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2023 Missed Cacowards - Any WADs you'd like to share?


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So, the 2023 Cacowards have been out for a few days, but I'm curious; Are there any WADs/mods you feel that deserved the spotlight, or at least a mention but didn't? I don't mind this year's selection, but I'm curious if there's any others you can think of. Personally, I think @Pistoolkip's Wood5ForLife could have gotten a bit of a spotlight, as it's a very impressive WAD for only using one texture, and shows off how great texture alignment can be in the right hands.


Edited by Roebloz
missing words

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7 minutes ago, baja blast rd. said:

myhouse -- it only got a tiny blurb omg

wtf and no Brutal Doom not even a runner up bs

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11 minutes ago, baja blast rd. said:

myhouse -- it only got a tiny blurb omg

God i know right, MyHouse.WAD should've got Cacoaward of the century! God damn.

Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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You see, if you click on the the corrupted more you get a GIANT Myhouse page

11 minutes ago, baja blast rd. said:

myhouse -- it only got a tiny blurb omg


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I wanted to share my Heretic RPG called Blighted Aura Land of Parthoris, it is supposed to feature stuff from Hexen 2 and Heretic 2, including an RPG mechanism, 6 classes and more.

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That blurb got me at first, figured the glitch text just led to the thread where you download it, assumed it was a weird joke where everyone already knows about the wad and everything to do with it by now.


Thanks to that dedicated page for it though, I found out Lilith has a GZDoom 'sequel'.

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ICHINICHI and DOOMKID.WAD were some of my favourite wads of the year.


ICHINICHI for being a classic style megawad, but was interesting and fun throughout.

DOOMKID.WAD for having an awesome colour palette and really fun short slaughter style maps.


I'm glad that Jaded got a shoutout though. :)

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It is a shame that NERF wad didn't get here. Such a blast, unique style, and its NIGHTMARE!

didn't even got mention, smh

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always felt this came a lil short. updated it for 3 years. Its a fun splatterfest with tons of content and secrets. 4 classes, a big Campaign with 37 Maps, new enemies and its fully compatible with almost all addons/wads.









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47 minutes ago, WSADKO said:

It is a shame that NERF wad didn't get here. Such a blast, unique style, and its NIGHTMARE!

didn't even got mention, smh

It is not finished yet, only two out of three episodes are released as of now.

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34 minutes ago, DerTimmy said:

always felt this came a lil short. updated it for 3 years. Its a fun splatterfest with tons of content and secrets. 4 classes, a big Campaign with 37 Maps, new enemies and its fully compatible with almost all addons/wads.

Agree with the above. Space cats saga is amazing. It also might hold the record for largest art gallery in a doom mod (Seriously, press F1 and you get like 50+ pages of high quality, custom art).


-Pvt Stone: A really awesome weapon/melee mod by Skelegant. It's still being added onto and I think you'll be able to throw rocks in the next version.


-PUSS XXIV: Lover's Quarrel : Mappers have exhausted making maps around all the major holidays so they go and make a 27 level Valentine day themed megawad. Let that sink in. A Valentine day themed megawad. Not just map pack. MEGAWAD based on valentine day for doom. It is speedmapping so it doesn't have the same polish of a TNT2 or Evitenity, but still. Valentine day themed megawad.


DBP, PUSS, DBK. So many of these speedmaping groups doing quirky map themes, it's hard to keep track.

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31 minutes ago, BluePineapple72 said:

it would be nice for my PUSS to get a trophy :)


There might not technically be a first place winner for the Cacowards, but we're not far off from seeing PUSS XXX, and depending on where you look, they don't normally rate things any higher than that.

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For me i want to mention Theme GAWAD #1 the community project i was in. I am surprised it wasn't mentioned once this year. I would've mentioned it or said "+1" to it but i held off because since i made two maps in it i didn't know if that counted or not.


It was a great project i'm happy i got to be apart of and i learned from it to spark my own solo ultimate doom wad.


Overall for me I felt like Theme GAWAD #1 should've gotten a shoutout or a mention this year...but that is not up to me, it's for the community to choose

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2 hours ago, Doomkid said:

It did get a mention, but Abscission is one of the best wads I've played in years. It certainly belongs in the discussion when it comes to best vanilla megawads, particularly best solo-author megawads of all time, without a doubt. There's no other Doom wad in existence with a soundtrack like that, either. I see it remaining one of my favorites for years to come.

I will agree Snax's Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 wad are really good, i am glade Abscission got thrown up there it deserved it. Her ultimate doom wad Stickeny Installation was a huge inspiration for me to give Doom 1 mapping a shot and i am not slowing down with it either.


I still hold Snax as a respected mapper along side others i've worked with in a project and got to know a bit. Someday i would love to do a mega wad set with her and get idea's for making maps.

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32 minutes ago, BluePineapple72 said:

How I feel about my PUSS too has changed over the past year. I does seem that when I opened PUSS up back in 2020, the way I held it and passed it around lent towards PUSS releases being pretty sloppy. I'm pretty confident in my saying that PUSS has gotten very tight. And despite myself and the team constantly putting out it pleases me greatly to say that the PUSS has yet to get dry.


Very glad to see PUSS get a mention in 23more, though one day it would be nice for my PUSS to get a trophy :)


Seconded~! BluePinnaple's PUSS has indeed gotten very tight~! Innundo's aside, I really enjoyed what I played of Lunacy and Lover's Quarrel! Also while it's not from this year, Mysterious Mayan Madness was fantastic as well! Can't recommend the PUSS series enough!

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43 minutes ago, BluePineapple72 said:

I know it's a tad taboo for one to talk about their things in a thread like this, but I really just wanted to talk about my PUSS.


PUSS has gotten pretty wide as of late and has had a rotating door of regulars and virgins coming in and out if it. Word about PUSS has been spreading too, so a lot of gamers have had a chance to try some PUSS too, which is always nice; the more people getting into PUSS the better.


How I feel about my PUSS too has changed over the past year. I does seem that when I opened PUSS up back in 2020, the way I held it and passed it around lent towards PUSS releases being pretty sloppy. I'm pretty confident in my saying that PUSS has gotten very tight. And despite myself and the team constantly putting out it pleases me greatly to say that the PUSS has yet to get dry.


Very glad to see PUSS get a mention in 23more, though one day it would be nice for my PUSS to get a trophy :)



I choked on my drink laughing, thanks

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54 minutes ago, BluePineapple72 said:

pleases me greatly to say that the PUSS has yet to get dry


Nothing worse than dry PUSS.

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Desecration of Memory which dropped early this year. There's a sort of Escher maze puzzle that'll probably make most people pull their hair out but the atmosphere is top-notch and the way the map transitions from the sort of claustrophobic environment it starts out in is surprisingly effective. It's definitely far less cryptic than the more puzzly maps of something like Old Still Life I'd say. It would be a great one to do a review on at least (and who knows, maybe I actually will some day!) Also, the music kind of sounds like something out of the underappreciated mapper Handsome Fridge's oeuvre, and it mastefully underpins the experience! 

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8 hours ago, Roebloz said:

Personally, I think @Pistoolkip's Wood5ForLife could have gotten a bit of a spotlight

This was published too late to contend with this year's Cacowards.


2 hours ago, BeetBeardTheBrave said:

I wish the Jamal Jones Set got some more love.

Jamal Jones got a very lovely write-up in the 2022 Cacowards. It's also still not finished as of today. Who knows what will happen next year?


6 hours ago, WSADKO said:

It is a shame that NERF wad didn't get here.

It's not done yet. I'm sure it'll get mentioned in 2024, I'm also really looking forward to it!


5 hours ago, CherubCorps said:

-PUSS XXIV: Lover's Quarrel : Mappers have exhausted making maps around all the major holidays so they go and make a 27 level Valentine day themed megawad.

32 Maps even, it was a full megawad! O well, who knows. We still have to release the standalone resource pack for others to make Valentine's Day stuff with in the future. Who knows if this ultimate expression of PUSS love will get a mention then ;)

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10 hours ago, Roebloz said:

So, the 2023 Cacowards have been out for a few days, but I'm curious; Are there any WADs/mods you feel that deserved the spotlight, or at least a mention but didn't? I don't mind this year's selection, but I'm curious if there's any others you can think of. Personally, I think @Pistoolkip's Wood5ForLife could have gotten a bit of a spotlight, as it's a very impressive WAD for only using one texture, and shows off how great texture alignment can be in the right hands.




But that WAD came out long after the Cacowards deadline. So if you truely feel it is deserving, nominate it for next year.

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