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Gameplay mod meant to be used with gzdoom, currently only modifies Ultimate Doom content but works with Doom 2.


Inspired by Doom Eternal enemy analysis videos on YouTube, main goal of this mod is to give monsters more abilities, mostly copied from other entries in the series like Doom Eternal, Doom 3 and various spin-off games (mighty doom, doom rpg), while keeping things fairly simple.

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/jxfmr0jfyntjcv9/CoolDoom.pk3/file

Let me know if there are any issues.


General changes:

-every demon aside from Doom 2 ones has been given one or several new abilities

-all weapons (aside from super shotgun) have some sort of alt-fire now (mouse2 by default)

-autoaim has been disabled on all weapons

-all weapons have been given vertical spread

-improved positioning of some demon projectiles (cacodemon doesn’t shoot from his nose and cyberdemon doesn’t shoot from his groin anymore)

-changed spectres invisibility and visuals

-all projectile-shooting monsters now occasionally fire projectiles at slightly different angle (barely noticeable)


New monster abilities:



-throwing faster moving projectile after longer pause, similar to imps in doom eternal

-throwing barrage of weaker projectiles in arc, similar to imps in mighty doom


-firing more accurate shot after longer pause

-blind firing several shots left and right

Shotgun Guy:

-firing more accurate shot after longer pause

-firing three less accurate shots in a row (same as your shotgun alt attack)


-changing at player after a short pause


-three quick melee attacks in a row

Lost Soul:

-three quick attacks in a row

-it can now melee


-spitting out bigger projectile after longer pause

-shooting out three weaker projectiles in a row from his eye

Baron of Hell:

-he becomes faster and more aggressive once his health drops 50%


-shooting out several rockets in arc

-he will sometimes shoot out a single rocket rather than three

-if you get too close to him he will perform stomp attack, dealing damage in radius

Spider demon:

-saturating area in front of him with chaingun fire after a short pause (he doesn’t turn during pause nor during shooting, dodge!)

-blind firing left and right

-occasionally leaping left, right and even lunging at you while dealing damage in radius where he lands


Weapon changes:



-higher attack speed

alt-fire: slower punch that deals more damage


-it’s more accurate

alt-fire: shoots way faster but is way less accurate


alt-fire: three inaccurate shots in a row after a short pause


alt-fire: charges forward after a short pause


-it requires short wind-up time to fire

alt-fire: longer wind-up time but fires twice as fast

Rocket launcher:

alt-fire: fires three slow moving homing rockets in a row

Plasma Rifle:

alt-fire: shoots out a ring of short-range projectiles, uses 15 cells


alt-fire: shoots out BFG tracers directly from your position, uses slightly less ammo


To do:

-add changes to Doom 2 content

-fix fist sprite

Edited by LukeGaming

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gonna play this then edit my comment to rate it


EDIT: Pretty cool! if you decide to ever make another one, try modding some sprites too and adding sound effects

i might use this mod along with others sometime...


Edited by Patrick_Plays_Doom

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25 minutes ago, Patrick_Plays_Doom said:

gonna play this then edit my comment to rate it


EDIT: Pretty cool! if you decide to ever make another one, try modding some sprites too and adding sound effects

i might use this mod along with others sometime...


I plan on adding sprites for things like Imps charged attack or Cyberdemons stomp in next update. Thanks for review!

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11 minutes ago, LukeGaming said:

I plan on adding sprites for things like Imps charged attack or Cyberdemons stomp in next update. Thanks for review!

if you ever end up adding sprite i just might make the review a 7/10!, since usually custom weapons go best with custom sprites

Edited by Patrick_Plays_Doom

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