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[My first WAD] Same sh*t, different day

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Hello, everyone!

I've been a Doom fanatic, particularly Project Brutality for many years now, so I've gotten an urge to do my part and be a part of this wonderful creative community.


Two weeks ago, I've installed the latest Doom Builder and with a help of YouTube and some tutorials I've found online, I've started to work on my first map.

I might've gotten carried away a bit, because i ended up with a 4 level WAD for Doom II: "Same shit, different day". 


Whole project was an opportunity for me to learn the basics of scripting, such as door opening, elevators, mob spawning, MAPINFO, teleports and such.


WAD was created and tested using the latest GZDOOM with PB 3.0

Maps are in UDMF format.

There is no music.


I've used textures from Quake 2, Zoon, OTEX, and the original release of Doom.

For the level pack to work smoothly, you need to run the SSDD file and the TEXTURES Q2 file simultaneously.


Slade often refused to cooperate when it came to transferring textures from Quake 2, always pointing out some "missing" elements.


I appreciate your interest, and have fun with my levels!




LINK: https://mega.nz/file/Mr8RFAyS#dwvQ0FlsJqS_XUq8WXQR1l4hOy6eQOSdvyN8YSD5Brk









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