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Thirty Years with Doom - now on idgames

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The megawad is coming to an end and today I'm posting the penultimate part of playthrough of it. It contains maps:


Map27: Ymir's Blood by @Michael63 (I couldn't complete this map without saves but fortunately I managed to avoid deaths)

Map28: Megaslayer Doom by @BigMemka








Edited by RaRu Des2122

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On 2/25/2024 at 7:11 PM, Firedust said:

Now, I have a couple questions for you, guys (and I don't mean to sound greedy :p):


1. Are there any plans to make another one of these beauties for Doom 2's anniversary?


2. Has RD2INO (your version of doom 2 in name only) been abandoned? I remember I google translated a thread and you kept on adding more maps to the project (think it was over 20 maps at that point), and then it seemingly vanished :(


Good questions. What about RD2INO (Doom 2 in names only by RDC) - it seems to be abandoned. There were some discussions about this project in the beginning of this year at the forum of iddqd.ru, but the majority of active mappers think that i's better to start a new project. Now we are thinking about starting a new community project, but we have not decided yet, what exactly it will be. Perhaps, the next project will be dedicated to the anniversary of Doom 2, but it is also possible that it will be dedicated to the add-ons of this game (TNT, Plutonia and Perdition gate). Right now there is a competition taking place in the Russian Doom community, which lasts from January 3 to March 3. Some of our active mappers are busy by taking part in it. I think that the concept of the next project in our community will be formed after finishing this contest.

Edited by Michael63

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5 minutes ago, Michael63 said:


Good questions. What about RD2INO (Doom 2 in names only by RDC) - it seems to be abandoned. There were some discussions about this project in the beginning of this year at the forum of iddqd.ru, but the majority of active mappers think that i's better to start a new project. Now we are thinking about starting a new community project, but we have not decided yet, what exactly it will be. Perhaps, the next project will be dedicated to the anniversary of Doom 2, but it is also possible that it will be dedicated to the add-ons of this game (TNT, Plutonia and Perdition gate). Right now there is a competition taking place in the Russian Doom community, which lasts from January 3 to March 3. Some of our active mappers are busy by taking part in it. I think that the concept of the next project in our community will be formed after finishing this contest.

Big damn shame about R2DINO, screenshots looked lovely from what I remember - hopefully, you'll release whatever was left of the project at the time of abandonment, assuming such a consensus is reached. Excited for whatever you guys cook up next!

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I am a new player and not nearly as fast but I enjoy the game alot. I have been using keyboard and mouse here playing FreeDoom phase 2. I have Doom30years but have not started playing it yet.


-Best Wishes

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There are interim results after the first episode:




1) Map20: To the Shores of Hell by @Shadowman

2) Map23: Cyberdemon Factory by @GranitMaster, @BigMemka and @Michael63

3) Map29: CyberPit by @BigMemka




1) Map24: "Hopelessness" by @Mikle

2) Map27: remix of "Sign of Evil" by @silentzorah

3) Map30: "Somewhere Over the Horizon" by Mark Klem


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I'm like in map 6 and its hard but not like the hardest thing ive ever played but I feel like ive been through the machine everything up to this point has worn me down and I dont know how much longer I can go on.


So like 10/10 so far I'm having a pretty good time. Chaingunner you are so cool dude.

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3 hours ago, elborbahquarama said:

hey guys, did you also make a request to update the version on the archive? :o

Yes, the request was done and the files were sent on May 28. Now they are listed in the Incoming directory (IDGames Upload).

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11 hours ago, lirui1001 said:

Anyone knows maps changed in this update? Therefore I can check if my demos desync.

It appears that the following levels were changed in some way: 02, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 31.

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Does anyone have issues with MAP09? After killing the Spider Mastermind, nothing happens and I seem to be stuck in that chamber. Using Woof (latest dev snapshot from Github).

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Son of a mother. I was actually checking those walls, but somehow I must have missed that exact spot. A bit concealed maybe, but not totally invisible. Thanks for pointing it out. Sometimes these seemingly obvious triggers are hiding in plain sight for me. 

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