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What would be the worse game universe to be stuck in?

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[cities xl]. the traffic jams are horrendous, regular blackouts, water supply always not enough, garbage everywhere, not enough money to do anything, etc etc.

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1 hour ago, rita remton said:

[cities xl]. the traffic jams are horrendous, regular blackouts, water supply always not enough, garbage everywhere, not enough money to do anything, etc etc.


So Cities XL is basically Houston?


56 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. You just can't win in a world like that.


Having a truck that could defy the laws of physics would be good for a laugh for a couple of days, but yes the limited environment would get old real quick.

Edited by Murdoch

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1 hour ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. You just can't win in a world like that.

But atleast in that world SOMEONE would say to me "You're winner".

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As a rule, game worlds tend to be horrible places, because that's what makes them interesting. The setting is there to justify the game, after all, so if you live in that world, you live in a world that only exists so that people from outside the world can play a game... Just that alone would be terrifying, IMO, but then it gets worse.


Warhammer 40000's famous tagline is a perfect example: "in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war". WH40K is, at its core, a tactical battle game, so the entire universe exists to justify players doing all sorts of tactical battles. All the various factions exist so that players get more choice of who they fight as and who they fight against. The same applies to every game world: there's always a war, there's always a conspiracy, there's always a series of unsolved murders, there's always some creepy cannibal cult that's actually led by a monster from beyond the void.


Sci-fi worlds tend to be overtly dystopian, but  it's not like fantasy worlds, where you can't make ten steps outside of a town without being attacked by a monster, would be all that much better.

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6 hours ago, act said:

I was in a dark dungeon before. That was not a good time. Just stuck to my bottle of liquor. Was pretty lonely.

Was it the one with demon pigs or the other with mosquito vampires?

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1 hour ago, TasAcri said:

Being a test subject forever in Portal.


Especially given how unstable Glados is and you don't even get any cake!

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7 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. You just can't win in a world like that.

Incorrect, that's the one place where you never lose, forever You're Winner.




I would hate to be in Dragon Age, not only do you have confirmation that your Gods were real but have abandoned you but also when you found out you effectively made a real Satan.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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Warhammer 40K, probably. I don't know a lot about the lore but a universe filled to the brim with religious zealots and jingoist regimes doesn't sound like a good time.

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9 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. You just can't win in a world like that.

But... You're winner....!

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10 hours ago, BeachThunder said:

As much as I love the aesthetics of Scorn, something tells me it'd probably be a pretty bad place to live...


Sent from my fleshphone.

I think that comes down to how horny and utterly depraved you are

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Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.


The entire universe behaves like it has a serious chemical dependency disorder (or worse), and God forbid you bump into a table and knock something down, and attempt to place it back onto the table.  Just touching a spoon in someone else's house is enough to have everyone in the room screaming for the guards about a thief, and then having to cough up a decent sum of gold or go to jail.

Edited by vyruss

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I haven't seen anyone say this one so... yeah.



"But in the gaems you play as the jimy rinngs an is unstappabe end you haev funy vaicelinsl!!1!111/!!" Yeah, but if you look at it from another point of view:
Harvest: An agricultural world turned into molten rock, being the unfortunate first contact by the genocidal Covenant.

Reach: The most important colonized planet, turned into magma, and all Spartans went to die in the battle, with the exception of 117 and 058.

Earth: New Mombasa glassed into rock, billions died.

HALO Installations: Close to exterminating all life on the galaxy, basically a Big Bang.

Human casualties during the war: 23 Billion casualties, taking around half of the population.


And that was only the Covenant war, we still have the remnants (343i's fault) and the Banished.

If you were a human you would probably have a chance of being impaled by an energy sword, with your organs falling off (the novels are very detailed on this)...

But who cares about that if we have funny grunt voicelines!


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Warhammer ( not just 40k, Fantasy and AOS all suck to live in.)


Ready Or Not


Those are the ones on the top of my head. 


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1 minute ago, Midway64 said:


Fuck I missed that one!

It also doesnt help that the Flood exists.


Lets not also forget that ONI is a thing.

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Just now, MemeMind said:

Fuck I missed that one!

It also doesnt help that the Flood exists.


Lets not also forget that ONI is a thing.

Oh yeah, there's also the Flood and the ONI.


The Flood: They infect you, you are basically in constant agony and they can use your memories as a source of information, as all Flood are connected into one.

ONI: Goddamn fuckers, they abducted children for the Spartan II and III programs, they do coverups, and they go around saying you are now ONI property... what the fuck does that mean?! Am I a slave now or have I become a simple NFT to them?!

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Google Earth VR: This "Earth" place looks miserable and boring as shit, why would anyone want to live there?

Edited by Mr Masker

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probably not the worst, but as much as i enjoy Blood, living in it would be pretty fucked. you either get killed by the Cabal and raised as a zombie/left on the floor/hanged up on a chain as decoration, or you join them and get blown up by Caleb (and/or your own cultmates' shitty tnt throw) or you don't join them and get blown up by Caleb anyway. and on the off chance you hide away somewhere in a comfy victorian mansion, there's a 100% chance it's haunted and full of big spiders but i guess that happens in real life too


additionally as a woman i feel obligated to mention the Duke Nukem universe from Duke3D onward. yknow. you either get captured by aliens or get hit on by duke

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Super Mario Bros: You can get turned into a brick, or god forbid, a horsehair plant. And if you're a Koopa Troopa, all you do is run back and forth (or just forward) until you die.

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2 hours ago, MemeMind said:

Warhammer ( not just 40k, Fantasy and AOS all suck to live in.)

In Warhammer Fantasy, no matter what human nation you belong to you are fucked.


The Empire: You live in constant superstition and squalor while Beastmen stalk the woods and Skaven lurk from under you.

Bretonnia: You are a shuffling peasant forced to do petty work for your lord for life. God forbid if you live near Athel Loren, because every once in a while some Wood Elves would just fuck with you. 

Kislev: You will be drafted to fight the ever growing forces of chaos in the north. If the cold doesn't kill you first. 

Cathay: You are just a rice farmer forced to fight chaos hordes in the north, Dark Elf raiders in the east,  and Ogres and Orcs in the West.


You will get enslaved by Dark Elfs for rituals and Enslaved by Chaos Dwarfs to be put in the mines and factories. 

A Slaan will decide that the place you lives should be moved by a mile and destroys your home. 

Nurgle or Skaven will unleash a plague every year. 

You would get captured by ogres for not paying them enough and now you are their dinner. 


Once your dead you may just be raised from the dead from a Vampire or Necromancer. 


The worst part of living in Warhammer Fantasy...

Games Workshop will decide you arent profitable enough and now the world is ending.

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7 hours ago, Naarok0fkor said:

Was it the one with demon pigs or the other with mosquito vampires?

No, it was one with a bunch of guys in polyurithane dog masks.

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The world of INCISION, where the evocation of an unholy "flesh god" turned everything into a rotting mess of rusty steel and flesh, inhabitated only by soulless drones and gruesome monsters.


Edited by Tetzlaff

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