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What are your personal best DOOM achievements?

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Since I've always been a person that loves to challenge himself, I've been wondering what kinds of things other people have accomplished as well. I'm talking about Doom 1 & 2, Plutonia and basically any other wads that exist. What's the most difficult thing you've been able to beat in Doom?


I have my own youtube channel (OneDoomedAngelo) that is pretty unknown these days, but I've done some pretty hard stuff there. Some examples are:

-Winter's Fury on Nightmare difficulty (although with savestates)

-Plutonia with Colourful Monsters mod on Ultra Violence

-beating the final map of Stronghold: On the Edge of Chaos on my first ever attempt on Ultra Violence


But my latest big achievement, which I had to grind for several days, was beating the map Dead.Air without using any other weapons besides the starting pistol. There are a few very tight encounters where one mistake can cost you your life. And to be fair, I did end up dying at the VERY end which made me pretty mad, but it was only due to a dumb mistake, after all enemies were already killed. So I just decided to post this anyways.



But enough about me; I wanna hear what you guys' biggest achievements are!

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Probably beating E1M3 on Nightmare...yeah that isn't that impressive but that map is when Nightmare really starts to lay into you!

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19 minutes ago, THT said:

Probably beating E1M3 on Nightmare...yeah that isn't that impressive but that map is when Nightmare really starts to lay into you!

You mean on a consecutive run, or with pistol start? Been a long time since I played the original maps but if I remember right, it is loaded with Shotgun Zombies, isn't it?

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Nothing fancy, maybe the most difficult Doom thing I've done is beating Ultimate Doom + Doom 2, on ultra violence, pistol starting all levels and 100% kills + 100% secrets.

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19 hours ago, Azafran said:

Nothing fancy, maybe the most difficult Doom thing I've done is beating Ultimate Doom + Doom 2, on ultra violence, pistol starting all levels and 100% kills + 100% secrets.

We all gotta start somewhere! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/12/2023 at 8:07 PM, bowserknight said:

You mean on a consecutive run, or with pistol start? Been a long time since I played the original maps but if I remember right, it is loaded with Shotgun Zombies, isn't it?

It's just got a brutal opening hub with the fast pinkies and, yes, the shotgun guys. Yeah I mean consecutive run...M1 and M2 are't too bad.

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mine is a rather small achievement - after all the years playing classic doom, i finally started publicly publish my own doom maps this year :)

Edited by rita remton

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4 minutes ago, Captain POLAND said:

Probably getting past the first room in Okuplok on UV without using saves.



lol... I don't even have the patience to make it through the beginning. Good job

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My best achievement is realizing how much I relax and enjoy the game at "I'm too young to die" and don't have to care to be as good as you all insane players, trying and stressing at "Ultra Violence". Done with all that.

Edited by CacoKnight

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quite recent, I made my first custom weapon sprite! Granted, it's a simple reskin of the default pistol, but I am still really happy with it!


The specific sprite I modified comes from Tango's Minicharge, which will be featured alongside wad I'm making.

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