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Which custom monster have you seen most often in various WADs?


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The 1000 HP cyberdemon. I mean specifically as a recolored enemy that exists alongside the regular cyberdemon, so not counting HP nerfs to the regular cyber. That one has become very common. Understandably because it's a very good enemy. Also because "challenge wads" tend to share ideas; if you get really familiar with a concept from one wad, you don't want to start from scratch in the next. 


That almost feels too easy so I'm thinking about second place. This is an interesting question because what it is really measuring is "out of the enemy classes that are popular, which tend to have similar implementations from wad to wad?" 


For example, buffed imps are very common as an enemy class. But there are a lot of different sprites for buffed imps that get used, and there's quite a lot of range in buffed imp behavior. Many don't even fire imp projectiles. So most of those register as different enemies. Buffed cacos and buffed HKs (that fire regular projectiles) are very varied enemy classes too.


But for a rocket-firing hell noble, just about everyone uses the familiar cybruiser sprite and makes it fire a rocket attack of some kind. If you want an explosive zombie, there's the familiar yodeling kamikaze bomber, which blows up at point blank. And arachnorbs are pretty common. All of those usually have different implementations too (Tarnsman's Projectile Hell's kamikaze is fancy and emanates a ring of projectiles around it when it blows up), but they register as the same monster. I'm not sure, but it might be the cybruiser out of wads I've played, because of the popularity of that sprite for that enemy niche. I've also played plenty of more obscure wads with cybruisers, like Lunar Laceration. 

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if nerfs to regular enemies count i'd have to argue that lost souls having their health reduced is insanely common


for fully custom enemies, im not sure... Probably variations of zombiemen like SSG Zombies

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Has to be that Dehacked Afrit from Scythe 2, alongside its rapid-fire Plasma Zombie buddy.

It's a tie-in between the two and I'm honestly tired of both of them lmao

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I've always been a bit puzzled by the popularity of the monster based on some Q3A alien or something, you know, the Catharsi. Due to carrying a gun it never felt like it really fit in Doom. Demons don't wield weapons, they only use guns if those are directly grafted to their body.

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the serious sam-style exploding zombieman (i feel like we should avoid calling them s****** bomber or whatever) is in a lot of popular wads, I'd have to say that was #1. it usually signifies a WAD with a lot of effort put into it that is completely the opposite of what I like about doom :))))))))

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I didn't play a lot of wads, much less with custom monsters, but out of the ones mentioned here, I've used arachnorbs and chainsaw zombies, so that's +1 to them, I guess.

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21 hours ago, LukeGaming said:

s there some custom monster from place like realm667

Aside from the dark imp

I've also seen hostile marines quite often

Well maybe zombified marines

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21 hours ago, Terminus said:

Has to be that Dehacked Afrit from Scythe 2, alongside its rapid-fire Plasma Zombie buddy.

It's a tie-in between the two and I'm honestly tired of both of them lmao


Agreed. Although I would say that Resurgence did a good job at tweaking them. The movement speed of Plasma Marines is much more reasonable and the Afrits have half the health that they have in Scythe 2. Resurgence probably has the best balanced variations of those 2 enemies out of all the wads I have played.

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16 hours ago, yakfak said:

the serious sam-style exploding zombieman (i feel like we should avoid calling them s****** bomber or whatever) is in a lot of popular wads, I'd have to say that was #1. it usually signifies a WAD with a lot of effort put into it that is completely the opposite of what I like about doom :))))))))

while there's a lot of variety in the category, exploding enemies are actually a very common type of custom enemy and have been for a long time. two early examples of it that i can think of are the rocket troopers from obituary (who oftentimes do kill themselves by accident, they may as well be explode on contact) and the walking barrels from beyond doom. i'm sure there's other examples as well but those are the two main ones i can think of off the top of my head

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On 12/17/2023 at 4:32 AM, ak47fu2 said:

I tend to end up seeing the realm667 dark imp in alot of mods that I play. 

I had no iddea someone else had a monster named darkimp that's something I come up with for the (mega)wad that Im making I actually took it from one of my older wads that I made that was never published,,,,,,the imp shoots 2 dark blue plasma balls at the same time that damage really bad and their health is biger too....Sprites was self made too PF7  batch processing at the time IIRC I d been using XWE back then as well good times....One sprite example below I just wonder if it looks similar to the realm667 Darkimp by any means?I couldnt get the web site to open it don't display the page properly there's nothing related to the dark imp on the page for some reason


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I have some few new monsters that will be gradually introduced as you progress thru the (mega)wad those are DarkKnight which is a hell knight version that has really painful fireball attack and those fireballs are chasers like the revenant's chaser missile, then there is SuperShotguy which is a zombie guy with SSG that acts exactly like your ordinary SSG would the damage is exactly the same and the poisonous spider whose poison that they spit has sort of a radius and it can damage you if it hits the wall near you don' t have to hit you directly...Ill add more with time and also I plan to introduce other weapons in the map secret areas but those weapons will be just to sort of aesthetically please the player and make them smile not something you would seriously use throughout the wad

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I have seen the Afrit and the Suicide Bomber used a lot, which is fair enough as they are iconic enemies.


On 12/17/2023 at 1:32 AM, ak47fu2 said:

I tend to end up seeing the realm667 dark imp in alot of mods that I play. 

An old ZDoom tradition :)

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1 hour ago, candyman64 said:

I had no iddea someone else had a monster named darkimp that's something I come up with for the (mega)wad that Im making I actually took it from one of my older wads that I made that was never published,,,,,,the imp shoots 2 dark blue plasma balls at the same time that damage really bad and their health is biger too....Sprites was self made too PF7  batch processing at the time IIRC I d been using XWE back then as well good times....One sprite example below I just wonder if it looks similar to the realm667 Darkimp by any means?I couldnt get the web site to open it don't display the page properly there's nothing related to the dark imp on the page for some reason


Does look to be similar. These are the realm667. Dark imps: 


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12 hours ago, ak47fu2 said:

Does look to be similar. These are the realm667. Dark imps: 


Wow well they look more profesionally edited...damn what the hell

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47 minutes ago, candyman64 said:

Wow well they look more profesionally edited...damn what the hell

Maybe they were a edited version of the ones that you had before.

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17 minutes ago, ak47fu2 said:

Maybe they were a edited version of the ones that you had before.

I dont think that's the case I had this idea in my mind of a buffed imp that spits dark blue plasma balls a long while ago for one of my older non-mega wads that never was released: and the old version that I made back then they were dropping plasma cells ammo upon death but i removed it for this (mega)wad Im working on because I think it makes no sense because they like synthesize the plasma biologically and then just shoot it so yeah..

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Dark Imps who shoot Caco fireballs from their hands. Otherwise, it would go something 1000 HP Cyberdemons, afrits, rocket zombies, baby cacos and after that, it gets kind of unimportant.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've only played around 10 wads so far, only since 2022, but Cybruisers/the Annihilator have appeared in 40% of them.

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Honestly I've found the most common monster used with relatively the same abilities is the Afrit and the Soul Harvester.

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Cyber Barons... strangely common Eviternity 1/2, Heartland, NoSP3 off the top of my head!

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