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What do you want to see in the next Doom game?


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What do you want to see in the next Doom game? Do you want the Spiderdemon/Spider Mastermind to make a comeback? Do you want a new enemy? Or do you want a GODAMN FIXED MARAUDER!? Leave your thoughts below on what you want in the next Doom game! (:

Edited by DiceByte
Not enough context

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Like a lot of stuff, whether it's another Slayer game or a different version of the series. (i even posted some ideas in certain threads)

Because the 2016 SMM shoots plasma, i think they'd have to think really hard on making it a super heavy enemy alongside the Arachnotron.

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Why can't we genuinely have a good doom game? Honest to God. I just want to shoot demons in epic fashion. Not all this bloated modern gaming bs shit shoved up my ass. 

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  • 3 months later...

Been having some thoughts about Crash and how she could be integrated to the modern Doom series.

Because i still think it’d be cool if she had her own expansion/campaign as a modern Doom entry.

Just imagine her going through a journey like Doomguy did where she goes to the modern Doom universe and she gets her own set of weapons with their own weapon mods, her inventory items, movement/agility related abilities, power ups, even face different kinds of demons, bosses and level design challenges.

Maybe even her own Praetor suit even if she’s still not in the same level as the Slayer.

Like an expansion with more content than TAG and almost like a “smaller” game (Maybe similar to Old Blood for Wolfenstein TNO).

And another excuse to add more new ideas to the Slayer games’ formula.


And it got me thinking: She’d be from the same universe as the classic Doomguy... maybe.

So think of that, then also how the D64 re-release had new levels to adhere to the new lore.

Imagine if id made a “prequel” for Crash to tie into her Slayer game, by making it a classic Doom episode (Essentially, another official wad like Final Doom, NRFTL etc).


It could raise a lot of questions:

* Custom HUD face: Would they give her a face or would she still use a helmet with a screen static effect?

* Besides changing the hands to resemble hers instead of Doomguy's, what else would the weapon sprites look like.

* Would there be new MIDI tracks and textures for walls, flats and skies?

* Would there be new enemies, even if tied to some limitations?

I can imagine some like a Hellhound that’s just a smaller Pinky with less health and more speed or a Gargoyle that’s just a mix of an Imp and Caco.

And even a “Plasma rifle zombie” but not sure if even Dehacked allows a new enemy to drop a different kind of gun besides the base Zombiemen.

Guess it depends on the most basic ideas for demons that existed in both Doom and fanmade content, like general ideas anyone could think of.

(Or even “backporting” enemies from later games into classic Doom but it’d probably work best with only some unless they use a certain engine or version of to see what they'd came up with and even what a certain demon would look like in a different art style etc)

* Player sprites are another thing too, specially how you view them besides co-op/DM or ripping sprites from the fame. I always thought it’d be cool if a Doom game had a “gallery mode” to preserve concept art and even show off obscure/hidden details in some sprites or just off anything just to please the OCD part of my brain.


Either way, not only would Crash get her own classic Doom adventure, another thing is how it’s available.

Besides the Unity port, imagine if Crash’s campaign also had a HUB area like Fortress of Doom and she had her own computer she could play her megawad/TC in.

And if Doomguy had to type FLYNNTAGGART, i guess Crash would type ARLENESANDERS (But if id ever does this port idea again, i’d like to see STANBLAZKOWICZ and KIRAMORGAN next time).


And because Doomguy has access to his classic skin, imagine Crash also having an alt skin based off a classic female UAC armor (As in, if her main skin is something Sentinel/Praetor related).

And of course, a Q3A inspired skin like QC has for Doomguy.


Basically, a set of ideas to establish her role in the Doom universe they present

Maybe the same can apply to Phobos.

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A real open world FPS. Lots of vehicles & mechas should be natural with lots of different monster types & variations. Add demons inspired by HP Lovecraft & HR Giger. A huge armory. Let the players decide on the armor type they want to wear to get a balance between speed/jumping & toughness, the armor bonus should become a shield generator bonus instead. Get some action on widely different world types including different hellish environments & 0g action. Stay away from story lines. Have a lot of mission types that can be arranged in scenarios of a couple of missions or longer campaigns. Keep the interface simple. Adding starship dogfighting against fleets of space demons would be a plus. An endless universe to explore has been way overdue ever since the 90's. Doom+Wing commander privateers would have been a god-send. Star Wars dropped the ball on open world action for too long. ID software can do better than Star citizen...for far less $$$...

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Doom nowadays isn't exactly Doom. They've got a pretty great thing going, but the two games play more like a successor to Quake 4 if anything. Just compare the alternate fire/zoom function of the assault rifle, you guys will see what I mean. The series is definitely in a good spot, but I guess I'll just leave a series of specific complaints. Most of them have more to do with Bethesda jank than actual gameplay though, lol:

  • Get rid of the software-rendered pointers in the menu screens, they lag behind the actual movement of the mouse by a full 1-2 seconds. Every single Bethesda game has this issue. There's one potential "fix" in just making the menus render at 60fps instead of being locked to 30fps as all Bethesda menus are, but the real solution to the issue would just be the same one we've had since the 90's: don't do it in software at all.
  • Allow rebinding of menu keys. In Doom 4, the respawn menu required you to push whatever you've got bound to the "jump" key. I use the middle input of my 3-button mouse, personally. In Doom Eternal, they actually REGRESSED by just hard-binding this to space completely, so every time I want to respawn, I've got to lift my hand from the mouse. There's also other little issues, like my forward (E) key skipping, or scrolling a page-right through menus. There's a billion key config pages already, it really wouldn't hurt to add one more.
  • I know they actually wanted people to use multiplayer this time around, but the Slayer standing on the podium, along with all of the discord adverts and whatever on the main menu and the endless stream of "YOU UNLOCKED: POINTLESS CUSTOMISATION ITEM!" every damn time I launch the game seriously gets on my nerves. Having to wait for that "Bethesda.net" sign-in is annoying too, especially considering I don't even want to touch the multiplayer mode 90% of the time I launch the game.
  • Also related to multiplayer, and for obvious ($) reasons it's never going to happen, but it would be nice to be able to run a server on my own damn computer again. A finger-able, Gamespy/Quake protocol compatible server that you can just use your computer or a master server to check whether there's any players on beforehand, without having to launch the game. No game outside of Team Fortress 2 has designed a sane multiplayer matchmaking system, and I personally think they're deliberately designed to make actually finding a game in a variety of different modes completely impossible, because they WANT a game to be dead as soon as its sequel is out.
  • Why did Eternal leave out the option to disable anti-aliasing (through the config menu)? The blur it creates is so damn ugly.


1 hour ago, whatup876 said:

* Custom HUD face: Would they give her a face or would she still use a helmet with a screen static effect?

I like to think she's a cyborg who got her entire head blasted off. I think there might have been something about that in the manual...

As for Phobos (and just what kind of name IS that anyway?), I know he's black and all, but I think that the intended concept for his character is to be the zombie of the guy who dies at the end of Episode 1.


1 hour ago, Naarok0fkor said:

A real open world FPS. Lots of vehicles & mechas should be natural with lots of different monster types & variations. Add demons inspired by HP Lovecraft & HR Giger. A huge armory. Let the players decide on the armor type they want to wear to get a balance between speed/jumping & toughness, the armor bonus should become a shield generator bonus instead. Get some action on widely different world types including different hellish environments & 0g action. Stay away from story lines. Have a lot of mission types that can be arranged in scenarios of a couple of missions or longer campaigns. Keep the interface simple. Adding starship dogfighting against fleets of space demons would be a plus. An endless universe to explore has been way overdue ever since the 90's. Doom+Wing commander privateers would have been a god-send. Star Wars dropped the ball on open world action for too long. ID software can do better than Star citizen...for far less $$$...

What? You want a DOOM-THEMED Elite clone?? The more times I re-read this, the more intense my headache gets.

Edited by houston
bullet formatting fail

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You know how there's concept art for DE of a melee weapon shaped like the Slayer's mark?

It made me wonder: What about a weapon shaped after the UAC logo?

Because historically, they have 3 symbols:

  • Classic
  • Doom 3
  • 2016

And i thought about 3 ideas for a UAC symbol shaped weapon:

  • A mine, like a Kinematic/Proximity mine.
  • A “disc”-like weapon, probably a boomerang sort of (i once wrote about the Sentinels having a “Doomerang”)
  • A flying drone that attacks enemies on its own.

If we were to associate each role with each version:

  • 2016 has a symbol that’s even animated to rotate, so the “disc” role could be for that (it’d suit those concept arts of the equipment launcher where one cannon looked like it’d shoot a disc-like thing).
  • D3 could be like a small flying space ship-looking thing resembling the symbol and as a homage to the D3 turret drones.
  • I guess that leaves the proximity mine role for the classic logo. Maybe make it a laser tripbomb/C4 where a laser comes from the corner of the triangle aiming right (Also like an homage to DN3D).

Alternatively, have one act as an “electric” mine like those hazards in Mars Core.

Or even as a small floating platform, like something the player throws and then stands on top of, to go up to higher places (One idea i had for a playable Samuel Hayden even mentioned the “creation” of platforms for platforming reasons).

Or even something setting off an energy shield wall.

looks so cool.jpg

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Idk man I just don’t want any of that upgrade points crap. I wanna mow down demons not grind to max my stats. Also have a decent boss fight. And no marauder, hate that guy

Edited by ALilGrayBoi

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8 hours ago, Immistyerwaslost said:

I'm a bit late but I'd love variants for demons. 

Me too, since i even wrote ideas about variations like the Plasma Rev, "techless" Arachnotron with purple goo webs, "cyber" Prowler that gets buffed with plasma etc.

Obviously copying others and partially taken from somewhere else.

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