everything else, so maybe next playthrough I can grab them before beating the whole map. Other than that, no issues. I didn't notice anything that needed to be fixed. 


So yeah. Possibly my favorite WAD ever now. Not a single bad map. Everyone brought their A-game in every aspect of this WAD. I absolutely loved this, and it was a perfect way to celebrate Doom's 30th! Thank you Dragonfly and everyone else who contributed to this! 10/10, would play again

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Map20 RC2

Some minor stuff ...


1. Sectors 2122 and 2111 lower to differerent heights, due to different actions for lines 10318 and 10322.

2. T's 231, 232, 230 and 229 render slightly into the sectors attached to. More noticeable in hardware.

Edited by hawkwind

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Considering map36 (RC2):


In the northwest building (cyberdemon/lift shenanigans), I found that a second cyber had warped into the pen after I'd already killed everything else in the map. This is following what I thought was intended progression, so I didn't kill the first guy manually.


Great map, by the way. Utterly gorgeous.

Edited by veevil

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Wrapping up, part 4




- In the super secret islands, these midtex appear bleeding through the wood (in software renderer)

- There were some strange pieces of textures I suppose, floating on the air around the boat



- Many of these walls with torches had misaligned textures

- A slime trail in this place, where there is a green armor inside a light



- Slight complain, in the vast RSK section, I noticed that cacos could go through the fences, which is, weird to see. I get that solid midtex would imply players potentially self-rocketing if they haven't noticed the cacos floating over the fences, so if that's priority I understand.



- Not a nitpick, not a bug. I must congratulate who designed the final boss and its multiple phases, that was one of the best ones ever. 



- I heard the one cyberdemon in this section die as I pressed the switch next to the plasma gun, and assumed each that would replenish also died, but there was one that apparently didn't die. 



- For ukiro's map, the music change didn't work for me, it would swap to silence

- Any tip on how to get the megasphere and guns in the 5th episode section? and, the baby astral cacos, cause I looked in UDB but it's a convoluted setup and most of the maps' shots don't respond the switch activation noise (some do though).


Yeah, one of the best megawads I've played - no outliers, no dislikes, no favorites either cause all maps would compete in that category from my experience. Thank you for making this, a lot! 

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35 minutes ago, galileo31dos01 said:


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- Any tip on how to get the megasphere and guns in the 5th episode section? and, the baby astral cacos, cause I looked in UDB but it's a convoluted setup and most of the maps' shots don't respond the switch activation noise (some do though).



It´s an internal dev team reference.


Edited by Guardsoul

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1 hour ago, veevil said:

Considering map36 (RC2):

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The surrounding enemies might kill the cyberdemon so I have a few spares lined up. The original idea was to leave the one in the lift alive so you can kill it once you get the plasma, but the whole thing has confused players so this whole setup is adjusted for RC3.


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Map21 RC2


How does the player get to secret sector 2217, and, if possible, when the Astral Arachnotron teleports to sector 2239, it just "dances around" and is no

threat at all ? Issue solved.

Edited by hawkwind

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